Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT2| I'm Felyne Eggs-tatic!


You've got the basics down already, for the most part. All the Caravan quests can only be done offline, solo.

It's recommended you proceed to at least the 3* caravan quests before trying to take on the gathering hall quests also.

Wow, thanks! Good to know that I am on the right track.

If I don't have anyone to play with, or my schedule doesn't permit, is it worth attempting the Guild quests on my own, or should I just stick to the Caravan quests?


Wow, thanks! Good to know that I am on the right track.

If I don't have anyone to play with, or my schedule doesn't permit, is it worth attempting the Guild quests on my own, or should I just stick to the Caravan quests?
There's no harm in clearing them out yourself if you feel like it. Though because the monsters will take longer to defeat on the Guild side, it'll be easier to farm new gear by hunting Caravan monsters instead.


Wow, thanks! Good to know that I am on the right track.

If I don't have anyone to play with, or my schedule doesn't permit, is it worth attempting the Guild quests on my own, or should I just stick to the Caravan quests?

You can do them yourself but I am always looking for a steady hunting partner.

I live in Taiwan though but I am sure we can schedule a day a week sometime.
Wow, thanks! Good to know that I am on the right track.

If I don't have anyone to play with, or my schedule doesn't permit, is it worth attempting the Guild quests on my own, or should I just stick to the Caravan quests?

You absolutely can do guild quests on your own. However, when it comes to farming monsters for parts to make weapons/armor it's easier to do the caravan quests due to their lowered health making it go by faster unless you manage to assemble a group of 3 or more. That said, you should still progress through the guild quests on your time because some of them unlock ingredient upgrades for food bonuses, or more monster parts you can trade for. I'd say 1* guild quests are equivalent to 3* caravan, 2* == 4*, and so on.

Also, you can join the Monster Hunter GAF discord and ask if anyone's willing to play. It's a bit quiet but I'm sure you'll get someone if you ask at the right time (like me!)

Quote this post to see the link.


So what do you all think about beginner weapons in 4U? Do you all focus on one weapon, or do you master a few of them?

I've run through all of the melee-type training missions. Initially, I thought I would like the long sword or dual blades because I tend to gravitate toward these types of weapons in other games. I played through most of 1* and 2* Caravan quests with the long sword and I found it a little difficult to score hits because its X and A attacks are very directional. On a whim I tried the Charge Blade despite it appearing more complicated than either the long sword or dual blade, and I was surprised that I really liked it. Thinking of giving sword and shield a go perhaps.


So what do you all think about beginner weapons in 4U? Do you all focus on one weapon, or do you master a few of them?

I've run through all of the melee-type training missions. Initially, I thought I would like the long sword or dual blades because I tend to gravitate toward these types of weapons in other games. I played through most of 1* and 2* Caravan quests with the long sword and I found it a little difficult to score hits because its X and A attacks are very directional. On a whim I tried the Charge Blade despite it appearing more complicated than either the long sword or dual blade, and I was surprised that I really liked it. Thinking of giving sword and shield a go perhaps.

I say do what you want but probably make many. Some are easier to fight with a certain type. All is doable with one though.


I say do what you want but probably make many. Some are easier to fight with a certain type. All is doable with one though.

Yeah, I've seen a lot of tutorials that suggest every weapon is viable. That's why I tried all of the melee tutorials (not horribly interested in ranged weapons). In games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, I tend to focus on one or two weapons almost exclusively.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of tutorials that suggest every weapon is viable. That's why I tried all of the melee tutorials (not horribly interested in ranged weapons). In games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, I tend to focus on one or two weapons almost exclusively.

Well soulsbrone games are a bit different. Especially earlier souls game where you have very limited upgrade materials.

But hey man I need to level up in guild if you want to play.
in Monster Hunter, each weapon is comparable to a playable character in a fighting game. They all have their own movesets with weaknesses and strengths, and are all built around certain playstyles.

Ultimately, every monster can be hunted with every weapon so it really just comes down to using what you like using. There's no problem in using multiple weapons either. Sometimes you may find one weapon makes fighting a monster easier than using another. I personally completed every quest in 4U's single-player using only the Hunting Horn, so it's definitely doable (but also painful if you don't make the suitable preparations.)


Neo Member
Anyone playing this lately? I have a new character that is Hr1, would be up for some gaf games.

I'm playing as well now and then. I've made it as far as G3 though but am willing to help you guys on the way. :) I can equip/craft something that's not too OP for LR/HR.


Quick question about expeditions in MH4U. Is there a way to choose the type of expedition one goes on, or is it limited to one random expedition at a time?

For instance, say I want to hunt Great Jaggi and I'd like to do an expedition where a Great Jaggi has a high chance of appearing. Is there any way to select this, or am I better off selecting a Great Jaggi quest that I've already completed?

Ultimately, I need a "King's Frill" to complete my Jaggi Armor set.

Thanks all!


Can't really remember the expedition setup, but most of the game youre gonna be grinding monster parts. Sojusr doth great jaggi quest a few times.

Think u need to smash his frill for it.


Quick question about expeditions in MH4U. Is there a way to choose the type of expedition one goes on, or is it limited to one random expedition at a time?

For instance, say I want to hunt Great Jaggi and I'd like to do an expedition where a Great Jaggi has a high chance of appearing. Is there any way to select this, or am I better off selecting a Great Jaggi quest that I've already completed?

Ultimately, I need a "King's Frill" to complete my Jaggi Armor set.

Thanks all!
The monsters that appear in expeditions are random. I believe they re-roll every time you do a quest. I think the fastest way to cycle the expeditions is to do one of the tutorial quests to deliver Well Done Steaks or Mega Potions.

If you just want to fight a Great Jaggi by all means go on a quest you've already cleared. The monster part rewards are better from quests than expeditions anyway, IIRC. And you can't get a Great Jaggi guild quest--hunting one in an expedition will only reward you with Kut-Ku or Velocidrome GQs (here's the full list).

Make sure to break the head to get the Frill (65% drop chance from breaking the head in low rank).


I'm getting ready to leave Harth after defeating the Nerscylla, and the (I think) Gore Magala is attacking the whale ship I am sailing on. I've got a set of Jaggi armor, and two or three upgrades on my Charge Blade and Hammer. Is this enough to beat this fight or should I circle back to Harth and craft a better set of armor?


I'm getting ready to leave Harth after defeating the Nerscylla, and the (I think) Gore Magala is attacking the whale ship I am sailing on. I've got a set of Jaggi armor, and two or three upgrades on my Charge Blade and Hammer. Is this enough to beat this fight or should I circle back to Harth and craft a better set of armor?
I recommend buying new armour unless you're confident in your Charge Blade guard points and are prepared to learn very quickly.


I crafted a set of Tetsucabra armor. I had all of the materials to make a full set. Should I worry about upgrading it straight away?
If you have the armor spheres and money I would upgrade the armor as I go. You won't need those low-level Armor Spheres later in the game anyway.


Are there still any MH4U players around? I found the game second hand over the weekend for a really cheap price and thought why not pick it up and see what it's like. I have never played a MH game before so I don't know anything about the series but what I did find while checking out some info on the game is that there is some Metroid DLC for the game. What I wanted to know is can I still get this DLC in the game and can I get it solo? All the vids I have seen online have people doing this in groups. It's pretty much the push factor for me to sink hours into the game instead of just messing around every now and then.
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