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Monster Hunter 4 |OT| Slay 'em, Skin 'em, Wear 'em


Junior Member

And with only 3 minutes to spare, done on the first try!
Jesus, my wife's at that part in the story mode, and she just said, "nope" when she saw where it was. I'm not sure how far off I am from that quest, but I already know I won't bother.

Finally got full Mario & Luigi sets for my cats last night too. The fight is kind of a pain, but it's also probably because I'm not that good, and we did it 2-player.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
I'm pretty sure I'll never try that one.

zinogre and super sayan rajang at the same time followed by single shaggy?
Or do you fight them all separate? Either way, I'd probably not have the patients for a fight like this.


edit: by the way, whats your setup? looks like a charge axe and blue los armor? can't tell which axe it is though

It's actually Zinogre with virus after he dies + super saiyan Rajang at the same time followed by Shaggy :)

Zinogre dies super quickly though, so what I did was run around and make Rajang attack Zinogre via friendly fire for a good 15 minutes. Once he died the second time I tried my best not to get killed by Rajang (died once but eh) and have enough potions, etc. for the Shaggy fight.

My setup for the fight:

10 pots, 10 mega pots, whetstones, flash bombs, farcaster, Book of Combos 1/2/3, plant to get rid of virus infection. Then I had materials to make more pots, flash bombs and farcasters

When i got below 30% health I used farcaster to heal up and to instantly recover my Felynes, sharpen up, etc. I brought enough to make 10 farcasters so it was basically like having 30 mega pots. I had 10 pots, 10 mega pots and 3 farcasters left over once I got to Shaggy.

my armor setup is Shaggy Charge Axe plus Azure Los set with high grade ear plugs and Critical Hit 3

The best part of the fight was when I jumped on the infected Zinogre and when I knocked him down, Rajang nailed him with 3 punch combos in a row trying to get to me, and then a laser beam lol


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Just unlocked the final village quest.


The real Monster Hunter begins. Eep. :/


And with only 3 minutes to spare, done on the first try!


In other news am finally HR 6 lol


Unconfirmed Member
Congrats! Also whoa, have never seen that farcaster strategy, for some reason I was under the impression you could only bring/combine 3 or so.

I did it by bringing 10 large barrel bomb G and just placing them quickly + kicking to take out zinogre really fast. Rajang by himself was a lot easier to handle after that and then I had two healing type airu manage my health for the rest of the fight.


you could bring in smoke bomb, use it as soon you get into map and to try prolong the 1v1 encounter as much as u can before rajang seeing you.


Still slowly picking away at this offline... got up to the Real Goa Magara fight in the village quest and got killed in 3 hits. think it's time to upgrade my weapon/armour again.

Been using the Velocidrome armour all this time and the first upgrade to the basic charge axe.


This is my first Monster Hunter game, and I've been picking away at it bit by bit in my free time. But today I had a three and a half hour play session with some friends who are big MonHun fans, and they dragged me all the way to HR 4. I finished a set of Kabura armor, got some good upgrading done on my katana, and I got to see a lot of awesome monsters.

I definitely see the appeal of the game, especially when playing with a group. There's a lot of ways to cooperate, and especially in my situation, everyone's getting something out of it. Even if I can't contribute much, they can fight monsters while I look for Makalite and I can still get good loot out of it. And because gear is pretty much the only thing that matters, that means I can start being useful a lot faster than if I had to grind out tons of levels.

And it kind of goes without saying, but the monsters are really varied and cool.

Before I was trying to go through all the quests in the village and getting bogged down (whose idea was that stupid egg retrieval quest), but now I'll try to stick more to story missions that seem interesting, unless I'm looking for a particular item to complete some piece of gear.

I dunno how deep I'll get into it (I tend to check out of loot-based games pretty early), but the social element makes this a lot more enticing.


Well yeah, so I didn't even play anymore for how long now, a week? Got swamped up with trying to get the most out of the last few sweet days of university free time.
Really had to finish watching Battlestar Galactica and then started playing GTA5 (it just felt too weird having a PS3 with 7 games hanging around and only watching DVDs on it...).
Screw the german customs guys at Frankfurt though, they've been sitting on my Idolmaster copy for 3 weeks now, I know why I got MH4 as a DD. Why can nothing ever Go My Way.

Uhh yeah, not that anyone cares but yeah, that's my apology/explanation for randomly vanishing (although I tend to do that).

Cool that you seem to have gotten together a chat and stuff, I even complained about the in-game chat in the club nintendo surveys, haha.
As far as the list is concerned, I'm in germany too if you didn't know la_briola, so yeah. No Idea about the times though, ~18:00 prolly if I should ever appear again and looking at the others availability.

Oi are you serious? That sucks. D: Thank god Im not high rank enough to do any of the weird looking ones.

Did manage to find a player thats lv 100 though :eek:

Yeah I bumped into a few 100+ players even back then, like a week ago? some hardcore players in Japan for sure.

Be careful with those guild quests, a lot of people are hacking their saves and those quests, and they can actually screw up your save data. Anything that's at level 100 or have two end-game monsters should be avoided.

Wha? Really? That sucks, what are they hacking them for, or do they just boost the level (sounds like lvling up a quest so high might take some time)?

Remember how I really wanted the shiny Guild quests you had?
Well I played and played expeditions to get a Shagster Maggy, then when I finally get one, I check my list and apparently somebody had already sent me that. At least now I have one with my name on it x.x

I guess a big chunk of the community has moved on to playing mostly Guild quests? The boost to the monsters stats seems like it might still provide a challenge even with maxed out armor (read of monsters one-shotting ~500 armor players at high lvls).

