That was a huge build-up-to-final-battle episode. But clearly this isn't the end. So... what's going to happen next week? The preview is pretty evasive. People are going to die for sure, things are not going according to plan. Is McDonalds going to die? Probably not. Is Orga going to die. Maybe. What will happen to Tekkadan? What will happen to Mika? Dum dum dummmm.
This is pretty much my thought. It's way too early for this episode so I'm expecting some, drawn out combat, a few back stories before deaths and some kind of unnecessary plot twist. Difficult to see where it's going exactly, something might possibly happen to have Kudelia be relevant in Gjallarhorn/Sociopolitical reform near the end though?
I'm not particularly against Tekkadan but had found it hard to root for them as protagonists, as I've commented before. At the end of S1 they had achieved what they needed to do and helped Kudelia reach her goals, were self sufficient and had nowhere they needed to go narratively. So for the whole of S2 they just felt strung along by events.
I'm glad to see that they are at least aware of it and there's a general acknowledgement that this whole thing is a fight they really didn't need to be in. Orga punching McGillis and semi calling him on his BS was satisfying.
Can't believe they are changing Vidar's design though, Bamco really are in a no-fucks-given-let's-sell-as-many-different-gunpla-models-as-we-can mode. We'll see what they do with the new one but Vidar > Kimaris for me tbh.
my hopes for an MG or even RG Vidar...
So Atra won?