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Monster Hunter Generations |OT| Generation X


I would have thought the same, since the Gog fight was such a PITA.
All I did in each fight was keep ramping up the damage with my lance while others did the more interesting stuff like the artillery etc. Once I'd learned to get out of the courtyard when he took off, and dodge or block (with guard up) his beam attack, I was able to pretty much just tank him and keep chipping away. Quite enjoyed it in the end when playing with others who knew the fight, at least it was a bit more interesting than Alatreon in Tri (and also MHG). It was a slog though.


Saw the strider gear on the wiki, looked around to see if the dlc quest had been released yet (not yet) and stumbled across the gamefaqs board. Man I completely forgot that there is weapon superiority in the community. Dudes shitting all over certain style and weapon combinations.0

I first got into MH with Freedom 2 in 2007. That game throws you to the wolves from the get-go and I was honestly expecting something different from the game. Like, more DMC-ish. So in my frustration I went to Gamefaqs since the games seemed popular there. There were such elitist shitheads I almost dropped the series then and there. I did stick it out despite their lack of help, but once I 'got gud' I decided I'd never be like that. I try to help people out whenever I can and it's nice to see that most of the MH community has stuck with that.

I have a real hard time taking weapon elitism seriously anyways.The people claiming they boot SnS, LBG, Gunlance users (dependent on game) strike me as the type who will wait 10 minutes for the room to fill up with 4 in order to kill a monster that dies in 3 minutes. If you're that confident in your abilities then you shouldn't be afraid to fight anything with anyone.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
The only thing I will say about Styles is that I hope that those same people who are loving the Adept/Ariel/Striker Style don't start acting surprise or complain about their possible absence in Monster Hunter 5 (ex:WTF is this Capcom!! No Ariel Style?!! I can't go back to playing Vanilla/Guild Style!) when the Monster Hunter team loves to add and remove features the same way Game Freak does with it's Pokémon games.

On another note here we go with the waiting again..
Apparently Capcom says that I'm not allowed to finish upgrading my Armor Set because Hyper Rajang is DLC only and I can't access it until they feel like unlocking it.

I swear the biggest sin this franchise makes (at least in the West) is the drip feeding of on cartridge locked DLC.


I first got into MH with Freedom 2 in 2007. That game throws you to the wolves from the get-go and I was honestly expecting something different from the game. Like, more DMC-ish. So in my frustration I went to Gamefaqs since the games seemed popular there. There were such elitist shitheads I almost dropped the series then and there. I did stick it out despite their lack of help, but once I 'got gud' I decided I'd never be like that. I try to help people out whenever I can and it's nice to see that most of the MH community has stuck with that.

I have a real hard time taking weapon elitism seriously anyways.The people claiming they boot SnS, LBG, Gunlance users (dependent on game) strike me as the type who will wait 10 minutes for the room to fill up with 4 in order to kill a monster that dies in 3 minutes. If you're that confident in your abilities then you shouldn't be afraid to fight anything with anyone.
These kind of elitist idiots are why I start rooms, so I can kick them when they start getting shitty about other people's loadouts or moaning because a player carted once. It's supposed to be fun and co-operative, not a contest to have the highest DPS. There's a tiny subset of players who can't stand being part of a less-than-optimum team, and are often the same ones so focused on their offensive ability that they won't ever heal or help others in a team game, but will then laugh at them if they cart. Personally I don't really see the fun in a hunt being four min/maxed players pummelling a creature and keeping it stun-locked until death. The best hunts I've had have been close-run things, or at least with a mild chance of the monster winning. The thrill is in the chase and turning the tables for me.

If a team is failing hunt after hunt I'll look at why and check the kit of the hunters that are carting the most (sometimes they, but usually others, leave in frustration), but only so I can offer advice. Often it's forgetting about inate armour elemental weaknesses, and rushing to eat and choose offensive options before seeing what they are hunting, and then no longer having the ability to choose food to cover weaknesses if facing creatures that rely on those attacks (like Lagi these days).

I look at it that if I'm the strongest player in a room I'll take responsibility for bringing lifepowder, paintballing the creature, flash bomb fliers to show new hunters how to get them out of the air, and generally try to shepherd the quest to run smoothly rather than dive in to prove how much more damage I can do.

Particularly in MHG though, a team of players with far-from optimum loadouts is still going to wipe the floor with stuff by the time they've faced it once or twice unless they are woefully under equipped.


I will kick out anyone who has unlocked their HR and has a clownsuit with zero active skills. Those kind of people most definitely had their ass carried by other more competent players. I thought of giving them a chance at first but 100% of the time they're the reason my team fails or barely scrapes through an elder dragon quest or high level deviant so I don't bother with them anymore.


