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Mobius Final Fantasy |OT| From the Makers of Final Fantasy XIII


that puzzling face
I was scared to not have enough crystals but the chests and achievements give tons of those. Heard you can also get it from the bosses that appear randomly on the map.

Only had one crystal so far farming the bosses for augment mats. :( But at least they aren't finite.

Hey guys!

Is there a way I can "Summon" or draw job cards? I must have missed it in the tutorial.

Shop -> Summon -> Job


So far I think the thing I dislike about this the most if the UI/menu clutter and how it seems like a billion systems and icons thrown on top of a billion more just because.

Like, the game itself is pretty simple, it's pretty simple how the fusion/levelling works and all of that, but it's just icon after icon after stat after stat and it can get a bit overwhelming especially on a phone with a small screen and there being like, 3 or 4 pages of information per card (I mean when you hit the button that changes what is shown in the card list, not when you actually click on a card and get like 3 pages including art).
I'm really enjoying this game so far. Just finished up Ch 2 and went back to clean up Ch 1.
My only real complaint is the RNG in battles fucking me over one too many times (oh you need one measly heart seed? Too bad).

How many chapters have been released in Japan so far?
Also, when new chapters are released, did they allow older ones to be deleted? I ask because I don't have much space on my phone left lol not sure how much longer I'd be able to play if it keeps ballooning in size with every chapter.


I wonder will they push out balancing in the same order they did in Japan. Apparently the current gacha jobs (Warrior, Mage and Ranger specifically) are superior to the next batch of Jobs we're getting. But only after their recent buff.


If I click on the share between Android devices button, does that make it okay for me to reinstall the game on my device and well, keep playing? It doesn't seem to do much besides asking you to restart.

Just want to make sure before I lose any progress....

Edit: Seemed to be fine doing that.

Sadly the graphical artifacts i was getting are still appearing. :|

Kind of worried something is wrong with my phone.
Really enjoying this game. Finished chapter 1 and just now managed to level up the Warrior and Mage jobs. Don't really understand the Fusion system and I'm pretty sure I wasted a Cocatrice card because I tried fusion to get another level for the ability and it was only 50% chance. So yeah, don't waste cards trying your chance.


I started playing this, but it's so damn confusing, I have no idea what the hell is going on. I wish they would have kept it simple like in the other game.


At first, the game simply had me interested. Once I played the game for a solid 30 minutes at home I started to really enjoy myself. I can't wait to reach harder content. Also the ost is friggin fantastic.


that puzzling face
I dunno how it is for the other jobs but the -ra spells powered up (lv8, unlocked hiddens) are pretty sweet.

Fira nukes in a cone area for a ton, uses 3 orbs and refunds 1.

Currently farming enough Blizzaras to upgrade my Famfrit Blizzara after I get the other Growstar for unlocking its 4*.


Really enjoying this game. Finished chapter 1 and just now managed to level up the Warrior and Mage jobs. Don't really understand the Fusion system and I'm pretty sure I wasted a Cocatrice card because I tried fusion to get another level for the ability and it was only 50% chance. So yeah, don't waste cards trying your chance.

From what I gather, there are three different reasons you use cards, and you need to approach them differently.

First of all, you can fuse cards to give experience to the target card. Any card can be sacrificed for this purpose, but Metal Cactaur cards are far and away the best at it.

Second of all, you can improve a card's skillseeds by sacrificing other cards of the same element (or non-metallic Cactaurs). For this fusion, the listed odds of the cards you pick are all added together to determine the chance of the improvement. For example, sacrificing a 1* card to improve the first skillseed of a 3* card will have a 60% chance. If you add a second 1* card to the fusion, it becomes 60% + 60% to hit the maximum of 100%. I don't think you can get more than one skillseed upgrade in a single fusion.

Finally, you can fuse two cards that possess the same skill together to improve the level of that skill. So you can sacrifice one card with the Fire ability to improve the level of a different card with the Fire ability. I haven't had much opportunity to experiment with this yet, since I am still early into the game.


Playing this a bit more, and I'm wondering if someone can give me a primer on like, the non-combat gameplay loop I should be getting involved with. Halfway through chapter 1, I switched my deck to a Ranger job and filled it with some shit. Haven't touched anything since, and I've noticed that two of the ability cards equipped are maxed out so they're not getting any levels. But there's so much system clutter I don't know what I should be wasting time with and what I should ignore. Unlocking skill panels? Leveling up the cards I have? How do card evolutions work? Help!


that puzzling face
At its very base, the game has levels and job levels, but they all interact with cards in a somewhat bizarre way.

