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Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans S2TEKKADAN is MURDERERS, HAIL GHALLARJORN


Lol no way lol. Rustal explained it last episode on the revolutionary armies and the normal armies following McG there.

Rustal hammered the point here. an organization is more than just its leader. Tekkedan is in this situation because most of its members agreed with its direction its not just Orga leading them off a cliff.

Just blaming everything on Orga is just stupid lol. The whole Tekkadan should be judged for their action too.

I'm just saying no one is going to get a trial which isn't how a lawful organization should work. Just like how Iok ignored the Turbines surrender. He also admits to wanting to make Tekkadan the scapegoat.


I'm just saying no one is going to get a trial which isn't how a lawful organization should work. Just like how Iok ignored the Turbines surrender. He also admits to wanting to make Tekkadan the scapegoat.

Well, Tekkadan allied themselves with a Coup leader. They are literally terrorist now. There is rarely a trial going to be given to terrorist there. Especially when they are still capable of delivering damage lol.
So when um when did Mika and Atra do it? After Shino's death or before that? Because if it's the former than that ain't right, although Naze did say one time that seeing death makes you want to procreate or something along those lines, but pretty sure Atra or Mika weren't present for that bit of advice. Speaking of the Turbines, I need closure with Azee. Did she not recover after Lafter's death? She was a pretty good pilot, she can't end like a crazy person.

Rustal is so savage, my god, and Iok saying he'll lead Gjallarhorn? What?! No way, he needs to die a painful death for all he's done, in fact, if Rustal is gonna win every one close to him needs to die for this to be fair to Tekkadan.


It was episode 39 hangar scene before they headed to the final battle probably, many people suspected it already and one of the animator tweeted a pretty romantic semi-official art.
R. Elion (℅ McMurdo Barriston)
Capital Ship
Arianrhod Outer Regulatory Fleet

Dear Mr Elion,

Sorry we tried to take over your organisation by force.

It didn't turn out the way we hoped. Our main guy got held up and we couldn't roflstomp-slaughter way beyond our means like we normally do — also it seems that one of your guys blocked our 3-pointer in the dying seconds of the game.

Anyways, if we give up the guy (whom we made a deal with to follow in exchange for money and power) — you'll let us go right? I mean yeh, we've actually been doing the dirty work that enabled much of his ascent in the first place. And yeh we killed a bunch of your guys (and have done so for the last 47 episodes)...

...but we lost a few guys too, including one named guy with a strong fujoshi fanbase. That alone is gotta be worth like at least 20 of your guys and must mean we're even, right? We can just stop here and call it quits, how does that sound to you?

Looking forward to your reply.

O. Itsuka
Tekkadan CEO

PS — sry about the whole Edmonton thing and ruining Gllarhorn's reputation, the political ramifications that it caused, killing that fox chick that was one of your highest ranking members + multiple of your subordinates, and supplying weapons to the colonies (that one we honestly didn't know about). We made a lot of money and boosted our reputation as a result though, so it lets look at that as a glass half full thing.

I had a completely different thing I was writing, but I accidentally deleted it so got snarky and wrote this instead. Might do it later when I wake up.


You know, this whole situation really nails how much Mika Shino messed up and how important that shot was, no wonder he ragequitted, the guilt must have been massive.


You know, this whole situation nails how many chances Tekkadan as an organization had to get out of the game, but continued to become drunk off their power and continue to morph themselves into the terrorist organization they are and the rest of the world is finally catching up with it. This is exactly the result of their familial conditioning and never having a voice of reason be able to stand up, instead having the silenced.

The entire exchange also illustrates Hush's entire role in Orphans and the meaning behind his name, to embody the entire organization "hush" dissenters.They've made more than enough money via killing and laundering that they could have sent their child soldiers to school instead of to the battlefield. Yet despite that, they chose to invest their money in military force under this guise that their murders will eventually create this false utopia of a world where Tekkadan children don't have to fight or work. The idea of paradise is one fucking hell of a drug to motivate people towards. What's worse is that Kudelia, rather than Dexter, was the ones in charge of their personal funds and could have set a real financial plan for them, but continued to sit on the money and save it.