I will kick out anyone who has unlocked their HR and has a clownsuit with zero active skills. Those kind of people most definitely had their ass carried by other more competent players. I thought of giving them a chance at first but 100% of the time they're the reason my team fails or barely scrapes through an elder dragon quest or high level deviant so I don't bother with them anymore.
That's a fair point. I was mainly talking about the mid-game, I think there's a huge difference between someone who's chosen the weapon, armour and skills they like (even if not as effective as some other loadouts) and someone who doesn't have a clue when facing endgame marks and has clearly been carried all the way. Such players have usually also made little progress in the village and so lack some resources, and in some cases basic knowledge and tactics.


Knocked out a couple of the 7* hub quests on my own this morning, but am really struggling with my current target, a marshlands one vs a hyper Khezu, hyper Shogun Ceanataur and hyper Astalos. Built a thunder-res armour set specifically for the quest, but I've run out of time twice. I think I need to try and overcome my natural cautiousness here and go for an all-out offensive set. Or ask for help, my cats aren't quite cutting it (literally).


Got another really good group for Turns last night, made it through the rest of my 6* hyper quests and into the 7* stuff. This game really is at its best when you get 3-4 decent players in a group that stick around for a few hours of hunting.

I need 3 more Hard armor spheres tonight before my armor is fully maxed out, defense-wise, then I'm going to finally dig in to Deviants. I'm going to go for the Silver Narga armor and obviously the hellblade weapon.

The EX Gore set is absolutely perfect for hunting hypers if you've got a good talisman. Just by the nature of Hyper monsters, Spirit is active nearly 100% of the time. I'm really glad I grinded it out.

I am definitely going to break up my IG play soon as well. I love the weapon, but I need a change of pace. SnS has been my village weapon/change of pace weapon, but I also really love Adept Hammer.

Any recommendations if I'm just going to make 2-3 general use hammers, which ones to go for?


Neo Member
Okay okay, I think my next weapon is the Swag Axe. I'm keen on making a Deviant weapon because 2 of those hunter arts look crazy broken. But what do you guys think about the 3rd one (the crazy overdone attack)? Is it worth using that or sticking with something like Absolute Readiness?


Never fought Teostra before. Was nervous to try it in HR because I don't know what he does or even looks like.

It's dead in like 5 minutes the 3 times we fought him until I got the gem....

What on earth makes this an Elder Dragon?


Never fought Teostra before. Was nervous to try it in HR because I don't know what he does or even looks like.

It's dead in like 5 minutes the 3 times we fought him until I got the gem....

What on earth makes this an Elder Dragon?

Go back to 2nd gen where it was introduced. Everything in this game is a joke when you fight it with other people. MH4U Teostra was an absolute beast too. It's supernova completely stomped randoms. It was funny seeing a hunt go from no carts to everyone else on your team triple carting cause they ran right into it's most powerful attack (so strong it might as well have been a guaranteed instant kill).


Go back to 2nd gen where it was introduced. Everything in this game is a joke when you fight it with other people. MH4U Teostra was an absolute beast too. It's supernova completely stomped randoms. It was funny seeing a hunt go from no carts to everyone else on your team triple carting cause they ran right into it's most powerful attack (so strong it might as well have been a guaranteed instant kill).

I was wondering if that might be the case. I soloed MH4 but didn't mess with the elder dragons. I need to get back to it but everything is a joke in Generations so I was wondering if this might be the same case.


Neo Member
Just had a thought, now that we are talking about the difference in difficulty between MHGen and past MH games.

Is this game more accessible now? Everyone can agree the monsters are a lot easier. Perhaps this is due to a power creep of hunters getting more options and monsters not really receiving anything new. Does this mean that people who have no experience with MH will have an easier time jumping into the game?


I don't think Teostra was that hard in 4U either whether it was High Rank/G-rank/Lvl140. It's most threatening attack is the super nova and maybe the leaping attack, but outside of that I never really felt like there was much else to be afraid of. :x


Any recommendations if I'm just going to make 2-3 general use hammers, which ones to go for?
By my math, the hidden breaker and the grimclaw (seize) hammers are best if you're going for a crit build, such as with the silver narga armor you've mentioned.

I keep trying to theorycraft blunt hammer builds but silver narga is sitting right there taunting me.


Just had a thought, now that we are talking about the difference in difficulty between MHGen and past MH games.

Is this game more accessible now? Everyone can agree the monsters are a lot easier. Perhaps this is due to a power creep of hunters getting more options and monsters not really receiving anything new. Does this mean that people who have no experience with MH will have an easier time jumping into the game?

