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Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans S2TEKKADAN is MURDERERS, HAIL GHALLARJORN


Reminder that people who support Rustal indirectly support Iok and the murder of Shino.

Lol. Who cared about terrorist Shino.^^ Iok is the true Messiah for the series.^^

Daisuki also has it up.

And man, so much for 'rustal is actually the good guyz maaan' bullshit.

Planting a warcrime and then using that to try to justify warcrime x 300 (which is dumb in of itself).

Scummiest guy on the show, makes that mafia guy look like a peach in comparison.

Choco may be the worst planner but at this point morally he deserves to win.

It's a shame they evilfyied rusty so much, last episode I didn't really think either side deserved to win or lose.

And damn Mika, fucking up against a mid tier character like julietta.

Lol. In war, everything is fair play lol. Especially when u control the war as great as Rustal.^^

McG is just a naive idiot who had zero plan on winning this war.^^ U should not blame Rustal for being smart there.^^


Really question why the Flarous Gundam was even introduced to have it get bodied in its first real fight and only show off how awesome it could be once. Barely got a good look at the thing. Then again my gripe with IBO in general is the lack of the other gundams for showing Barbatos ripping and tearing 95% of the time.

-eh- at least Shino went out like a boss.

Flauros felt like it was just there to make the whole "let's accuse Turbines/Tekkadan of using Dainsleif" scenario happen.


He didn't do anything through the show and he didn't accomplish anything in the battle itself, his death was largely a waste. Honestly is kinda bullshit that 1) Rustal and Julietta managed to spot the Flauros in the middle of the battle and the explosion 2) Julietta managed to shot Shino's gun while battling Mika at the same time.

At least Naze and Amida's death scenes were cool as hell, the Flauros was largely wasted for such a cool mech.

Really question why the Flarous Gundam was even introduced to have it get bodied in its first real fight and only show off how awesome it could be once. Barely got a good look at the thing. Then again my gripe with IBO in general is the lack of the other gundams for showing Barbatos ripping and tearing 95% of the time.

-eh- at least Shino went out like a boss.

Agree completely, literally all they've let it do is shoot a bunch of rocks and shoot mooks, and that's disappointing. I'd say that it also extends to how they treat characters as well — I rewatched a few bits yesterday and I continue to be disappointed in what they've done with Hush. He had such a fire in him at the beginning of the season, and then they broke him down. There was an expectation that this was part of a development that would make him stronger overall... but all they've really developed him into is a joke character that often needs saving.


To be fair at least Hush had development.

Started as a smug idiot, got told, got better, got into a giant robot. For an obvious secondary character, it's not really bad.


Hush had the best development of the whole season. He didn't get much more screentime than the other Tekkadan pilots but they used it so much better.
From his backstory scene and seeing what motivates him, the last thing i would call him was smug...

I have no problem with him getting broken down as part of his process in getting built up for something — its just that all they've built him up to is a comedy tool, run-around boy for Mika and pilot who needs to get saved as much as Ride does. Just really feels like a waste, imo.

Hush had the best development of the whole season. He didn't get much more screentime than the other Tekkadan pilots but they used it so much better.

to be fair, the bar isn't particularly high for character development in any of the tekkadan cast, so this isn't really an achievement that any of IBO's writers should feel proud of


From his backstory scene and seeing what motivates him, the last thing i would call him was smug...

I have no problem with him getting broken down as part of his process in getting built up for something — its just that all they've built him up to is a comedy tool, run-around boy for Mika and pilot who needs to get saved as much as Ride does. Just really feels like a waste, imo.

to be fair, the bar isn't particularly high for character development in any of the tekkadan cast, so this isn't really an achievement that any of IBO's writers should feel proud of
Hush, the proliferation of AV kids in armies, the other Tekkadan newbies...this show is rife with stuff that went nowhere. Its why i thought we'd be getting a third season because no way would they develop all of the newly introduced stuff whilst building on Kudelia etc etc.
Well, that's basically what Tekketsu is goddamn good at: setting up things and go nowhere with them.

I think the best representation of it is basically Meribit. It was nice seeing her interactions with Orga due to both their position (she was basically an open spy) and rather different values due to coming from different environments.

Come second season, King Orga had her do a political marriage with the Lord of Mechanics to ensure that they would not betray his country. Or something. He should have married her off to Iok-sama.

But really, Meribit was not only downgraded to third-class character, the only thing that ever really happened to her was to become a device for a joke.


