Delivered on: Friday, March 6, 2015
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I can't wait for the work day to end now, so I can get home and start slaying some monsters. This is going to be a good weekend.
anybody playing this on an original 3DS?
Trying to figure out if I should just buy the game or wait and think about upgrading to a new 3ds xl
My copy came in today too from Amazon!
Can't wait. Absolutely love this series.
If you are looking to do any low rank quests over the weekend shoot me a message. It sounds like we will be around the same HR. Also enjoy!
At what point are wystones essential?Phew. Can finally play again. But I really should unlock Wystones so I guess I'm offline for the time being.
At what point are wystones essential?
4U feels like the spiritual successor to Freedom Unite in many ways, I don't think I'd recommend FU to somebody now that this game exists.3U - different monster sets, different areas. It's also actually more friendly than 4U for soloing, as you can do all the online stuff explicitly solo, so all the games quests are accessible for you regardless of how much you can/do/enjoy mp.
Really I don't think you can go wrong playing MFHU, 3U, and 4U.
They all offer something slightly different.
I need some armor advice. I use the charge blade and am currently at HR5+ and caravan 5. My gear is a hodgepodge of various items so I decided to build a set.
Rath Heart is currently the highest teir I have access to, so I started with that; I currently have 2 items. I looked up the armor bonuses and it has +1 to adrenaline, fire atk, & windproof (h). I'm starting to think that was a bad choice. What do you think?
Can anyone help me with the Dalamadur urgent? People keep triple carting and it's hard to find a group that will stick it out. I'll definitely pass it on to others who need help with it, too!
Join if you need it and we'll take turns or join if you are a nice person who will help me out.
I'll join (I'm Elise in game).
What's the deal with Dundorma anyway?
Will the story eventually take me there (*3 atm) or am I just supposed to go there whenever in my own time?
What's the deal with Dundorma anyway?
Will the story eventually take me there (*3 atm) or am I just supposed to go there whenever in my own time?
Reached the Volcanic Hollow!
Feels sort of familiar
Some guy joined my rajang farming group in full grand ire armor, died first, left guild hall, stole a cart. Great...
Gold, that was a while ago though. The groups full now.
Join me for HR5+ key quests ID: 60-7094-3707-9650
-Red Khuzu
-Gore Magala
-Frenzied Tigrex
By some miracle I won after my internet messed up and kicked everyone off. Thank you SO much to those who joined. I owe you guys some help.
I was so excited about you guys joining that I forgot to eat... and then I fainted after complaining that I couldn't complete it because other people kept fainting.
Is there any way to get more Super Mushrooms?
Did you manage to take it down after I DC'd Lasdrub?
My connection dropped EVERYONE. But I was able to complete it thanks to the hard work everyone did before that happened. Make a room so that I can help you!
Damn. I really need horn breaks on that. Soloing with horn break takes forever.
I managed to kill it after the DC too. Would you mind joining a room for mine?
Not yet. The DLC that gives them out will be out April 3rd.
Will the entry for the armor be gone? Or does it stay now that I downloaded it?
If you are looking to do any low rank quests over the weekend shoot me a message. It sounds like we will be around the same HR. Also enjoy!
I doubled my Armour value went from Nerscyllas set to Tetsucabra S set.
Whats the stats on Links Blademaster Armour set and Master Sword?
The story will take you there. Nearly all of offline High and G are there. 7* is where the Dundorma stuff starts.
Story will eventually take you there.
The defense starts at 52 for that set.