I don;t think they will due to the overabundance of gathering quests. I think 4U is the most accessible in the series.


Just had a thought, now that we are talking about the difference in difficulty between MHGen and past MH games.

Is this game more accessible now? Everyone can agree the monsters are a lot easier. Perhaps this is due to a power creep of hunters getting more options and monsters not really receiving anything new. Does this mean that people who have no experience with MH will have an easier time jumping into the game?
I think there's a trade off between MH4U's decent introduction/story that walked beginners through, introducing each element in turn, and Generations, where monsters are easier due to increased hunter abilities but it isn't explained as well.

Beginners playing alone are probably still better off learning through MH4U, but realistically the best place to learn is alongside other hunters, and wherever the community is.


By my math, the hidden breaker and the grimclaw (seize) hammers are best if you're going for a crit build, such as with the silver narga armor you've mentioned.

I keep trying to theorycraft blunt hammer builds but silver narga is sitting right there taunting me.

Grimclaw looks fantastic, but that Deviant grind seems pretty real.

Maybe I'll just go Blunt for less time investment. I'm almost HR60 so I will be able to make the Akantor armor set soon. Looking at the list, that Black Belt Hammer seems to gel pretty well with Blunt. I'm not a fan of the negative affinity weapons with high raw, though I've never done any kind of math to see how that actually plays out.


Just had a thought, now that we are talking about the difference in difficulty between MHGen and past MH games.

Is this game more accessible now? Everyone can agree the monsters are a lot easier. Perhaps this is due to a power creep of hunters getting more options and monsters not really receiving anything new. Does this mean that people who have no experience with MH will have an easier time jumping into the game?

There isn't really any noticeable power creep in MH as far as I'm concerned. When they introduce bunch of multi-skills in MH4U, they also brought Apex and 140lvl guild monster with it. The same happened here in MHGen and the Deviants and the Hypers (even it's clear that much of the game challenge balanced around them). We've got more skills, and others gameplay addition as a hunter, but in answer Capcom (re)designs monsters that could fight back against it. Also, older games are harder because numerous of bad reasons. Most notably of course the hitboxes but the important one is monster designs. Direct comparison between Teostra and Shagaru Magala shows a great picture how Capcom MH Team have improved since then.


There isn't really any noticeable power creep in MH as far as I'm concerned. When they introduce bunch of multi-skills in MH4U, they also brought Apex and 140lvl guild monster with it. The same happened here in MHGen and the Deviants and the Hypers (even it's clear that much of the game challenge balanced around them). We've got more skills, and others gameplay addition as a hunter, but in answer Capcom (re)designs monsters that could fight back against it. Also, older games are harder because numerous of bad reasons. Most notably of course the hitboxes but the important one is monster designs. Direct comparison between Teostra and Shagaru Magala shows a great picture how Capcom MH Team have improved since then.

Yep things like mounting, being able to knock out monsters, ridiculous skills like Evasion, styles, and hunter arts sure haven't made the game easier /s.

Apex monsters, guild quests, and deviants are horribly designed. The "challenge" of Apex monsters are that you can only reliably attack them when you have the drive stone active. That's not a challenge, it just needlessly drags out fights. There's enough grinding in MH so you shouldn't have to grind just to unlock quests. The quests you had to decipher in 4U were also awful.


Maybe I'll just go Blunt for less time investment. I'm almost HR60 so I will be able to make the Akantor armor set soon. Looking at the list, that Black Belt Hammer seems to gel pretty well with Blunt. I'm not a fan of the negative affinity weapons with high raw, though I've never done any kind of math to see how that actually plays out.
Yeah, the question with blunt is does it require mind's eye as well? Because then you're into a 20 point investment.

I started thinking of blunt builds for the geode hammer, but the slots on the black belt hammer may be necessary for a zero suit build (blunt, evasion, stamina recovery).

I did the math on the demon visage hammer (280 raw, -70%). With blunt it compares favorably to white sharpness weapons with a bit of affinity. Until you add crit up, then the crit builds win. You could counter the negative affinity with expert and/or weakness exploit, but that would basically be all your points.
Yep things like mounting, being able to knock out monsters, ridiculous skills like Evasion, styles, and hunter arts sure haven't made the game easier /s.