The worst part of it is that completely innocent individuals like Fuka, Cookie, and Cracker who have nothing to do with any of this situation are being branded and discriminated against by familial affiliation, all because of how the group thought it would be a good idea to use Biscuit's death as a martyr to recruit more child soldiers and bolster their status as a "revolutionary group". Using Biscuit as a martyr to embody everything he didn't want Tekkadan to become. Those girls just wanted to be happy, have an education, but were robbed of that because of Tekkadan's circumstances out of their own control. I hate to see them bullied, but at the very least it will make them stronger individuals, hopefully.

It is very ironic, everything that passes, and all the fault is entirely on the shoulders of Orga and the rest of Tekkadan to blame. And now, still fail to live up or recognize their crimes, choosing to take the easy way out by offering people a chance at leaving and going out with more crimes and/or fighting.

Rustal is a piece of shit, but as Naze and countless others have told Tekkadan throughout the span of the series, is that you cannot win through brute force and that you must learn how to play the game of politics. No matters your stance as a private military company, if you can't do that, you cannot protect what is most important to you.

To think that Tekkadan ever deserved a good end is laughable, a fair one? Then we can argue that. In an world where the death penalty is still agreed upon despite obvious human rights violations, Tekkadan should be tried and punished. They still deserve due process, but spit on that option and thus their fair ending was gone long ago, choosing to ignore any and all warnings and continuing what they did under their guise of power.

Naze knew when to quit and Tekkadan's current situation exemplifies the stark dichotomy between superficially similar organizations in Turbines and Tekkadan.

When shit hits the fan, you really can tell who has the balls and charisma to make shit happen, Naze, and the guys who bullshit and shit their pants with delusion in the face of adversity, Orga.

I'm really disappointed in Merribit, not quitting when she was ahead.

Iok has shown a surprising amount of character growth and although he wasn't punished for his actions as he should have been, he has succinctly lived up to and beared his crimes and learning from it rather than running away from them. We actually see Iok grow from learning and acknowledging his mistakes, and willingness to change to become a real leader.

Iok is a great contrast to Kudelia, who hasn't learned shit over the course of the series when it came to being a leader or running an organization on the basis of change and revolution.

You would think that McGillis would know better planning things out to prevent becoming unemployed having a top grade education and all. But you really see how despite that you can't detract from his core, underlying personality as someone who sees nothing but brute force and strength and values it above all else.

Being able to impregnate a woman is actually pretty difficult and Mika nor Atra don't even know if their experiment succeeded in getting her to bear a child. This is where convenient plot comes in to, 1, tell us that is was unsuccessful and that they failed, or 2, tell us that Mika used the Alaya Vijana system to amplify his libido 3-fold and give him the ability to ejaculate at a higher volume and rate as a normal human being.

All of this is a really great way to say that education, both traditional and real world, is important. It also shows how flawed all these premises are based on and a final means of getting the rest of the intended audience to realize who the real protagonist is, if they haven't done so by now.
Man, I think this whole season's gone to stupid and I still don't really care what happens. But hell of the Eugene/Orga confrontation after the call with Rustal did choke me up and get my eyes a bit watery.

Well at least we'll get some decent land action next episode, the space battles have never really compared to the ground ones in this show. Barbartos especially feels infinitely more savage on the ground, maybe Bael will actually do something now, albeit missing one sword, unless they don't even acknowledge that. Choco had a cheeky grin at the end so who knows.

Will Orga's white shiden finally do something? Who's piloting that black and gold gundam Iok?

Also Rustal is kind of dumb, forcing tekkadan into a desperate fight to the death, if anything bites him in the ass it will be that. Sun tzu's art of war probably says something about this.

Where's Osama's trial?

This is in poor taste, stop it.


Yeah... that threesome shit is too fucking stupid for me. I am going to watch Cross Ange instead.

R. Elion (℅ McMurdo Barritson)
Capital Ship
Arianrhod Outer Regulatory Fleet

Dear Mr Elion,

Sorry we tried to take over your organisation by force.

It didn't turn out the way we hoped. Our main guy got held up and we couldn't roflstomp slaughter way beyond our means like we normally do — also it seems that one of your guys blocked our 3-pointer in the dying seconds of the game.

Anyways, if we give up the guy who we made a deal to follow in exchange for money and power — you'll let us go right? I mean yeh, we've actually been doing the dirty work that enabled much of his ascent in the first place. And yeh we killed a bunch of your guys (and have done so for the last 47 episodes).

...but we lost a few guys too including one named guy with a strong fujoshi fanbase. That's gotta be worth like at least 20 of your guys and must mean we're even, right? We can just stop here and call it quits, how does that sound to you?

