The thing though is how does he explain the large body count he lost in what should have been a really simple Detain and Arrest mission. There were too many factors that went South for him to be able to bullshit a lie to make himself not look incompetent. If he says the Turbines instigated the altercation than he would've had no excuse to actually prep his ships for combat.
All brown people look the same?
Yeah, fuck him. Hope he dies a slow and miserable death.So... fuck Iok.
Someone pointed out that those poles sticking out of the ground here are Dainsleif shells.
Iok is the logical conclusion of trying to one-man up Riddhe and Hathaway. He has Riddhe's penchant for dramatic body gestures and Hathaway's boneheaded approach, all packaged in a Saturday morning cartoon villain shell.
In short, fuck him.
Someone pointed out that those poles sticking out of the ground here are Dainsleif shells.
This is hilarious. Keep 'em coming. I'm mourning here.I think the Calamity War flauros shot dainsleif rounds? i wonder what other forbidden weapons will get dug up before the season's end.
ANOTHER WHO UNDERSTANDS LORD IOK'S GLORYWe must remember how much pain and suffering this poor man had to go through, watching his men give their lives and die before his eyes.
What a tragic soul.
All those burdens left taking its toll.
For Justice he fights, through all of Ghallarjorn's might.
Cleansing this world of it's blight, as Tekkadan faces their last rites.
May we immortalize Iok Kujan for being the true hero this world needs.
We need Tomino back in this bitch.I feel thay Iok and Jasley can't die in mechs anymore. For it to be satisfying they need to look their killer in the eye and beg for mercy before getting crushed.
I feel thay Iok and Jasley can't die in mechs anymore. For it to be satisfying they need to look their killer in the eye and beg for mercy before getting crushed.
lol that scene setup was so obvious that I'm surprised I didn't see it coming. I mean, I figured SOMETHING was going to happen, but I didn't expect it like that. Also we only got Lafter backstory 41 episodes in and justthat's some pretty bad storytelling.before she died,
Also is Atra the ONLY one responsible for the kitchen, doing the laundry, etc? That's kinda fucked up.
Fuck this show. Even space Gutz can't be happy.
While Hush kind of has become a bit of a non-character, it's moments like these that make me appreciate his addition to the cast (compared to early concerns regarding him).
To be fair, it's getting kinda old to sit through "oy, here's my back story-and now I'm dead, BLAARGH~"Bad story telling how? She literally opened up to another man that wasn't Naze. Why wouldn't she talk about her past? Not only that she just lost two people she cared about. What does it matter what episode it was?
What the hell is going on with this show, WHY
Atra makes this episode bearable lol.
To be fair, it's getting kinda old to sit through "oy, here's my back story-and now I'm dead, BLAARGH~"
The Turbines should've been fleshed out more beforehand rather than waiting for the very last minute for the writers to try and squeeze every emotional trick in the book.
You better hope Azee doesn't spring her backstory on us next episode.