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Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans S2TEKKADAN is MURDERERS, HAIL GHALLARJORN

Andrew J.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said "legitimate business front", "innocent children", and "innocent bodyguards". No one thinks Jasley is innocent. But maybe you think that the human debris and the other hired help who were guarding the fleet were actually involved in this gangster fight to begin with. They were just doing their jobs, or in the case of the human debris they literally had no choice. But I'm sure Tekkadan loyalists get a kick out of seeing Buff Man crush kids to death in the cockpits just for kicks right? KILL OR BE KILLED! THIS IS WAR! DON'T BE NAIVE! War means the most cruel and violent methods of killing must be employed? Who did Tekkadan learn warfare from? The Imperial Japanese Army?! :D

This isn't goddamn SEED, it's not so easy to non-lethally neutralize foes that are attacking you with lethal force.


Yes, I'm sure these people were the most terrible human beings, deserving of being crushed to death in the empty void of space just to make a bunch of kids feel like they have a bigger dick:



All guilty. No judge. No jury. Only executioners. THE TEKKADAN way.

You guys really think that Jasley's hitmen and those who would follow orders like killing Lafter are the ones in mobile suits in the front lines? As opposed to either being with him on his ship or somewhere safe and far away from this battle? Open your eyes. There's nothing good here. Just children forced to fight and getting crushed to death by disgusting weapons that serve to deliver maximum pain and blunt force trauma.

It's also funny saying that it's so hard to "neutralize" anyone in this show, when that's exactly what they do in every battle. It's so visceral. They disarm their opponent first. Then break the head or arms. And then slam them into asteroids, then finish them off with a huge mace, or a tail knife, or a giant clipper. Such practical weapons!


Saint Titanfall
Yes, I'm sure these people were the most terrible human beings, deserving of being crushed to death in the empty void of space just to make a bunch of kids feel like they have a bigger dick:

All guilty. No judge. No jury. Only executioners. THE TEKKADAN way.

You guys really think that Jasley's hitmen and those who would follow orders like killing Lafter are the ones in mobile suits in the front lines? As opposed to either being with him on his ship or somewhere safe and far away from this battle? Open your eyes. There's nothing good here. Just children forced to fight and getting crushed to death by disgusting weapons that serve to deliver maximum pain and blunt force trauma.

It's also funny saying that it's so hard to "neutralize" anyone in this show, when that's exactly what they do in every battle. It's so visceral. They disarm their opponent first. Then break the head or arms. And then slam them into asteroids, then finish them off with a huge mace, or a tail knife, or a giant clipper. Such practical weapons!
Yes exactly because this argument is about whether they deserved to die or not, clearly. I'm sorry if you want to frame the argument that way but as you've probably noticed I never argued that. Simply your assumption that Jasley Yakuza crew that own child slaves was totally full innocent body guards that have never commited morally questionable act in their lives while under the command of Jasley of all people. That's some grade A white-washing.

They didn't deserve to die but to pretend a yakuza crew with a corrupt boss were all upstanding citizens is disingenuous as fuck. It just stands in stark contrast with your every single Tekkadan member should die.


So is McGillis finally gonna be exposed for the scumbag he probably is next episode? Who's the Char of this series anyway? I can't decide whether it's McGillis, Gaelio 2.0, or both. I don't even remember what happened to McGillis' red mobile suit from the first season.
This isn't goddamn SEED, it's not so easy to non-lethally neutralize foes that are attacking you with lethal force.

Given how resistant most suits are in IBO and their tendency to not explode at slight touch of a beam, I would argue it should be a lot easier to non-lethal in this series. Just got to look at how Ein completely stomped on Shino/Lafter/Azee and they all ended up alive because he never directly crushed the cockpits and just ripped up everything else.


I can't believe Duckroll is defending Jasley. He killed best girl Lafta! What is wrong with you duckroll!

This Tekkadan hate has to stop. He had what was coming to him. The human debris, much like Tekkadan were forced to fight and they don't know anything different. They knew that they might die if they went out. They chose to fight the man with the giant clippers.
I'm not going to advocate for the morality of Tekkadan, but the idea that non-lethal takedowns are a real viable option in a battle is pretty hard to take seriously. That shit doesn't work, even in conflicts with simple firearms it isn't a realistic option. It'd clash horribly with the tone of the series to have silly antics like that taking place.

Andrew J.