Looking forward to your reply.

O. Itsuka
Tekkadan CEO

PS — sry about the whole Edmonton thing and ruining Gllarhorn's reputation, the political ramifications it caused, killing that fox chick that was one of your highest ranking members + multiple of your subordinates, and supplying weapons to the colonies (that one we honestly didn't know about). We made a lot of money and boosted our reputation as a result though, so it lets look at that as a glass half full thing.

I had a completely different thing I was writing, but I accidentally deleted it so got snarky and wrote this instead. Might do it later when I wake up.

Personally, I like this too much.

Like, what in the fuck where you expecting Rustal to say, Orga? You've spent 40 episodes hyping Tekkaman against Gjallarjorn!

Andrew J.

I don't think the universe is as predictable as Rustal believes it is. He already came a few meters from getting killed by a desparate surprise tactic once, and I bet by the end of the show he's going to regret not taking Orga's offer. He thinks because he's got a plan and superior resources everything will go as he expects it too, but with Tekkadan cornered they're in prime position do try something crazy, and reckless enough that he won't see it coming.
It's in poor taste to compare how an actual superpower in the real world tackles a terrorist leader with how a fictional superpower in a giant robot cartoon tackles a terrorist leader? Okay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know you're playing some dumb 'tekkadan is satan reincarnated' character but do you really need me to explain how comparing a real terrorist who was responsible for 10s of thousands of innocent deaths to a bunch of stupid easily manipulated war orphans with giant robots who fight other people who also have giant robots who are on the wrong side of a civil war in a japanese cartoon in poor taste.

And a stupid comparison too, you might as well call em hitler because that'd be just as reasonable. Not to mention one was on the run and in hiding and the other offering conditional (with unrealistic conditions) surrender so it's not even a remotely similar situation.

And terrorists do get trials in most of the civilized world, and even in the US the 9-11 terrorists did.

And as bad as the US can be with human rights comparing them to rustal & co is gross as well. Rustal is probably the scummiest guy on the show, which says a lot considering how fucked up literally everyone is.


And as bad as the US can be with human rights comparing them to rustal & co is gross as well. Rustal is probably the scummiest guy on the show, which says a lot considering how fucked up literally everyone is.

You are absolutely right. It is shameful that I compared Rustal and his organization with the country that has Donald Trump as president. It is so unfair to have shamed this poor cartoon character who is just doing what he feels is best for peace and stability, by comparing him with a superpower whose government is now openly racist, anti-lgbt, and anti-environment. My apologies.


Remember the last time a Gundam character had sex with a love interest?

This happened.



Also Rustal is kind of dumb, forcing tekkadan into a desperate fight to the death, if anything bites him in the ass it will be that. Sun tzu's art of war probably says something about this.

Lol. Being dumb is allowing Tekkadan to survive there especially after killing their charismatic leader. You thought the member of Tekkadan there won't be filled with Grudge and possibly come back with vengeance in the future lol.

Taking out the root of the problem as fast as possible is more important than showing useless mercy there. As after this, the possible future "Tekkadan"will think twice before they tried their shit again there.


semen stains the mountaintops
When's the threesome!?

Also, how many scenes has there been where Orga says something, everyone yells at him and physically pushes him around, Orga has this dumb founded look on his face and then says "thanks, guys"?





When's the threesome!?

Also, how many scenes has there been where Orga says something, everyone yells at him and physically pushes him around, Orga has this dumb founded look on his face and then says "thanks, guys"?




Doujin bruh.^^ Go look for the doujin.^^

And lol. At the gif there lol. I had been keep seeing this gif but i never seems to be able to find what movie it is lol.^^

On Orga, it just feel normal for me to see him in doubt there. It is like watching the head of the family pondering on what step he must take to save all his brother and sisters.

Even when the bro and sis would follow him to the depths of hell, he sure as hell should know that being a proper human, he should not lead them to that hell.^^


Doujin bruh.^^ Go look for the doujin.^^

And lol. At the gif there lol. I had been keep seeing this gif but i never seems to be able to find what movie it is lol.^^

On Orga, it just feel normal for me to see him in doubt there. It is like watching the head of the family pondering on what step he must take to save all his brother and sisters.

Even when the bro and sis would follow him to the depths of hell, he sure as hell should know that being a proper human, he should not lead them to that hell.^^

The movie is the 1980 comedy classic Airplane!