Allot of comments on how the show handled stuff that happened this week. I'll just quote myself from the season anime thread.

Paltheos said:
Oh, [Tekkadan] definitely have their comeuppance coming. I have two problems with how the show does it:

1) Using the same plot device twice is unimaginative.
2) They're not losing as a consequence of the tactics they usually employ, nor is the show demonstrating that they're ineffective. This plan would have worked if Mikazuki had stopped Julietta from interfering.

What I thought would happen, and what I believe what would have been a better idea is this plan working entirely - The Arianrod flagship is destroyed, Rustal killed, maybe Iok surviving (knowing this show, I thought he would survive but either way is narratively acceptable I guess), Galileo taking the reins of the fleet as a member of the Seven Stars, and rallying the forces to defeat McGillis and Tekkadan. It's much more satisfying. Galileo still gets to complete his story and, for Tekkadan, they're defeated despite doing their usual thing flawlessly: Sneaky strategies won't always win the day and sometimes you should just settle to avoid worse outcomes.

Feelings like every anime I watch is about UNMEI. I hope McGillis comes out triumphant as he has had one of the hardest lives of all the cast even on the same level of many in Gjhallerhorn that I would not want someone like Gaelio getting it.

And where is Ein's body? It was unclear if he is just integrated somewhere in the suit or if his body is somewhere else still be used for research purposes. It was hard to tell if the one quick scene was just a flashback bit or present.

Bael is best suit this anime so far. I hope it has bits/funnels.
And where is Ein's body? It was unclear if he is just integrated somewhere in the suit or if his body is somewhere else still be used for research purposes. It was hard to tell if the one quick scene was just a flashback bit or present.

Bael is best suit this anime so far. I hope it has bits/funnels.

Their technological level isn't high enough for bits/funnels, that seems to be a theme for IBO. All tech of that level seems to have been lost to the ages of the calamity war.

- None of the suits are capable of sustained flight (apart from Bael most likely, and possibly Vidar).
- None of the suits/ships are capable of beam weaponry.
- There is no huge mega damage beam space weapon, so Dainsleifs are filling that role.
- And whatever Bael has up its sleeve, its definitely not bit/funnel tech (it's gunpla hasn't revealed anything other than a pair of swords), the IBO equivalent of bit or funnel tech is likely Hashmal's tail (and that is currently being used on B. Lupus Rex).

As for Ein, he's dead but they are using the remains of his brain and the AV system from Graze Ein to build a custom psuedo Alaya-Vijnana system in Vidar. Speculating on how it works:


The AV system (as we know it, above) plugs into the spine and feeds the data in to be processed by a main unit at the base of the brain. These develop after nano machine injections.

The feedback from this is what caused Dante to pass out during the Dort colony eps, the various nose bleeds from the rest of the cast when they try to gain a deeper level of control over whatever they are plugged into, and of course - the disability costs from Mikazuki's faustian trans-ams. I suspect that in Gaelio/Vidar's case, Ein's brain acts as the lower AV input portion of the diagram and Gaelio just has the main control portion in the base of the brain (you see the connects go into the back of his neck in ep 43).

The overloads that cause the brain damage - loss off function when disconnected from the gundam / but everything fine when connected - are probably the gundam "claiming" the brain functions for both processing of incoming data and control of body/limbs in the same way as normal body is controlled by the brain. The boost in performance & reaction time is because it's no longer a thing you control externally, it supplants the body's existing control processes and now, it "is" your body. Meanwhile your actual body has had portions of the brain that relate to perceiving sensation and motor functionality "taken" and is now the externally controlled process.

AV Type-E avoids this by routing through Ein's brain. Ein's brain is the one that gets it's body control/motor functions supplanted (but it doesn't matter because he's dead and has no body anyway). Gaelio this has the control without the data overload and potential disability.

INB4 anyone says that he gained power without a downside — requiring another person to undergo experimental AV surgery, to be fully integrated (full motor functionality supplanted?), and then requiring their altered brain to make the system work (and then having the surgery yourself) seems like a pretty high cost to me.


Want to go back and finish IBO but I can't remember which episode I left off on. It was towards the later half of season 1. Think around episode 17. It was after Tekkadon was formed and the crew was sent to help out some colony that had a worker riot. Anyone here know where I left off at, or where I should start from (besides starting over)?

Finishing Knights of Sidonia s2 now and it's really got me in the mood for a good Gundam series. Really enjoyed Sidonia's change of the structure for Mecha shows. They never really rely on just building the Ultimate Gundam that can kill everything without issue. Highly recommend the first season for anyone who hasn't seen it!