~Good Hunting~


Just sent Oichi a PM with my friend code. My copy of the game came in on Friday and I'm working on village quests now. Hope to get online with friends soon. :)


Heeey, wb!
A challenge lol, yeah you could say that. Next time you bump into perorist, ask him for his lvl100 kush, you'll see. :)

Haha thanks, oh god no thanks!

I'd just do what I always do in situations like that: do nothing but running around, get in 2 riding attacks, let everyone else die and pretend I totally did awesome and they fucked up ;P


Unconfirmed Member
I guess a big chunk of the community has moved on to playing mostly Guild quests?
It seems so, since those quests give out very powerful equipment drops, lots of hunter rank points, and certain items that aren't obtainable otherwise, like true armor spheres. When looking for rooms, if you set the hunter level to 達人 to select targets you normally wouldn't be able to, half the results are usually guild quests now.

And I deleted that 100 kush because I was worried it might be hacked fest :p

(´・ω`・) Maybe we could do some arena quests next time it's my turn in a rotation


Hey guys I've got a question about village Akantor and how to unlock...

I'm probably missing something simple, but from what I have read so far I need to be HR7 or over and have done him in the guild hall (done), have all the old lady farm collection quests completed (done), unlocked the village 6* quests (done).

Just looking at where to go from here, none of the cats on the island have anything to say to me, and white cat on the beach says the same thing over and over.

Thanks and hope I'm not missing something fairly silly. Side question is that he drops HR materials yeah?



Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I meant in pairs

If we choose the same quest there shouldn't be a huge difference in completion time, worst case one team waits a few extra minutes

Edit - btw, is anyone else in here playing without a circle pad pro? My L button got really pooped out on my XL after 250 hours of target camera clicking in MH3U and I can feel my LL's L button starting to go as well. Does this happen to anyone else?


Neo Member
Hey guys I've got a question about village Akantor and how to unlock...

I'm probably missing something simple, but from what I have read so far I need to be HR7 or over and have done him in the guild hall (done), have all the old lady farm collection quests completed (done), unlocked the village 6* quests (done).

Just looking at where to go from here, none of the cats on the island have anything to say to me, and white cat on the beach says the same thing over and over.

Thanks and hope I'm not missing something fairly silly. Side question is that he drops HR materials yeah?

Basically the white cat on the beach gives a series of missions which unlocks one another in sequence.
I think the sequence is:


Basically the white cat on the beach gives a series of missions which unlocks one another in sequence.
I think the sequence is:

Hey thanks for that I will work through them and post back, cheers !


What a waste not a LL. I would jump on it (since its cheaper for me to import an Japan unit..even cheaper than retail than to import a NA unit sadly =( )


Junior Member
They already have 2 LL units as is. That and not everyone likes the LL regardless of a larger screen.
While I'm happy I got the LL, I can't help but be a little jealous when I see the screen on the regular 3DS. The colors are way better, and the device itself is so much lighter. If I were to get another unit, I'd definitely consider this over another LL.
When are you guys going to ship it to the US though?

Localization rumors are finally starting to pick up. NoE is taking a Japanese build of the game to an event this month in France, and Nintendo of Korea is bringing a Korean version to a Korean event in November.

NoA has a fan event on the 26th, so maybe, we will hear something then.


OMG! The first Rathalos fight is amazing with all the climbing and running around!

Went back to try MH3G yesterday and it feels kinda like a prototype lol.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
While I'm happy I got the LL, I can't help but be a little jealous when I see the screen on the regular 3DS. The colors are way better, and the device itself is so much lighter. If I were to get another unit, I'd definitely consider this over another LL.

I still prefer to play on the LL since the larger screen makes a huge diff and a bit easier on the eyes. Though the smaller one is serviceable too considering thats what I used for 3G.

Got 2 LLs and one normal.

Just posted a couple of awesome armor sets that I've come across while playing online with random players. Some of these look seriously good, too bad none of them have earplugs :(


Great stuff there! Need to try to make some of those.

Besides a small bit of pokemon, been too busy with work stuff to play unfortunately. So once again have fallen behind. D: Do hope to get back into the swing of things next week! Over the weekend hope to try to upgrade my bug set into the high rank one. Though currently when I tried by myself got roflstomped good. D:

Today found 2 more 100+ HR people though :eek:


Just posted a couple of awesome armor sets that I've come across while playing online with random players. Some of these look seriously good, too bad none of them have earplugs :(


you don't necessarily need earplugs. my evasion +3 set (also distance +1, sharpness+1, quicksharpening - similar to set 4, but different parts) let's me dodge through everything including the roars pretty easily. just roll once when the monster is about to roar and you're good to go. (obviously won't work while riding)

We* killed them in a party!

* Zornica, Fest, Anura and myself (I think :lol)

I don't even remember that oO?


Unconfirmed Member
Only thing I don't like about MH4 is it doesn't really have any good monsters for solo speedruns. They nerfed stygian zinogre to hell and back ( つ Д `)

Outside of that though MH4 is a lot more fun to play in general


Unconfirmed Member
Capcom put out some official information about hacked guild quests and what to avoid


Key points are to avoid quests with monsters that start in the base camp (obviously), as well as maps with more than 1 treasure room.

This is also a list of all 18 possible guild quests (monsters) and the initial level they start at. When you receive a guild quest from another player it temporarily gets reset to its initial level, so if it's not within these bounds it's a hacked quest.


They recommend deleting them right away and if you end up going on a hacked guild quest, to exit the game without saving.
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