I don't think the universe is as predictable as Rustal believes it is. He already came a few meters from getting killed by a desparate surprise tactic once, and I bet by the end of the show he's going to regret not taking Orga's offer. He thinks because he's got a plan and superior resources everything will go as he expects it too, but with Tekkadan cornered they're in prime position do try something crazy, and reckless enough that he won't see it coming.

Rustal is such a shitty villain for me. It feels like he just exists because the show needs a competent villain to end the story, but as a character it doesn't feel like he has anything going on for.

Also, I find hilarious this episode revealed he know about Iznario's pedo ring, but he did absolutely nothing for all these years. He's obviously corrupt to the bone and willing to commit/overlook any infraction as long it will maintain the status quo.


Also, I find hilarious this episode revealed he know about Izanrio's pedo ring, but he did absolutely nothing for all these years. He's obviously corrupt to the bone and willing to commit/overlook any infraction as long it will maintain the status quo.
He prob kept quiet so he can use it as blackmail/leverage to play dirty in case of shit happens to him.


Guys, who was that sensible motherfucker in this episode and WHAT HAS HE DONE WITH ORGA? LOL.

Love seeing Rustal work. Not only is he 4 steps ahead of everyone else but he is thorough.
I got tremendous amount of schadenfreude from this episode, watching Tekkadan realize (at long last, like 40 episodes too late) that they have no one to blame but themselves.

Hats off to the showrunners

Dear Mr Elion,
I love you
poor cartoon character who is just doing what he feels is best for peace and stability,

I'm sure poor donald is doing what he feels best for peace and stability and Making America Great Again.

TBH people who can't see that rustal is a if not the bad guy is similar to the reason why people like trump get elected.

As much of a scumbag as trump his and even though he's basically endorsed them at least he hasn't committed warcrimes, framed people for said warcrimes and then responded more warcrimes them as well as use them against non combatant women and children. And lets not even go into the peado thing.

When trump starts mustard gassing people let me know.

So yeah, I'd put trump higher on the moral scale than this guy, by a pretty large margin.

But that's not a comparison I want to make because this is a cartoon character and the other is a real person who hurts real people.

Lol. Being dumb is allowing Tekkadan to survive there especially after killing their charismatic leader. You thought the member of Tekkadan there won't be filled with Grudge and possibly come back with vengeance in the future lol.

Taking out the root of the problem as fast as possible is more important than showing useless mercy there. As after this, the possible future "Tekkadan"will think twice before they tried their shit again there.

Who said anything about letting tekkadan as an organisation survive, there were a million ways Rustal could have negotiated, he could have literally done anything with them, Orga had no other options. Rustal could have even gotten a PR win out of it.

Instead of even trying he just picked literally the stupidest thing and just went 'lol nah i kill u all'. And lmao at 'useless mercy', how naive.

If Rustal loses it will be directly because of this, whatever mcgillis pulls out of his ass there's no way it'd work without tekkadan.

But I suppose this show really likes to take supposed masterminds and make them as dumb as rocks.


Who said anything about letting tekkadan as an organisation survive, there were a million ways Rustal could have negotiated, he could have literally done anything with them, Orga had no other options. Rustal could have even gotten a PR win out of it.

Instead of even trying he just picked literally the stupidest thing and just went 'lol nah i kill u all'. And lmao at 'useless mercy', how naive.

If Rustal loses it will be directly because of this, whatever mcgillis pulls out of his ass there's no way it'd work without tekkadan.

But I suppose this show really likes to take supposed masterminds and make them as dumb as rocks.

Again, why the hell should you negotiate with a terrorist. You don't lower yourself to a group of terrorist there especially if you are the world police.

There is nothing wrong with choosing the simplest choice which is to decimate the enemy when you are winning greatly there. Rustal side literally is currently had soo much advantage that it is simply illogical to even picture Tekkadan and its side can win any battle.

Rustal had make sure, their reputation is destroyed, their economy destroyed, their morale super low, and their are on their last stand. They are not even able to restock their armies now. With how huge Rustal armies there, unless the writer suddenly introduce some Deus-Ex then Rustal is on the right there as there is nothing which could threaten him.

If Rustal is dumb lol, you can even called McGillis and Orga being idiot level lol. For how much they had fail through their plan.


Again, why the hell should you negotiate with a terrorist. You don't lower yourself to a group of terrorist there especially if you are the world police.