I should be current now I think. Sad for Yamagi that even Shino still thought that at this end stage but I did get really excited and such when he was like just drink and talk all night just the two of them. And then when Yamagi was all in his lap like he wanted to stay holding hands longer. Very sad way to go especially since it missed and all, almost like the writer wanted to make it the most pointless and painful death, poor poor Yamagi. Please dont do something rash in a few episodes and go in a suit in battle to avenge him.

Also Ride, Ride was good again though once again he seemed like he had to be saved by his Mr Shino. Im very afraid for him as with one more person who was looking out for him out the way...it will be very tense next episode.

OST has really been picking some of the best songs to use, was actually all tense and gripping my mouse while watching unable to do other stuff.

I really hope Rustal and crew lose, using an illegal cruel weapon like that seems to make them seem evil even if Gaelio is trying to right wrongs, it just comes out bad to be aligned on that end.


I really hope Rustal and crew lose, using an illegal cruel weapon like that seems to make them seem evil even if Gaelio is trying to right wrongs, it just comes out bad to be aligned on that end.
How is the Dainsleif crueler than Akihiro's slow crushing pincers of doom? Illegal, I'll give you, but crueler? Lol.

Lot of Pro-Tekkadan posters giving Rustal shit for using what is essentially a giant crossbow. You make it sound like he gassed them with the 3G from Zeta.

And where is this all morality coming from when McG used illegal experiments on comatose Ein to advance his own illegal AV procedures? All of sudden, legality is a huge issue now?


Wow, she really did get knocked up.

Alana Vijnana Type-J incoming.

Coup D'tat incoming.

Sacrifices for the Eclipse incoming.
Its not enough that they killed the ship... they had to posthumously family/friend-zone it?

And where is this all morality coming from when McG used illegal experiments on comatose Ein to advance his own illegal AV procedures? All of sudden, legality is a huge issue now?

— this is actually worse in hindsight, at the end of S1 McGillis tried to say to Gaelio that Gjallarhorn continuing AV research and Ein being integrated with it (despite officially denouncing body modification) was proof of Gjallarhorn's corruption...

...only for us later to find out later that he is the one furthering AV research and for his personal benefit. Gjallarhorn for the most part has nothing to do with AV - to the point where they even forgot that their most iconic gundam actually required an AV pilot to function.


Saint Titanfall
How is the Dainsleif crueler than Akihiro's slow crushing pincers of doom? Illegal, I'll give you, but crueler? Lol.

Lot of Pro-Tekkadan posters giving Rustal shit for using what is essentially a giant crossbow. You make it sound like he gassed them with the 3G from Zeta.

And where is this all morality coming from when McG used illegal experiments on comatose Ein to advance his own illegal AV procedures? All of sudden, legality is a huge issue now?

Mostly because pincers of doom aren't all that effective whereas Dansleif is and can cause all sorts of collateral damage (the civilan massacre says it all you can't do that with conventional weapons that's why it was outlawed).. McGillis clearly isn't a good guy but he also isn't a MC, your not really supposed to care how he ends up.


Wow, she really did get knocked up.

Alana Vijnana Type-J incoming.

Coup D'tat incoming.

Sacrifices for the Eclipse incoming.

Lol.^^ Shun with that spoiler. And no lol. Juli-chan want to be super Ace like Amuro without using cheat like AV there.^^

Ganbare Juli-chan. Hail Gali x Julietta.^^

McG back up plan end up giving him finger lol.^^ Martian Branch is Rustal hand too. THis is going to be a super painful pincer battle lol.

Mostly because pincers of doom aren't all that effective whereas Dansleif is and can cause all sorts of collateral damage (the civilan massacre says it all you can't do that with conventional weapons that's why it was outlawed).. McGillis clearly isn't a good guy but he also isn't a MC, your not really supposed to care how he ends up.

In this battle, they are not using them against civilian though. But more on rebel Army and some mercenaries like Tekkadan.^^


That was an alright episode. Glad to see all the pushback against McDonalds and Orga's terror cult leader indoctrination. I like how they handled the homosexual stuff too. It was completely matter of fact, suggesting that in the future the writers see a world where such things are not particularly unusual?