Apex monsters, guild quests, and deviants are horribly designed. The "challenge" of Apex monsters are that you can only reliably attack them when you have the drive stone active. That's not a challenge, it just needlessly drags out fights. There's enough grinding in MH so you shouldn't have to grind just to unlock quests. The quests you had to decipher in 4U were also awful.
Yeah Apex was incredibly dumb. The whole idea that a Wystone was NEEDED to prevent a weapon's attacks from bouncing or shots being reflected on them just made things harder for no reason. Also drive stone lasted like 1 minute then took what felt like 5 minutes to recharge which really made things drag on.
Yeah Apex was incredibly dumb. The whole idea that a Wystone was NEEDED to prevent a weapon's attacks from bouncing or shots being reflected on them just made things harder for no reason. Also drive stone lasted like 1 minute then took what felt like 5 minutes to recharge which really made things drag on.

In any decent group, you should have knocked the monster out of apex by the time 4 peoples stones wore off


Also didn't monsters build more tolerance to wystones as they re-entered Apex?
I don't think so; that'd make battles impossible if the hunt went on too long. But monsters did have a tendency to fly to some far off room right as I'd swiped a wystone, so it'd have worn off by the time I finally caught up to it again again.


No Scrubs
You shouldn't need a group in order to lessen the tedium of a monster.

A monster shouldn't need to be knocked out of apex more than twice, if it does then you just aren't being aggressive enough or you aren't using the right elemental weapon.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think so; that'd make battles impossible if the hunt went on too long. But monsters did have a tendency to fly to some far off room right as I'd swiped a wystone, so it'd have worn off by the time I finally caught up to it again again.
This is why the def wystone was actually one of the best. It lasted the longest and had the fastest recharge, which was far more useful than its actual effect.

You shouldn't need a group in order to lessen the tedium of a monster.
You could knock a 140 apex rajang out of frenzy in like 3 full GS charges solo, groups weren't needed.


This is why the def wystone was actually one of the best. It lasted the longest and had the fastest recharge, which was far more useful than its actual effect.
Definitely. I kept the defense one equipped at all times for that reason. Alternating between two wystones was usually good enough to keep them active for much of the hunt. From a design standpoint, I can see how they're designed to try to force players to be aggressive in order to break Apex status during the time limit. But that enforced downtime hit often enough to be irritating (especially for a slow-sheathing weapon) so I'm sure it's not coming back.


No Scrubs
Definitely. I kept the defense one equipped at all times for that reason. Alternating between two wystones was usually good enough to keep them active for much of the hunt. From a design standpoint, I can see how they're designed to try to force players to be aggressive in order to break Apex status during the time limit. But that enforced downtime hit often enough to be irritating (especially for a slow-sheathing weapon) so I'm sure it's not coming back.

Honestly I liked the attack one. Hitting it right after knocking a monster out of Apex and going ham was a great feeling.
Wystones weren't even needed to kill Apex monsters. Every monster had multiple soft spots that you wouldn't bounce off even with a Drive Wystone inactive.

There were even Arena quests where you had to fight Apex monsters without them.


Honestly I liked the attack one. Hitting it right after knocking a monster out of Apex and going ham was a great feeling.
Once I unlocked both, I equipped the attack and defense ones and never changed them again. And rapid-fire slicing shot (R.I.P.) was so effective at breaking Apex status that I stopped using anything but the Seregios LBG against Apex monsters.


Yep things like mounting, being able to knock out monsters, ridiculous skills like Evasion, styles, and hunter arts sure haven't made the game easier /s.

Apex monsters, guild quests, and deviants are horribly designed. The "challenge" of Apex monsters are that you can only reliably attack them when you have the drive stone active. That's not a challenge, it just needlessly drags out fights. There's enough grinding in MH so you shouldn't have to grind just to unlock quests. The quests you had to decipher in 4U were also awful.

Eh, I prefer Apex, GQ, and Deviants than those instant-frame attack, horribly big hitboxes, and point-blank attack for "difficulty" any time of the day. At first MH Team seems to aim for difficulty in developing their coop hunting game. As such shits like Yian Garuga appeared where it have humongous hitbox and instant-frame charge attack just to annoy the player. Thankfully MH Team got into their senses and started to design Nargacuga and Third Generation and continue to thread that path ever since.

And if you hadn't notice, armors doesn't requires rare drop anymore to create. Rare drop only needed mostly for the last upgrade of those armors. It's not as grindy as you should feel if you play with a group.

You shouldn't need a group in order to lessen the tedium of a monster.

MH is designed to be a coop game from its conception. The bulk of its content to be found only in online hall should already tell you that. It's Capcom MH Team talented design that makes it also viable as a solo action game, so you shouldn't used solo experience as a barometer of difficulty or quality.


I'm really not a fan that village request missions only clear for the hunter that posted them- it makes getting a team to help you with the 3x hyper monster ones that can take a while a bit tough, and that some of them I've run multiple times without it clearing for me. Bad enough with the urgents, I don't see why a quest can't clear if you have it available.