There is nothing wrong with choosing the simplest choice which is to decimate the enemy when you are winning greatly there. Rustal side literally is currently had soo much advantage that it is simply illogical to even picture Tekkadan and its side can win any battle.

Rustal had make sure, their reputation is destroyed, their economy destroyed, their morale super low, and their are on their last stand. They are not even able to restock their armies now. With how huge Rustal armies there, unless the writer suddenly introduce some Deus-Ex then Rustal is on the right there as there is nothing which could threaten him.

If Rustal is dumb lol, you can even called McGillis and Orga being idiot level lol. For how much they had fail through their plan.
The funny thing is, everyone who tried negotiating with Tekkadan wound up dead.

Ein's mentor came to them with a peace offering

Carta wanted to resolve this with the least amount of bloodshed via dueling

The gangster attempted to barter with money and self-mutilation

Why should Tekkadan be granted the mercy they've repeatedly denied everybody else?

Come the fuck on
The funny thing is, everyone who tried negotiating with Tekkadan wound up dead.

Ein's mentor came to them with a peace offering

Carta wanted to resolve this with the least amount of bloodshed via dueling

The gangster attempted to barter with money and self-mutilation

Why should Tekkadan be granted the mercy they've repeatedly denied everybody else?

Come the fuck on

Who said any about tekkadan deserving mercy.

It's about Rustal doing what's smart and best for him.


The funny thing is, everyone who tried negotiating with Tekkadan wound up dead.

Ein's mentor came to them with a peace offering

Carta wanted to resolve this with the least amount of bloodshed via dueling

The gangster attempted to barter with money and self-mutilation

Why should Tekkadan be granted the mercy they've repeatedly denied everybody else?

Come the fuck on

Yup. They had the karma come back to bite them harder there. Tekkadan deserve all this shit there.

Who said any about tekkadan deserving mercy.

It's about Rustal doing what's smart and best for him.

I really don't understand what the hell you want Rustal to do then there lol. You said Rustal is wrong being ruthless there? But that mercy is what Orga asked for there. So i am confused on what you wanted Rustal to actually do lol.
So i am confused on what you wanted Rustal to actually do lol.

The same any decent villain would do if they had the manipulable leader of most manipulable manipulable child soldiers capable of insane things begging before him.

Use them, there's so many possibilities. After blondie is dealt with then make an example out of the organisation, execute orga, try the other officers in court, Einify Mikazuki so they can use barbartos, can even get easy PR by 'fixing' the young ones (gallarhorn does good by poor widdle war orphans mislead by evil blonde bastard). Or maybe just absorb tekkadan and use them for their own purposes. The possibilities are literally endless.

Don't just back them into a corner with the only way out through you, especially when they're the same ones that came within metres of one shotting you last time you did and especially when this is the same tekkadan who's best friend is that corner.

But nope just say you're going to kill them all to 'set and example to deter crime', and thus Rustal will go down as another 2 bit dime a dozen villain wondering why he's dying even though he had the overwhelming advantage like every other villain in media.


Saint Titanfall
It's in poor taste to compare how an actual superpower in the real world tackles a terrorist leader with how a fictional superpower in a giant robot cartoon tackles a terrorist leader? Okay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Alright it's a god awful argument that makes no logical sense. Did Osama surrender and give himself up for trial like Tekkadan did? There's a reason why the Hague exists.


Where's Osama's trial?

Well, I never said anything about the US being always lawful or being unlawful. Just speaking on a fictional armed "enforcer of 'justice'" organization's current leader. I agree Rustal is pragmatic, but he's also very sly and manipulative. And he's settling into the "villain" role. All the major factions have blood on their hands. I'm probably just getting caught up in the duck roll. lol


Alright it's a god awful argument that makes no logical sense. Did Osama surrender and give himself up for trial like Tekkadan did? There's a reason why the Hague exists.

I don't know, did he? I would ask him, but he's dead. I guess we'll have to take the word of the people who tracked him down and shot him in the face that he didn't. Fucker deserved to die anyway, so who cares.


The same any decent villain would do if they had the manipulable leader of most manipulable manipulable child soldiers capable of insane things begging before him.

Use them, there's so many possibilities. After blondie is dealt with then make an example out of the organisation, execute orga, try the other officers in court, Einify Mikazuki so they can use barbartos, can even get easy PR by 'fixing' the young ones (gallarhorn does good by poor widdle war orphans mislead by evil blonde bastard). Or maybe just absorb tekkadan and use them for their own purposes. The possibilities are literally endless.

