New tower and an 8 hour bus ride tomorrow... good timing!
I'm not sure if a phone can run this game for 8 hours
I am liking the layout and I do think the story recap of the previous towers was a good idea.
New tower and an 8 hour bus ride tomorrow... good timing!
Megabus has power outlets and wifi <3I'm not sure if a phone can run this game for 8 hours
I am liking the layout and I do think the story recap of the previous towers was a good idea.
Sort of.. the actual best way is to buy a Pleiades Pass on a Mobius Day and drink elixirs until you pass out.What's the best way to farm crystals. Plesiades Sunday?
Sort of.. the actual best way is to buy a Pleiades Pass on a Mobius Day and drink elixirs until you pass out.
Since the stamina to crystal ratio is roughly equal, you can auto the forty stamina node so you don't have to pay much attention.
It's a 500 magicite item in the Item Shop, opens up all Pleiades areas for twenty-four hours and gives five elixirs.What's a Pleiades Pass?
If you can auto the sixty stamina node, keep at it, you'll get guaranteed 4★ fractals.I've been autoing the 60 stam nodes because I assumed they'd have the highest crystal drop rate (like the Pneumas), but if the 40 stam one is more efficient, so be it.
It's a 500 magicite item in the Item Shop, opens up all Pleiades areas for twenty-four hours and gives five elixirs.
If you can auto the sixty stamina node, keep at it, you'll get guaranteed 4★ fractals.
The areas are supposedly about 1:1 in terms to stamina to crystals, so there's really no "more efficient" one.
Yeah, start fusing them onto your favorite cards, very useful.I'm actually overflowing with Fractals, my bank is like 60% of them. Their only use is to fuse extra skills into cards yeah?
Yeah, start fusing them onto your favorite cards, very useful.
Interesting note, based on my last crystal farming experience, 3★ fractals seem to give Skillseed, Gil and Experience bonuses a lot. If for some reason you are after any of those, try hanging out in the forty stamina node a bit.
Wow, that is essentially useless.According to Reddit, each point of Life Draw gives you an additional 0.05% chance to draw a life orb on an attack (from a base of 6.25%).
Update out.
So I was reading this particular part:
Does that mean jobs from now on are going to get super expensive in terms of Summon Ticket useage? Should I just burn them all on Job Summon now?
I'm glad I entered this thread today, because I totally missed the patch notes in-game. Guess I'll spend all of my Summoning Tickets right now.
He's the only warrior job I have maxed, does all right, pretty good fire attacks.Emptied the job pool. Last job I pulled was Warrior.
Isn't he trash?
Emptied the job pool. Last job I pulled was Warrior.
Isn't he trash?
Warrior is one of the worst classes in the game; not for being bad, rather Mobius' job design tends to scew more towards specialization rather than generalization. Defensive stats are relatively good but it's still below Paladin and Knight. Attack is good, but is outclassed by Samurai and Dark Knight. Magic is pretty bad though and the Ultimate is awful (Brave is one of the last buffs you're going to want from an Ultimate). Guillotine Blade is really good if you want to use Dragoon a bunch in Multiplayer (though be prepared to spend a long time for modification).
Speaking of Modifications, do they go on forever? I have no idea how many crystals/seeds I've poured into my Masamune/Truescale Staff, but it seems neverending.
All modifications increase a stat by one, so some abilities don't take a long to time to max out (Ultimate Charger maxes out at 3) while others like Piercing Break take a really long time (100 for the max). For this reason, the Truescale Staff is one of the hardest weapons to max out for the abilities. Looking at the Soulrender, which has the same abilities, it takes more than 100 modifications.
The stars have aligned. Mobius Day is upon us and I got a Growstar for completing login bonuses...which I can use to finally Augument A&T to 4*...
..of which I've farmed all the necessary mats to max 5* along with T&J.
All FFRK cards maxed! happy...
Is Rising Sun regarded as the general best Rogue weapon? Or should I just stick with Dominon Axe?
Butterfly Edge and Rising Sun both have Piercing Break, THE breaker skill.Is Rising Sun regarded as the general best Rogue weapon? Or should I just stick with Dominon Axe?
Ranger weapons
I'm up to fifty-six Hashmal Rules, send help.
3★ Skill Coins.Why that many though? IIRC they expire before the next mobius day so you'll need to use up a lot of slots if you want to make use of them.