No they are, they're willingly engaging in hiring children to fight for their own selfish cause and have committed so many human rights violations throughout the course of the series that I don't understand how anyone can go outright and try to protect Tekkadan and even support their actions throughout the course of the series.
It is such an oxymoron that for a group that despises being used and treated like human garbage and disposable resources, that they hire and utilize the same tactics on the propaganda that it's for their sake and future. And somehow that makes it okay, just cause we're kids too? That Orga willingly puts children under 12 at risk, at war, just for their own selfish ideals.
You see, I forgot where Tekkadan goes out and buys slaves and force them into servitude in order to service their needs.
Is it completely okay for go on a temper tantrum of revenge when other parties in the series that face the same kind of losses and are caught in the fire aren't going out killing members of other organizations?
And yet your conveniently underselling that Jasley was murdering in his own coworkers in order to make a powergrab for himself. Or the Gjallahorn that you keep trying to prop up attempted to murder the CGS members all in the name of getting rid of a potential Political Threat. But naw, total double standard on Tekkadan's part for having the gall to fight back.
Are these the actions of a legitimate group, recognized by world leaders and governments? No. This is state sponsored terrorism by a faction of the current leading police group of the series universe, Ghallarjorn.
And this is where I officially call bullshit. Your entire stance relies on the basis of sweeping all of Gjallahorn's multiple war crimes under the rug because they're a sanctioned military task force.
You're arguing under this misguided belief that the narrative, and fans, are treating Tekkadan like some type of Freedom Fighters, which is not case. They're cold-blooded killers, no one is denying it. But trying to spin it as they're the true villains of the series is a bunch of bullshit, sorry.