I think it's clear now that duckroll is just a puppet of the corrupt regime, spewing foul counterrevolutionary propaganda to discredit these brave Martian patriots. Why, Tekkadan is the very portrait of the inequities the Seven Stars have forced upon the solar system, forced to become child soldiers by the crushing poverty engineered by Gjallarhorn to keep Mars weak! I say there is no more appropriate ally for McGillis and his glorious revolution!


Saint Titanfall
Given how resistant most suits are in IBO and their tendency to not explode at slight touch of a beam, I would argue it should be a lot easier to non-lethal in this series. Just got to look at how Ein completely stomped on Shino/Lafter/Azee and they all ended up alive because he never directly crushed the cockpits and just ripped up everything else.

Eh their survival was entirely unrealistic. The fact the cop out was so poorly done sticks out like saw thumb considering how much blood there was, as well as implied head wounds.

It's certainly feasible to disarm MS it's also puts your lives at greater risks. That's the entire point of their "progress" as characters. They tried to save human debris it was not an easy endeavour in the slightest. Such people don't survive long when their occupation is literally being a mercenary (every time attempted is a risk) eventually members will start losing their lives over it so they ditched it and decided prioritise Tekkadan's safety above all else. That's how you end up at this episode where all the veteran's don't bat an eyelid at killing child soldiers. Mass senseless slaughter was the quickest and safest way for them. It's also the most heartless.

Orga's entire moto is speed at all costs. It's was the logical end point of that methodology.


It's not hard to argue Tekkadan are the moral ones in this conflict. I mean, from a detached, zoomed out viewpoint you could argue they're no good but that's a silly viewpoint to argue from. It's a shit bag universe and pinning stuff on Tekkadan for having to deal with it is pretty nonsense. They're the ones trying to do right as much as they can. Even in the last few episodes, they came to the defense of a organization of women and children that was framed for crimes and were being massacred when their declaration of surrender was ignored.
It's not hard to argue Tekkadan are the moral ones in this conflict. I mean, from a detached, zoomed out viewpoint you could argue they're no good but that's a silly viewpoint to argue from. It's a shit bag universe and pinning stuff on Tekkadan for having to deal with it is pretty nonsense. They're the ones trying to do right as much as they can. Even in the last few episodes, they came to the defense of a organization of women and children that was framed for crimes and were being massacred when their declaration of surrender was ignored.

Yeah but like, they didn't do it through legal means, so checkmate. :p


There should be more tampons in gaming
What Duckroll said and by extension, MHWilliams.

What is happening here isn't elevating Jasley and co to the status of heroes but rather bringing down Tekkadan from their ivory tower. They should be judged by the same standards that we, and they, use to judge other organizations in this series.

The moment Orga got backing from Teiwaz and Kudelia's company, he should've shut down that child soldier nonsense immediately. His creed should've been, "if you're under 18, you're not getting into a mobile suit. End of discussion." - they had two branches and a mining operation, more income to make the lives of every kid in their roster a lot easier. Give 'em desk jobs, for cripes sake and use your money to procure adult soldiers for hire.

Lest we forget that Jasley never made a move on Naze in all his years. It's only after Orga brazenly declared himself King of Mars that Jasley reacted to this by going to Iok.

Tekkadan are very much the architects of their own misery.

I'm not sure if MHWilliams actually agrees with what you've been saying, I believe they recognize that this is war and you can't afford to bring sentimentality to the battlefield, lest you lose your own life. How can Orga put mandates such as "No children under 18 can pilot a Mobile Suit" into effect when he himself likely isn't even 18? I've looked online and have found no mention of his nor Mikazuki's ages but I think it's safe to assume that they are relatively young considering their ignorance of things such as sex, reproduction, relationships, etc. If he were to do that, they'd have no fighting force and no means of protecting themselves and Tekkadan would readily dissolve. It would also be ultimate disrespect to their present pilots to bar them from piloting because they aren't "of age", after all they're the reason for the success Tekkadan has finally attained. Also no one is made to be a pilot in Tekkadan, it's voluntary and they can leave whenever they choose to.

If you've been watching the show or Gundam in general, a constant theme is that adults can't be trusted and seem to be the source of everyone's problems. We actually saw this happen with Tekkadan's Earth branch- they were used as puppets by Radice>Galan Mossa>Rustal Ellion in their machinations to kill Mcgillis. Takaki was used and unknowingly pitted against an ally and his friends died for it because of an adult. The same happened on S1 as well before the formation of Tekkadan by the sniveling man who works for Mcgillis. I think it's understandable as to why they can't/won't employ adults.

Sure Jasley never made a move on Naze, but his actions directly resulted in his death and many other noncombatants as well...which were his intentions. The man was intending to wipe out anyone who obstructed his way to being to being the head of Teiwaz and that included McMurdo.

