Dedication Through Light
People are going to get FUCKED this week!!!!
As long as Ride survives please anime writing godesses, let Ride experience joy and survival.
People are going to get FUCKED this week!!!!
so the new suit has officially been revealed. won't post the pic. but here is a link
warning. end game suit. don't click. if you don't want spoilers.
Reminds me of Hi-Nu. I love the new suit has officially been revealed. won't post the pic. but here is a link
warning. end game suit. don't click. if you don't want spoilers.
Reminds me of Hi-Nu. I love Hi-Nu.
Never expected Hush would be one of my favourites after his initial introduction, his relationship with Mika in the background of earlier episodes. I appreciated them starting the battle in media res, it's been a while since Tekkadan absolutely eviscerated an enemy force. Barbatos Rex looks absolutely demonic in motion and that tail is vicious, it fits the image of an unstoppable beast that slew Mobile Armor in the previous era. I'm looking forward to more time with McGillis next episode, I expect to have my face buried in my hands much like every other time he features heavily.
Never expected Hush would be one of my favourites after his initial introduction, his relationship with Mika in the background of earlier episodes. I appreciated them starting the battle in media res, it's been a while since Tekkadan absolutely eviscerated an enemy force. Barbatos Rex looks absolutely demonic in motion and that tail is vicious, it fits the image of an unstoppable beast that slew Mobile Armor in the previous era. I'm looking forward to more time with McGillis next episode, I expect to have my face buried in my hands much like every other time he features heavily.
Dude is literally Mika's (their ace pilots) protege.Yeah right.
Shino is the next. Guts will die in the finale and join Lafter's ghost or something. Mika is fucked for sure.
Everyone looking good for once!
Bud why did Tekkan feel like giving Lafter's giant robot to Hush, of all people?
Dude is literally Mika's (their ace pilots) protege.
Gundam IBO is free on Daisuki. Episodes are online an hour after the Japanese broadcast.Do I need Daisuki premium or whatever to be able to be caught up? It sucks being an episode behind on crunchyroll.
He's more like his human wheelchair, and Mika doesn't even like him anyway.
He's more like his human wheelchair, and Mika doesn't even like him anyway.
Bud why did Tekkan feel like giving Lafter's giant robot to Hush, of all people?
Gundam IBO is free on Daisuki. Episodes are online an hour after the Japanese broadcast.
Oh ok fuck this waiting shit then.
I like how someone was saying last week that Tekkadan are clearly not terrorists. Well, even if that was debatable before, they sure are terrorists now! Which was always my point, that such an organization takes advantage of the benefits and support they get from more legitimate sources, but when they feel the need to, they can break off those official contracts to do whatever they want. I love how the narrative keeps moving in that direction, to show that even with the best of intentions, people born in violence and who know no way other than to kill their way to their goals, will turn into the worst the world has to offer.
I'm not sure that's really true either. Chocoman is a seven star, he's not some random nobody and have decided to join his cause. This is like the UK contracting a paramilitary group to help in an European war (That they were formly in union with). They not terrorising a civilian or miltary operation. Nor are they part of some new upstart group.
This is a civil war and Tekkadan are official allies of one side of that civil war. There's no freedom fighting. This is a military coup.
I like how someone was saying last week that Tekkadan are clearly not terrorists. Well, even if that was debatable before, they sure are terrorists now! Which was always my point, that such an organization takes advantage of the benefits and support they get from more legitimate sources, but when they feel the need to, they can break off those official contracts to do whatever they want. I love how the narrative keeps moving in that direction, to show that even with the best of intentions, people born in violence and who know no way other than to kill their way to their goals, will turn into the worst the world has to offer.
Uh? come on, its like these years the fucking word "terrorist" is used for everything. There's plenty of terms for Tekkadan that apply more: militia, mercenaries, paramilitary (I think this is what's more close to it). Its not like is a new concept, learn a bit of history.
It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. Al Qaeda is a terrorist militia. Armed and supported by the CIA to fight against Russia in Afghanistan. Ultimately they turned on the US when their interests changed and were labeled terrorists. It's not like this is a new concept, learn a bit of history.
If you are going to try to be clever (and fail at it) at least pay more attention: in no part of my post I claimed that those terms are mutually exclusive, that's why I said "There's plenty of terms for Tekkadan that apply more".
I wouldn't be surprised if the term "terrorist" ends up losing any specific meaning in the future because a lot of people use it for everything.
They just mobilized and straight up murdered an entire fleet belonging to a legitimate business corporation, because the guy running it killed their friends. No law. No order. No justice. Just revenge.
I mean yeah, we all wanted the dude to die terribly, but let's not pretend Tekkadan are not terrorists who are employed by gangsters and revolutionaries to fight dirty wars here.
Legitimate my ass. It was a mob war. Every time a cartel goes to war with another cartel people don't start calling one cartel a terrorist group. tekkan were just as much a "legitimate" business as they were.