Your character's level = the level of your 4 equipped cards. This affects your base stats like Attack, HP, etc.

Your 'job level' = how much shit you unlocked on a Job card's specific skill panels. the "XP" for these are Skillseeds, which you get after each combat based on the cards you have equipped, multiplied by a few factors (area, how efficiently you kill stuff, p2w bonus, etc)

Your cards - As mentioned, their levels feed your player level and their skillseed unlocks feed how fast you level your jobs. The cards themselves also deal damage/effectiveness based on their ability level. A lv6 Ability is far, far more effective than a lv1 Ability.

In other words, all 3 do measurably add to power level, and to a certain extent you can't really tunnel one without inadvertently working on the other two anyway.

In terms of what cards to work towards (in my very short experience with the game - didn't even get this far on JP launch):

Ideally you want to be working towards a way to nuke stuff very fast, which involves pumping a card's ability level, and then making sure you have the support necessary to feed it orbs. For example, right now I'm working towards maxing out a Blizzara card (since my job class is mage and also gives extra water damage %) and a support that shifts all orbs to Ice.

There's generally 3 types of targeting - single target, cone, and AOE. I'm finding cones to give the most bang for the buck. AOE is too cumbersome in terms of orb cost and single target doesn't wipe out a lot of trash waves fast enough.

edit: Card Evolutions unlock after progressing through the main story but they're straightforward - there's evolution materials for each element for evolving up to 3*, conveniently dropped by the bosses on the map (denoted by the colored Bomb icons) and 4* evolutions are paywalled/timewalled by "Growth Stars".

I believe generally shop cards can evolve beyond 3* and drop cards can evolve only up to 3* but are important for feeding Ability levels to shop cards via fusion (if you're not using them outright)

edit2: Also progressing the main story uncaps the maximum levels of cards. Yes, it's bizarre ehehehe
I'm absolutely loving this game. probably put 12 hours in. i still don't understand how they are going to make money off of this game. i hardly ran out of stamina. like almost never.
It is irritating when you farm a boss and it goes and spawns onto a stage you've not completed yet and have a hard time on. It is making me think opening up these extra stages was a bad idea.

I'm thinking it's time I bought some more abilities from the ability shop (I'm guessing saving up tickets for jobs is better, yes I know shop bought abilities will have a lot of grinding to make them as good as ticket pull ones) as I currently bought only the 3*+ ones (these are designed to be a great help early on but they can't be made into 4*).

I'm absolutely loving this game. probably put 12 hours in. i still don't understand how they are going to make money off of this game. i hardly ran out of stamina. like almost never.
Eventually you'll get out of the stamina always overflowing phase (btw, I love that when you get stamina refill it overflows...of course when spending stamina I'd prefer it to take the regular bar first but its still better than most games which just fill stamina to max usually resulting in wasted stamina unless you manage it carefully).

At that point you might find yourself always with plenty of stamina anyway as I've found the game currently lacks a quick way to burn stamina and the general pace of the battles with the most expensive content I can find gives long play sessions.


that puzzling face
Battles go by pretty quick once you beef something up enough that it generally 1shots trash and explodes boss Break bars for 3 Orbs (refunding 1)

.... I don't have any yet, but I've got a bunch of followed people with 4* Firas. :D


that puzzling face
Two Growstars to augment to 4*.

(They're not exactly farmable right now - I believe you get one from completing ch2 and one for clearing out the daily gift box, so 15 days)

4* raises the Ability lv cap to 8.

edit: Planning ahead, you also want to farm augment materials to raise Grudge Shaman to 3*. Doing it once will unlock Grudge Shaman cards' chance of dropping as 3*s directly. The big thing about going from 2* to 3* for this card is the Ability changes from Lesser Blizzara to Blizzara, which you can then collect to feed to your Famfrit to take it from Ability lv6->8 down the line.

(long, tedious process)
Just beat the first temple after the tutorial so I'm not far in. I made the mistake of doing the tutorial when I was drunk a few days ago so I'm kinda lost on how to get the orbs I need. So far almost ever enemy has been fire based so I've been using the orb on the bottom of the screen to get fire resistance and while thats active I seem to get more water orbs that I need for my op water spells...am I doing it right?
Loving the game so far, its my new go to game when FFBE is recharging energy.


that puzzling face
That's exactly right. Element Drive (using up the orbs) gives you resist and reduces the chance that you'll draw that color. The colors around the circle basically form a pie chart on the chance not including support/purple orbs.
That's exactly right. Element Drive (using up the orbs) gives you resist and reduces the chance that you'll draw that color. The colors around the circle basically form a pie chart on the chance not including support/purple orbs.