For a multiplayer game, requiring a team of four to run each request mission once for each player when there's dozens of them seems a bit odd.

And if you hadn't notice, armors doesn't requires rare drop anymore to create. Rare drop only needed mostly for the last upgrade of those armors. It's not as grindy as you should feel if you play with a group.
Yeah, that's a really nice touch this time around.


So I finally got around to playing my copy of 4U that I got at launch last year. Really enjoying it so far. Is this (Generations) the best choice to grab next? I'm also tempted to grab 3U on Wii U to enjoy on the big screen but I understand it might feel like too much of a step back, etc. Interested to hear people's thoughts who've played them all.


So I finally got around to playing my copy of 4U that I got at launch last year. Really enjoying it so far. Is this the best choice to grab next? I'm also tempted to grab 3U on Wii U to enjoy on the big screen but I understand it might feel like too much of a step back, etc. Interested to hear people's thoughts who've played them all.
3U is still awesome, it's worth playing for the monsters you won't find in 4U and MHG, like Barroth, Gigginox and Gobul. The underwater combat is the biggest sticking point for many players though, probably worth having a look at it (I love it).
I would gladly welcome back underwater hunting, gave things an extra dimension.

We need to expand on mounting and go even further. I suggest we give hunters wings and allow full aerial combat.


So I finally got around to playing my copy of 4U that I got at launch last year. Really enjoying it so far. Is this the best choice to grab next? I'm also tempted to grab 3U on Wii U to enjoy on the big screen but I understand it might feel like too much of a step back, etc. Interested to hear people's thoughts who've played them all.

So I've been playing since Freedom Unite and 4U is by far and away my favorite MH experience. I think it has the best single player content, the most enjoyable cast of monsters and best end game. I also think it introduced some of the best features in terms of mobility and fluidity for gameplay.

Generations expands on that last point with hunter arts and the different styles. Ultimately though, I find it to be a weaker entry even though it's what I'd recommend next. I sunk a lot of time into 3U and I really don't think I like it in retrospect. That generation of Monster Hunter just doesn't jive with me. It will definitely feel like a bit of a regression over 4U but I know a lot of people love it.


Yeah, the question with blunt is does it require mind's eye as well? Because then you're into a 20 point investment.

I started thinking of blunt builds for the geode hammer, but the slots on the black belt hammer may be necessary for a zero suit build (blunt, evasion, stamina recovery).

I did the math on the demon visage hammer (280 raw, -70%). With blunt it compares favorably to white sharpness weapons with a bit of affinity. Until you add crit up, then the crit builds win. You could counter the negative affinity with expert and/or weakness exploit, but that would basically be all your points.

Akantor set pretty much takes care of all of this, it's got Blunt, Mind's Eye, and (HG I think?) Earplugs built in. Throw a good charm in and you can gem at least one extra skill despite having no slots in the set.

Adept is the only hammer style I'm interested in, so I don't have to worry about skilling in evasion. The more i talk about this, the more I'm set on making the Black Belt Hammer and Akantor set. And hey, free whacks on most monsters when they roar, can't beat that. If I finally get a godcharm, I might be able to get attack+10 and fastcharge or something.


So I've been playing since Freedom Unite and 4U is by far and away my favorite MH experience. I think it has the best single player content, the most enjoyable cast of monsters and best end game. I also think it introduced some of the best features in terms of mobility and fluidity for gameplay.

Generations expands on that last point with hunter arts and the different styles. Ultimately though, I find it to be a weaker entry even though it's what I'd recommend next. I sunk a lot of time into 3U and I really don't think I like it in retrospect. That generation of Monster Hunter just doesn't jive with me. It will definitely feel like a bit of a regression over 4U but I know a lot of people love it.

Awesome, thanks for the impressions (and redcrayon's as well.)


So, I'm HR4 now. I'm looking for a all-purpose armor that can take me through all of HR4-6 just like the Buja set did for me in HR1-3. Any recommendations?
I'm really not a fan that village request missions only clear for the hunter that posted them- it makes getting a team to help you with the 3x hyper monster ones that can take a while a bit tough, and that some of them I've run multiple times without it clearing for me. Bad enough with the urgents, I don't see why a quest can't clear if you have it available.

For a multiplayer game, requiring a team of four to run each request mission once for each player when there's dozens of them seems a bit odd.

I kind of like it, albeit in an absurdly perverse way. My hunting group hasn't had much time to play recently, so we've been putting off doing key quests until we can get everybody together. With requests that pressure is gone since there's no way to minimize the number of times the quest needs to be run.
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