You seem to have a real problem with them being labelled terrorists. I mean, isn't that the entire point of the term to begin with? To use it to label groups which do things we disagree with to make them sound like some terrible enemy? There is no other "true" meaning behind the term. Tekkadan are terrorists. They murdered Jaslay Whateverhisnameis and his entire fleet, killing countless innocent children forced to defend him, and killing many innocent bodyguards just doing their jobs protecting a company fleet. This was not a military operation. This was not a militia contract. What was it other than mass murder for revenge using military might?
I can assure you 100% that if a Mexican cartel straight up murders another cartel on the same day a major political party in the US announces a revolution and appoints them as the main military force fighting in the coming civil war, that everyone on the other side would be calling the cartel terrorists.
I like how someone was saying last week that Tekkadan are clearly not terrorists. Well, even if that was debatable before, they sure are terrorists now! Which was always my point, that such an organization takes advantage of the benefits and support they get from more legitimate sources, but when they feel the need to, they can break off those official contracts to do whatever they want. I love how the narrative keeps moving in that direction, to show that even with the best of intentions, people born in violence and who know no way other than to kill their way to their goals, will turn into the worst the world has to offer.
Destroying a fleet of enemy combatants is not terror (both are paramilitaries too), even if they use child soldiers because their weapons won't make a distinction and the fault is in the one that force the kids to fight. They were provoked (Turbines, Lafter) so they destroyed their enemies in a a frontal battle. And revenge is something that paramilitaries and militias also do, hell even official armies are used for that too.
Yes they are Arbau recognised and used them as are ghallajorn now. You seem to working under the assumption that world leaders and governments are fundamentally good. Fascist countries can and do use almost all these tactics.No they are, they're willingly engaging in hiring children to fight for their own selfish cause and have committed so many human rights violations throughout the course of the series that I don't understand how anyone can go outright and try to protect Tekkadan and even support their actions throughout the course of the series.
It is such an oxymoron that for a group that despises being used and treated like human garbage and disposable resources, that they hire and utilize the same tactics on the propaganda that it's for their sake and future. And somehow that makes it okay, just cause we're kids too? That Orga willingly puts children under 12 at risk, at war, just for their own selfish ideals.
Is it completely okay for go on a temper tantrum of revenge when other parties in the series that face the same kind of losses and are caught in the fire aren't going out killing members of other organizations?
They straight up murdered a grassroots political activist group and shot their members through the head, only because their coercion tactics to get Tekkadan hired didn't work out all because they follow some archaic eye for eye rule that no one else other than Terrorist organizations follow.
For the sake of his sister, Takaki couldn't deal with it anymore. Biscuit couldn't deal with it more. People are afraid to speak up because of the bullshit Orga spews at them, reassuring that it's okay. And then these dissenters end up being caught in the crossfire, and then Tekkadan uses them as a martyr for their justice.
We see that clearly with the way Tekkadan fetishized Biscuit's death and used him as a martyr to recruit more children and expand their influence, terrorizing, coercing, and subjugating other economic sectors and traders for their own selfish gain.
There is a court and trial system, it's been used. There is a government and a justice system in this series. But we don't see that because Tekkadan somehow thinks it's okay to enact their twisted form of "justice" on other people.
Are these the actions of a legitimate group, recognized by world leaders and governments? No. This is state sponsored terrorism by a faction of the current leading police group of the series universe, Ghallarjorn.
Yes they are Arbau recognised and used them as are ghallajorn now. You seem to working under the assumption that world leaders and governments are fundamentally good. Fascist countries can and do use almost all these tactics.
Terrorism has a goal and a purpose through their actions. Either through spreading fear in a population, or Freedom for a country. Tekkadan has no such goal, they move from contract to contract to gain more money and power but they have goals or purposes for said money and power. That's why they're a mercenary group. Their business is war and minor skirmishes and they're exceeding good at it.
Yes, and there's a term called state sponsored terrorism that the country of the United States has done so many times throughout the course of the last century in their pursuit of spreading democracy. Democratic countries do the same thing, funding military groups and terrorists from other nations to instill their influence and then later instilling their own ideal image in the form of a political leader. What Abrau and McGillis does, is by political science terms, is called state sponsored terrorism.
We're not always in the loop of what McGillis does, but what McGillis does to hire Tekkadan for his own political gain, and what others have done, is considered to be state sponsored. What he hires Tekkadan to do is state sponsored, by a faction of a police group. They're also under the blanket of an umbrella company in the form of Teiwaz, but the world knows them as Tekkadan, not as a subsidiary of Teiwaz and the fact that Teiwaz is so Laissez-faire with how they deal with their own organizational conflict, illustrates that.
Orga was drunk off the idea of being a king of Mars, to be able to have that ability to shift Mars to his own ideal image of what his "family" should be doing and where he should be. He is most definitely using force and brute forcing his way through to reach this goal and ideal, without any concern for those caught in the crossfire other than his own.
What Orga is doing is "freeing" and "subjugating" the segregated Mars. He isn't outright saying that as if it's some kind of firm creed, but his actions and his desire to be a part of that shows it.