You know, this whole situation nails how many chances Tekkadan as an organization had to get out of the game, but continued to become drunk off their power and continue to morph themselves into the terrorist organization they are and the rest of the world is finally catching up with it. This is exactly the result of their familial conditioning and never having a voice of reason be able to stand up, instead having the silenced.
The entire exchange also illustrates Hush's entire role in Orphans and the meaning behind his name, to embody the entire organization "hush" dissenters.They've made more than enough money via killing and laundering that they could have sent their child soldiers to school instead of to the battlefield. Yet despite that, they chose to invest their money in military force under this guise that their murders will eventually create this false utopia of a world where Tekkadan children don't have to fight or work. The idea of paradise is one fucking hell of a drug to motivate people towards. What's worse is that Kudelia, rather than Dexter, was the ones in charge of their personal funds and could have set a real financial plan for them, but continued to sit on the money and save it.
The worst part of it is that completely innocent individuals like Fuka, Cookie, and Cracker who have nothing to do with any of this situation are being branded and discriminated against by familial affiliation, all because of how the group thought it would be a good idea to use Biscuit's death as a martyr to recruit more child soldiers and bolster their status as a "revolutionary group". Using Biscuit as a martyr to embody everything he didn't want Tekkadan to become. Those girls just wanted to be happy, have an education, but were robbed of that because of Tekkadan's circumstances out of their own control. I hate to see them bullied, but at the very least it will make them stronger individuals, hopefully.
It is very ironic, everything that passes, and all the fault is entirely on the shoulders of Orga and the rest of Tekkadan to blame. And now, still fail to live up or recognize their crimes, choosing to take the easy way out by offering people a chance at leaving and going out with more crimes and/or fighting.
Rustal is a piece of shit, but as Naze and countless others have told Tekkadan throughout the span of the series, is that you cannot win through brute force and that you must learn how to play the game of politics. No matters your stance as a private military company, if you can't do that, you cannot protect what is most important to you.
To think that Tekkadan ever deserved a good end is laughable, a fair one? Then we can argue that. In an world where the death penalty is still agreed upon despite obvious human rights violations, Tekkadan should be tried and punished. They still deserve due process, but spit on that option and thus their fair ending was gone long ago, choosing to ignore any and all warnings and continuing what they did under their guise of power.
Naze knew when to quit and Tekkadan's current situation exemplifies the stark dichotomy between superficially similar organizations in Turbines and Tekkadan.
When shit hits the fan, you really can tell who has the balls and charisma to make shit happen, Naze, and the guys who bullshit and shit their pants with delusion in the face of adversity, Orga.
I'm really disappointed in Merribit, not quitting when she was ahead.
Iok has shown a surprising amount of character growth and although he wasn't punished for his actions as he should have been, he has succinctly lived up to and beared his crimes and learning from it rather than running away from them. We actually see Iok grow from learning and acknowledging his mistakes, and willingness to change to become a real leader.
Iok is a great contrast to Kudelia, who hasn't learned shit over the course of the series when it came to being a leader or running an organization on the basis of change and revolution.
You would think that McGillis would know better planning things out to prevent becoming unemployed having a top grade education and all. But you really see how despite that you can't detract from his core, underlying personality as someone who sees nothing but brute force and strength and values it above all else.
Being able to impregnate a woman is actually pretty difficult and Mika nor Atra don't even know if their experiment succeeded in getting her to bear a child. This is where convenient plot comes in to, 1, tell us that is was unsuccessful and that they failed, or 2, tell us that Mika used the Alaya Vijana system to amplify his libido 3-fold and give him the ability to ejaculate at a higher volume and rate as a normal human being.
All of this is a really great way to say that education, both traditional and real world, is important. It also shows how flawed all these premises are based on and a final means of getting the rest of the intended audience to realize who the real protagonist is, if they haven't done so by now.