Lastly, who cares if you get smashed with a club (and crushed), blown up or crushed via giant pliers? They're not going out of their way to torture people, it's kill or be killed and these people were combatants, saying "oh they're just doing a job" is irrelevant. I'm sure they knew what they were signing on for and Human Debris could easily stage a rebellion and escape in their Mobile Suits. As a fighting force they were more skilled than the hired mercenaries. It's just luck of the draw that some died in a shittier way.

I hope you all give Char as much shit as Tekkadan because that guy is a piece of shit, makes Tekkadan look like saints.

So is McGillis finally gonna be exposed for the scumbag he probably is next episode? Who's the Char of this series anyway? I can't decide whether it's McGillis, Gaelio 2.0, or both. I don't even remember what happened to McGillis' red mobile suit from the first season.

It was upgraded to the bulky blue suit in the episode where Mikazuki fights the Mobile armor.


These political and moral discussions are further reason of why this series continues to be so great. Certainly haven't gotten that from other Gundam series in recent memory.

Also this episode, I was amused at how excited Hush was when Mika trusted him to take on the two opponents.
Woooh you people get your facts right, Tekkadan are the guys to root for. All those evil guys deserve to get crush by them.

Also I just realised, but it's pretty cool that the AV system gives Mika the ability to use a tail. Hopefully the next Gundam VS has the Lupux Rex.
dam we already know tekedan are blood thirsty but thats the world they live in if tekedan went through the legal channels and all that they would have ended up being crushed like the turbines corruption is rampant in there universe and the only way to protect themselves is with brute force are ideals of justice and fairness does not apply in there universe
dam we already know tekedan are blood thirsty but thats the world they live in if tekedan went through the legal channels and all that they would have ended up being crushed like the turbines corruption is rampant in there universe and the only way to protect themselves is with brute force are ideals of justice and fairness does not apply in there universe

Yeah, I honestly feel like, especially taking the tone of the series into account, the fate of the Turbines are the perfect example of what happens when you try to follow the legal rules to a T.


Heard through the grapevine that tomorrow's episode is storyboarded by HIroshi Kobayashi (really fucking good action storyboarder, and also the director of Kiznaiver) and Masami Obari (OMG!). Obari is supposedly the mecha AD too. OMG!!!!!!!! The second coming of ep38?!


Heard through the grapevine that tomorrow's episode is storyboarded by HIroshi Kobayashi (really fucking good action storyboarder, and also the director of Kiznaiver) and Masami Obari (OMG!). Obari is supposedly the mecha AD too. OMG!!!!!!!! The second coming of ep38?!

are you lying

are you lying

please don't be lying


I wanted Vidar to at least clown on chocolate man some more before he fights the GOAT

Charcolate Man hasn't stolen Gundam Bael yet. He's been casually taking care of business in a Graze, and in his Grimgerde. Dancing around against all foes. I want to see what he can do with a Gundam Frame.


are you lying

are you lying

please don't be lying

We have credits for ep43-45 now from this month's mags. Ep46 has no credits because they're probably behind on production by the time the credits are sent for printing deadlines.

Worth noting that the only other IBO episode Obari storyboarded is ep3 way back in ep1. So maybe we can expect some badass Barbatos action tomorrow. :D

脚本=鴨志田一、岡田磨里 演出=孫承希 絵コンテ=小林寛、大張正己

脚本=岡田磨里、樋口達人 演出=池野昭二 絵コンテ=西澤晋、赤根和樹

脚本=黒田洋介 演出=綿田慎也 絵コンテ=寺岡巌、亀井治

脚本=未定 演出=未定 絵コンテ=未定 作画監督=未定

Episode 45 looks to be the next "big" thing (every other episode seems like a big thing now lol) with Kuroda coming back to script another one after killing Naze and Amida ("If this is the end..." ominous title!), Teraoka da Gawd is storyboarding it, and main animator Arisawa is handling the mecha AD duties along with Kusumegi (who is also doing ep44, poor bastard, hopefully that's a drama episode rather than action lol).
Charcolate Man hasn't stolen Gundam Bael yet. He's been casually taking care of business in a Graze, and in his Grimgerde. Dancing around against all foes. I want to see what he can do with a Gundam Frame.

I'm assuming this weeks ep will consist of McGillis sending Tekkadan to steal Bael for him while he kills off/imprisons the remaining Seven Stars members who are still on Earth though.
God! Shit is gonna go down soon! Just to be sure I am not getting this wrong...but does the Bael have the founders brain inside it? Just like Vidar and Ein? Or is it just a symbol?