Don't just back them into a corner with the only way out through you, especially when they're the same ones that came within metres of one shotting you last time you did and especially when this is the same tekkadan who's best friend is that corner.

But nope just say you're going to kill them all to 'set and example to deter crime', and thus Rustal will go down as another 2 bit dime a dozen villain wondering why he's dying even though he had the overwhelming advantage like every other villain in media.

I wonder who are naive here lol. Is it you or Rustal?

It is not even any question there. Use them? Absorb them into G-Horn? Especially after executing Orga? You are joking? Tekkadan and all its member would rather die with him as we see in this episode rather than doing anything logical there.

That's like planting a Char or Scirocco into your organization even though you know that they are going to stab you from behind any given chance. You don't put a dangerous element into your side. At all. You destroy them so that there will be no more danger there.

All villain in other media fall even when they had such overwhelming advantage is thanks to plot armor to the MC sides. That simple. If it is real life, those MC will die hundred times first before they can even beat the villain.

And in this case, the Rustal armies outnumbered Tekkadan by a gigantic margin. So, why again should you do all those useless thing when you can just overrun the enemies?

Lol the *Tekkadan is deserving the worst* camp is getting ridiculous.

Why should a group of terrorist and Coup supporter deserve anything other than the worst?
Absorb them into G-Horn? Especially after executing Orga? You are joking? Tekkadan and all its member would rather die with him as we see in this episode rather than doing anything logical there.

Maybe read better, because you missed a pretty vital word.

Why should a group of terrorist and Coup supporter deserve anything other than the worst?

And this is pretty fanatical shit right here. You are scary. This type of thinking is why some places of the world are so fucked up today.


Because I don't want them too? Do I need a better reason? This is an anime.

You people need to calm down.

You can just point out how the other guys tried to start all out war between countries for their own personal gain and they turn a blind eye to the shit that gave birth to Charcolate and Tekkadan.

I mean, everyone is an asshole in this anime. You just gotta pick your favorite one.


The real villains are Biscuit's parents. If they didn't name their kids Biscuit, Cookie, and Cracker, none of this would have happened. Maybe.


Maybe read better, because you missed a pretty vital word.

And this is pretty fanatical shit right here. You are scary. This type of thinking is why some places of the world are so fucked up today.

Ohh please. We are talking about anime right now. Why the hell do you need to link this thing into real life thing. And how can it be fanatical if for some example, i don't think any member of ISIS should receive any pardon when they had commit one of the worst crime in the world? They should punished for what they had done there. Man up for what the thing they had done there.

I had read your dream scenario there and again my brain can't process all this delusional plan.

execute orga

try the other officers in court
Lol. Then send them to guillotine too?O_O

Einify Mikazuki so they can use barbartos,
So that Mikazuki will go Berserk inside Barbatos to kill all the G-Horn army lol.

can even get easy PR by 'fixing' the young ones (gallarhorn does good by poor widdle war orphans mislead by evil blonde bastard).
Lets do things harder there lol. Especially after we clean up the useful members and lets hope the PR will be great for us for employing young children as soldier for G-Horn.^^

Or maybe just absorb tekkadan and use them for their own purposes. The possibilities are literally endless.

Dream also had limitless potential lol.

Because I don't want them too? Do I need a better reason? This is an anime.

You people need to calm down.

Lol. We are just engaging in conversation here. Why is the sudden calm down thingy?

I said that Tekkadan deserve all the shit they are facing now so i don't feel it is ridiculous. They had done many questionable thing that finally bring them to this ending.

Biscuit got dealt all the bad cards. =(

Nah. Biscuit had the second best deal after Tamaki lol. At least Biscuit don't need to deal with all this shitto.^^


I think people need to see the show for what it is, and how consistent the singular tone of the two main leads has been. IBO is a series that literally started with two children dragging themselves out of the ghetto, with one promising the other that he will kill anyone for him, as long as he takes him to "a better place". It's how the series started and it is how it will end. Mika will kill all their enemies, and Orga will take them to a better place - the afterlife. Much like the Golden Age arc for Berserk, I think this was always meant to be a tragedy about how there are no victors for mercenaries driven by the belief that war as a business can lead to stability and a better life. It just leads to more war. And death. And sacrifice. And the false sense of glory and honor.

Giving Tekkadan a happy ending would be trading up all the themes of the show for... what?
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