Saint Titanfall
Lol.^^ Shun with that spoiler. And no lol. Juli-chan want to be super Ace like Amuro without using cheat like AV there.^^

Ganbare Juli-chan. Hail Gali x Julietta.^^

McG back up plan end up giving him finger lol.^^ Martian Branch is Rustal hand too. THis is going to be a super painful pincer battle lol.

In this battle, they are not using them against civilian though. But more on rebel Army and some mercenaries like Tekkadan.^^

They're the equivalent of nukes in battle since beams do jack shit. The fact they're outlawed keeps collateral damage to a minimum. Your not destroying whole groups of ships with engineers medics and cooks etc all the easily with gundams (which are rare in themselves). They're ideal at taking ships with have the the highest density body count.

They were outlawed for good reason. Beams themselves aren't even common because they're only useful for killing large groups of civilians. Combat has evolved and been mediated to keep causalties to a minimum.
"Do you look different Atra?" Oh god that old trope, she's totally fucking pregnant isn't she!?

All praise and glory to Juletta living. She passed the test, no way she's fucking dying by the end of this now. I wonder what purpose she will serve in the end though.

Surprised they handled Yamagi's homosexuality so well, they just treated it like any other relationship no more no less outside of the fact they never really confessed to one another which is par for the course for 99% of anime relationships anyway.

Omg I creyed hard, and Im so glad Shino at least knew. If only things could have developed further, and I loved Yamagi line. Hopefully he wont do like I said earlier and get in a suit and what not :(

Isurugi was great.
Julietta should have died there, I mean really?

— the end of S1 having Azee, Lafter & Shino surviving with scratches that didn't even need a tank heal, says hi

Also glad Akihiro / Derma had that moment. Its cathartic rounding off the regrets he's had from not saying things he wished he could before it was too late and lost Masahiro/Aston/Lafter.
OMG Yamagi don't cry! this is too much....

Loved how they handled Yamagi's sexuality here, but I would have hoped they made it happen still.

This episode was one hell of a tearjerker.

Oh and if they DARE make Yamagi die...


Figured we'd get a 'downtime' episode as they cannot sustain this momentum forever.

- Julieta displayed more character growth in one episode than all of Tekkadan combined over the course of 40 episodes. She is the last person I would've expected to reject the AV system...but she did. Mad respect, Julie.

- McG taking the fight to Mars - the MApocalypse I've predicted is incoming!

- Atra got impregnated. Congrats? I suppose this seals Mika's fate.

- "I wanted to give them money..."
"...you had money."

That's a Homerun. The crowd goes wild.


Figured we'd get a 'downtime' episode as they cannot sustain this momentum forever.

- Julieta displayed more character growth in one episode than all of Tekkadan combined over the course of 40 episodes. She is the last person I would've expected to reject the AV system...but she did. Mad respect, Julie.

- McG taking the fight to Mars - the MApocalypse I've predicted is incoming!

- Atra got impregnated. Congrats? I suppose this seals Mika's fate.

- "I wanted to give them money..."
"...you had money."

That's a Homerun. The crowd goes wild.

If Atra really get pregnant, i can see Mika dieing in the end there.^^ And, Orga and Atra will be the one who take care of the baby in the future.^^


I think Orga has higher chances to die than Mika...responsibility and everything for putting his family through this mess.

If Orga that will be lame.T_T Orga surviving while seeing all his family dieing is going to be the best ending if you ask me here.^^

The Ending of a lonely king on his lone throne i feel is going to be Orga's ending.


Saint Titanfall
I think Orga has higher chances to die than Mika...responsibility and everything for putting his family through this mess.

Honestly it'd be more interesting too see what Mika does should Orga die than vice versa. It's it has long since been established that Mika is willing to give up his life for him absolutely does not want to see him in any sort of direct combat.

Orga has no goals, no real goals anyway, he's the opposite of Griffith. Which is why the whole lonely having what he wants has no weight as this episode establishes. He's strung along by his family wishes to progress and has absolutely no idea wha he's doing which is why Shino;s death hit him hard. If he knew of a way to avoid all this he'd probably take it. Sadly for all involed he really doesn't.


If Atra really get pregnant, i can see Mika dieing in the end there.^^ And, Orga and Atra will be the one who take care of the baby in the future.^^
The only fitting ending for Orga, narrative-wise, would be being shot by someone close to him. I placed hope on Merribit and was even going to put Yamagi in the race...but then Yamagi got to hear exactly what he wanted and marched back to the slaughterhouse.
what could it mean guys???!?!?