I... just did a double take in the middle of this episode.

I was not expecting McGillis's backstory to go full Berserk in a certain way.


- This episode basically cemented Gaelio's group as the good faction.

- Gaelio's speech to McGilis is the same spiel every Gundam protagonist espouses

- You can pretty much replace Tekkadan with Titans, etc and every villainous Gundam faction that takes the government hostage

- Orga calls McG 'General' and refers to his victory as 'our victory'...get fucked, Orga

One last thing worth noting:

- Given Rustal and the old guy's dejection, I'm guessing there's a HUGE downside to awakening Bael. I postulated before that McGillis would awaken ever Mobile Armor at once -- perhaps the MA's will sense Baels awakening and, in turn, activate in order to defeat their fated nemesis - thus, McG may have very well jumpstarted the apocalypse


God! Shit is gonna go down soon! Just to be sure I am not getting this wrong...but does the Bael have the founders brain inside it? Just like Vidar and Ein? Or is it just a symbol?

I'm guessing it has the founder's brain/data in it because he said that it was a completion of the Alaya-Vijnana system + Ein's data. I assume that if he didn't have those, the mobile suit would be going berserk like when Barbatos fought the mobile armor. Hence him being able to "control" it...at least for now.

Goddamn between Barbatos Lupus Rex, Vidar and Bael though... Those are some awesome gundams


Wow the mech design is superb in this series. Getting Freedom vibes from Bael. I guess its another super over power suit. Also its pretty obvious at this point that if you don't have the aly system in your suit its worthless.


Given Rustal and the old guy's dejection, I'm guessing there's a HUGE downside to awakening Bael. I postulated before that McGillis would awaken ever Mobile Armor at once -- perhaps the MA's will sense Baels awakening and, in turn, activate in order to defeat their fated nemesis - thus, McG may have very well jumpstarted the apocalypse

This is what I am thinking too, and Tekkadan is going to get railroaded in this one.

Even the Tekkadan crew is like "uh... did... we just win or..." when McGillis got Bael. Gali Gali revealing himself is likely going to start a full civil war, but watch Bael accidentally activate every mobile armor or some shit in some reveal that Gjallahorn actually fucked up with the mobile armors/Bael on their own. After all, a rule of brute force does very much coincide with absolute terror by a mobile armor army.
Galieo had one hell of a "protagonist" speech in his dialogue with McGillis. It will be interesting to see exactly how they play it out from here, but I'm glad they have kept to Gaelio as the one honourable dude.

I'm guessing it has the founder's brain/data in it because he said that it was a completion of the Alaya-Vijnana system + Ein's data. I assume that if he didn't have those, the mobile suit would be going berserk like when Barbatos fought the mobile armor. Hence him being able to "control" it...at least for now.

Goddamn between Barbatos Lupus Rex, Vidar and Bael though... Those are some awesome gundams

Props to whoever it was who joked about Ein being in the Gundam weeks ago though... and it's pretty low that even back then McGillis was using Ein's condition and the data from his AV merger for his own end game plan to use Bael. There does seem to be some kind of implied downside to its activation though so again, we'lll also see where they go with that.

Also Edit:
This is what I am thinking too, and Tekkadan is going to get railroaded in this one.

Even the Tekkadan crew is like "uh... did... we just win or..." when McGillis got Bael.

Inb4 Tekkadan version of

...several episodes from now
(triggered by prompting from Kudelia maybe?)

Double Edit:
Nah man, the Gundam behind Gaelio is Ein.
Shout out to donkey show who called it from way back on page 3, lol


Hahahahaha. The coup head of Tekkadan is more or less Grifith lol.^^ And this the person u guys had been supporting here lol.^^

Gaelio is sooo going to kick that scrub lol.^^

Why loli is bleeding and crying? Mcgillis does not deserve being Char clone there.T_T


I... just did a double take in the middle of this episode.

I was not expecting McGillis's backstory to go full Berserk in a certain way.
I cringed but I wasn't really shocked. This series has a weird fixation with the suffering of young characters to the point that I'm still holding out on the reveal that Biscuit's Grandma farm is a secretly a slave plantation.


I cringed but I wasn't really shocked. This series has a weird fixation with the suffering of young characters to the point that I'm still holding out on the reveal that Biscuit's Grandma farm is a secretly a slave plantation.

Ummmm. I mean, is this even a new thing for Gundam lol.^^ Lalah herself already started the trend there lol.^^
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