Thanks, as soon as I posted that every enemy I'm fighting now is water based instead of fire lol.


Just 100%'d Chapter 1 and 2. There's nothing left for me to do :\ Do we know how often story updates will be released?
I'm really enjoying this game. I think it's significantly better than either Runekeeper or Brave Exilius. It's a good sign to me if I have no desire to use the auto battle feature during combat. I also very much appreciate that the progression system doesn't totally put you at the mercy of gacha pulls. You have way more control over leveling and which direction to focus on.


Does anyone know off the top of their head which monsters have just plain "Fire" I'm trying to rank up my Kirin but can't find any beasts with it to farm.


I want to summon but I must resist, currently have 11 tickets.
I'll probably do just one job summon next week hoping for black mage or dark knight.


that puzzling face
Does anyone know off the top of their head which monsters have just plain "Fire" I'm trying to rank up my Kirin but can't find any beasts with it to farm.

I believe Dust Sorcerors come in the fire variety as well, but not in Ch1/Ch2. First appearance Ch3.

Fire element also currently suffers the issue of not having its second evolve mat (Molten Core) farmable, meaning the 1* and 2* drops are stuck being at 2* max. You -can- buy them off the Item Shop but Magicite is so rare I don't think you want to.
From what I gather, there are three different reasons you use cards, and you need to approach them differently.

First of all, you can fuse cards to give experience to the target card. Any card can be sacrificed for this purpose, but Metal Cactaur cards are far and away the best at it.

Second of all, you can improve a card's skillseeds by sacrificing other cards of the same element (or non-metallic Cactaurs). For this fusion, the listed odds of the cards you pick are all added together to determine the chance of the improvement. For example, sacrificing a 1* card to improve the first skillseed of a 3* card will have a 60% chance. If you add a second 1* card to the fusion, it becomes 60% + 60% to hit the maximum of 100%. I don't think you can get more than one skillseed upgrade in a single fusion.

Finally, you can fuse two cards that possess the same skill together to improve the level of that skill. So you can sacrifice one card with the Fire ability to improve the level of a different card with the Fire ability. I haven't had much opportunity to experiment with this yet, since I am still early into the game.

Thank you! But about the abilities and leveling them up. There is the lightbulb card right? When a Fire ability, for example, gets to the max level (using fusion like you explained) I can fuse that card with max Fire with the lightbulb to evolve it to Fira?
Anyone know how much data this uses/hr of gameplay? Obviously not considering the game data download it might do every now and then for updates.

Nvm just read above lol.

Is it worth it to max out the 3 star cards from the shop?


I believe Dust Sorcerors come in the fire variety as well, but not in Ch1/Ch2. First appearance Ch3.

Fire element also currently suffers the issue of not having its second evolve mat (Molten Core) farmable, meaning the 1* and 2* drops are stuck being at 2* max. You -can- buy them off the Item Shop but Magicite is so rare I don't think you want to.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised, I really like this game despite some nit picky issues but I dislike how these games are rolled out sometimes. It really doesn't make any sense to me to release content that you can't do much with until whenever they get around to updating the game again.

Perfect example is how I got the Job I wanted of the ones currently unlocked which was white Mage, it's cool and I really like the overall look of the costume but one of its primary elements is earth and there are currently no earth Mage cards in the game as far as I know.

Guess I'll just farm the water stuff I need for now.


Finished chapter 2 and i kept on dying to the new opened paths,am not sure what do other than doing old battles that gives you little exp.

Also i dont know how the hell some people already unlocked the third job..i need like 1500 fire seeds to unlock the knight


edit: Planning ahead, you also want to farm augment materials to raise Grudge Shaman to 3*. Doing it once will unlock Grudge Shaman cards' chance of dropping as 3*s directly. The big thing about going from 2* to 3* for this card is the Ability changes from Lesser Blizzara to Blizzara, which you can then collect to feed to your Famfrit to take it from Ability lv6->8 down the line.

(long, tedious process)
Just started doing this since I have only have skillseeds grind left, but started with Dust Mage and now they drop directly at 3 stars.


It was rather quick to do, once I max my current Blizzard ability I'll do Blizzara.
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