The only fitting ending for Orga, narrative-wise, would be being shot by someone close to him. I placed hope on Merribit and was even going to put Yamagi in the race...but then Yamagi got to hear exactly what he wanted and marched back to the slaughterhouse.

Shino to return in S3 as the new antagonist who tried to drop Gigantic Galaxy Spear into Earth to cleanse those who are drag down by gravity?^^

And,nahh. I don't think Orga will died like that if he even died.

I also really feel that Orga is soo baka for not scape goating McG there and give him to Rustal to sue for peace.^^

At least, by that. He will be able to at least avoid total destruction on Tekkadan on following broken ship like McG.^^
Another thing i did like was Orga's twitch when he noticed McGillis working his magic on Eugene. I suppose its easier to notice it happening form the outside, especially when you've become aware of what its costing you to continue following him.

- Kudelia will try to talk some last min sense into them, but part with them and return to her plans to change Mars's socioeconomics.
- Orga is gonna get in that white Shiden and die.
- Mika is going to end up 100% fused into Barbatos.
- Atra survives and has the baby.
- I wasn't sure about Akihiro/Dante/Chad. but after the Derma scene, I figure he's lost enough so I see Akihiro surviving. Dante/Chad tho... idk.
- If Orga survives, then Head-engineer ossan may die depending on how raw Okada feels like being to Merribit / if they want to have her give a "what was all of this for? was it worth it?" speech. But my gut says He is mor likely to live than Orga so this won't be an issue.
- Eugene will survive and run what remains of Tekkadan.
- I've come to the conclusion that Hush etc' only real purpose is to have named characters that survive to keep Tekkadan functional after Mika/Orga are gone. Ride will survive to fill this role as well. Zack will decide to stay as well, regardless of his complaints.

- Gjallarhorn ends the coup by getting rid of McGillis, reuniting what's left then cracks down on Mars for being the type of place that could allow a "Tekkadan" to be born in the first place. Also crack down on the inner colonies and outer colonies and we end up getting a movie? Flaurous' remains has been taken by Arianrhod and it ends up being piloted by
who is after recent events, is inspired to become more competent.
Or it gets a complete refit into a more melee focused suit and goes to Julieta.

- tbh though, rather than a sequel movie, i'd rather this series ended and we have a set of OVAs about the calamity war instead. whatever happens though i'm not really fussed and just in it for the entertainment value. The only thing I actually want to see happen is Almiria getting to see Gaelio again.
The only fitting ending for Orga, narrative-wise, would be being shot by someone close to him. I placed hope on Merribit and was even going to put Yamagi in the race...but then Yamagi got to hear exactly what he wanted and marched back to the slaughterhouse.
That will never happen since it would make no sense right now. Nobody in Tekkadan dislikes him enough to do so.



This was pretty surprising, to be honest. I didn't expect them to address this more since the show loves to forget its characters as soon it is done with them. I can't decide whatever this scene was nice or a middle finger to the audience on what could have been, tho'.

It's interesting to note that this means a lot of moments in the previous episode have a new meaning now, especially this one now that we know Shino knew Yamagi had no interest in girls and a genuine interest in him.
I'm sure people will find ways to no homo it still.

I was expecting Eugene to get mad at Orga, but I accepted he's no longer a character.

Atra is
pregnant for sure


From one of the animators:



Another thing i did like was Orga's twitch when he noticed McGillis working his magic on Eugene. I suppose its easier to notice it happening form the outside, especially when you've become aware of what its costing you to continue following him.

- Kudelia will try to talk some last min sense into them, but part with them and return to her plans to change Mars's socioeconomics.
- Orga is gonna get in that white Shiden and die.
- Mika is going to end up 100% fused into Barbatos.
- Atra survives and has the baby.
- I wasn't sure about Akihiro/Dante/Chad. but after the Derma scene, I figure he's lost enough so I see Akihiro surviving. Dante/Chad tho... idk.
- If Orga survives, then Head-engineer ossan may die depending on how raw Okada feels like being to Merribit / if they want to have her give a "what was all of this for? was it worth it?" speech. But my gut says He is mor likely to live than Orga so this won't be an issue.
- Eugene will survive and run what remains of Tekkadan.
- I've come to the conclusion that Hush etc' only real purpose is to have named characters that survive to keep Tekkadan functional after Mika/Orga are gone. Ride will survive to fill this role as well. Zack will decide to stay as well, regardless of his complaints.

- Gjallarhorn ends the coup by getting rid of McGillis, reuniting what's left then cracks down on Mars for being the type of place that could allow a "Tekkadan" to be born in the first place. Also crack down on the inner colonies and outer colonies and we end up getting a movie? Flaurous' remains has been taken by Arianrhod and it ends up being piloted by
who is after recent events, is inspired to become more competent.
Or it gets a complete refit into a more melee focused suit and goes to Julieta.

- tbh though, rather than a sequel movie, i'd rather this series ended and we have a set of OVAs about the calamity war instead. whatever happens though i'm not really fussed and just in it for the entertainment value. The only thing I actually want to see happen is Almiria getting to see Gaelio again.

Akihiro i feel is certainly going to die there. His dead flag is already so high with his whole karma and reincarnation talk before.^^

I don't know what the hell Eugene is needed to stay alive though as he don't really had any ideas by himself and is more or less Yes Man to Orga and he is also stupid enough to be charmed that easily by Mcgillis lol.

Indeed. Just hope it means we get to watch a more painful death later.

Why you guys so heartless lol.T_T What did Juli-chan did to you guys.^^
I feel like the end epilogue is going to be a "we survived and need to step up and pick up the pieces" scenario.

Akihiro i feel is certainly going to die there. His dead flag is already so high with his whole karma and reincarnation talk before.^^

He's lost a lot so, the end can have him be a "maybe it's more painful to keep on living, but it have to do it for their sake" - type of character

I dont t know what the hell Eugene is needed to stay alive though as he don't really had any ideas by himself and is more or less Yes Man to Orga and he is also stupid enough to be charmed that easily by Mcgillis lol.

You say that as if everyone isn't usually trivially swayed by McGillis...

Orga / Eugene are the only two real leaders in TK. Orga might be othe one who gives the big motivational speeches, but Eugene does the day-to-day stuff. The end can have him be a "I need to step up to continue to build a place for us" - type of character

Why you guys so heartless lol.T_T What did Juli-chan did to you guys.^^

- Doing anything that kills people directly or leads to their deaths is ok when you are depicted as the protagonist. It doesn't matter how many people you kill over the course of the series, or how specifically you do it — it's all ok. Not only is it ok, people will even praise how cool you were for pulling it off.
- Doing anything that kills or leads to the death of even a single character on the protagonist side marks you for intense hatred from the fanbase. And justifies any violent and painful death that you are now supposedly due.
Man, that Akihiro and Derma scene was so good. Actually, so many good interpersonal scenes this episode, on both sides of the conflict. Damn, this last arc is going fantastic.

Also loved how Almiria's knife wound almost got McGillis killed.


I feel like the end epilogue is going to be a "we survived and need to step up and pick up the pieces" scenario.

He's lost a lot so, the end can have him be a "maybe it's more painful to keep on living, but it have to do it for their sake" - type of character

You say that as if everyone isn't usually trivially swayed by McGillis...

Orga / Eugene are the only two real leaders in TK. Orga might be othe one who gives the big motivational speeches, but Eugene does the day-to-day stuff. The end can have him be a "I need to step up to continue to build a place for us" - type of character

- Doing anything that kills people directly or leads to their deaths is ok when you are depicted as the protagonist. It doesn't matter how many people you kill over the course of the series, or how specifically you do it — it's all ok. Not only is it ok, people will even praise how cool you were for pulling it off.
- Doing anything that kills or leads to the death of even a single character on the protagonist side marks you for intense hatred from the fanbase. And justifies any violent and painful death that you are now supposedly due.

But But. right now, Tekkadan and McG does not even look like the good sides lol.^^ McG easily throw Isurugi away like in a split second lol. And that is Tekkadan employer.O_O

And of course, Tekkadan is now going to support a coup only for getting power to be the King of Mars. I dont' think that is the way of good guys lol.^^

On Akihiko, I still going to bet for his head there. After Shino's dead, if they need to kill another character which will hurt us as fans the most, Akihiko is going to best choice. His dead will not hurt the fans but also Derma and many other Tekkadan members.

On Eugene. Hmmm i can see that but i also don't see him having the charisma of Orga there. So it is kinda hard to picture him as the leader of the next Tekkadan but we will see.^^
Very sad episode with great moments with Yamagi and Akihiro. Mika screwed up, he should've taken a last swing at Julieta just for good measure but nope. Well since Julieta is still with us, I wanna ship Gaelio x Julieta, loving their banter so far. Rustal is just way to OP, he counters almost all their moves, it's almost like he planned this whole Macky coup to further his own power...
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