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Monster Hunter Generations |OT| Generation X

I really like the addition of hunter styles. Adept and aerial style are just so much fun and I really hope they don't just drop them altogether for the next one. They can reduce the number of i-frames for adept style so it isn't so broken. Aerial style already takes skill to use effectively.

Does anyone know whether or not Super Crit stacks with Element Crit?


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Wow that quest took alot longer than I thought it would and that Deviljho had way too much HP for my liking but I finally beat Out of the Frying Pan quest on my 3rd try with my Adept Bow set.

Now if I can only find a Fast Charge+5 or Fast Charge+4 with 3 Slots Talisman so I can actually make use of the Hayabusa Feather.
I tried adept style yesterday. first I ended up in a worse position most of the time but when I got used to the distance the hunter runs it felt super broken, the window to activate it is too big, I dont see any reason to do a evade+2 set with that.
If you haven't tried adept hammer, give it a go. You get a charge-up attack off the dodge that completely bypasses the little run after. Huge i-frames and no loss of mobility. It's crazy.


So what are people using for HBG Normal shots? Just realized that I've been only using pierce shots the entire time. I'm eyeing the Nakarkos gun just for the 3 slots. Furia Sedition and the Gore Magala ones seem good too.


farming Savage Jho for a while


edit: what the fuck? I was alone in the lobby, went to the washroom for a minute and the room filled up


How can life get better after getting a Destroyer +5 OOO? Getting a Sheathing +5 OOO on the next charm run. Running Focus, CritDraw and Sheathing and man things get hit fast and hard. Made a stopgap set of Volvi/Regios until i can start getting the Black S set.


Should I give Adept a try? Haven't used it. I'm Village 2/Guild 2.

Sure, why not? Use it early to practice dodging.

Akantor Mask R
Silver Solhelm
Akantor Claws R
Silver Sol Coil
Akantor Hessian R

+3 Critical Up OO

5x Grinder Jewel
1x Fencer Jewel

Akantor Shadow Claws have no gem slots.

Okay, I might stick with what I already have, then.

Get the Sword Saint Piercing head gear for instant mind's eye.
I hope they add extreme weather variants to the new environments in 5. Thinhs like Visibility, move boosters/weakeners, special moves, terrain changes could really spice up the game. Especially when it comes to repeating stuff come high rank/hyper etc


I'm pretty sure people who think Aerial is crap actually just suck at it and don't know what they can do with it. They probably miss the vault off the monster, don't know they can control which direction to vault in and which direction to attack, and don't know when they get invincibility frames. They probably got hit a bunch of times, decided it was crap, and went right to ez babby mode adept like I did.

I want to see the styles and hunter arts stay as part of the series for the sake of even more playstyle variety. I suppose the average reviewer who rushes to the credits with nothing but adept charge blade might not care, though.


So I was just doing quests with randoms, and after some hunts I join another run that seems to be hunting Hellblade Glavenus. One of them puts up Hellblade Glavenus IV which has you hunt two of them.

We kill the first one with no issues, but the moment that we kill the first one, of the players just stops moving completely (as if they were afk) Okay not much issue, since they were at the starting area and Glavenus doesn't spawn there. So we go fight the second one, of the other player carts. Then after some fighting, the Glavenus moves to where the inactive player was.

LUCKILY the inactive player was very close to the edge, so while they take a hit from Glavenus I manage to push them with a shell to the other area. We fight for a little bit till I realize the other player was gonna lose health little by little since their heat resistance ran out and the area I pushed them to had heat.

So I go there for a second and pop a life powder (Which was my last one at that point) to replenish some health and buy us some time. I go back to the previous area and continue fighting the Glavenus with the other two players.

The Glavenus eventually leaves to the area where the inactive player now was I try to run after the Glavenus and push the player back, but the Glavenus kills them before I could even reach the area.

So now we where 2/3 carts, but at least the inactive player wasn't going to cart anymore.
We fight the Glavenus on the middle of the map, and it limps away to the bottom. I ping the players so they wait for it to sleep, but one of them rushes anyway. So we go down, and then fight it for just a little bit, until one of the two players gets dizzy'd and combo for the final cart.



So I was just doing quests with randoms, and after some hunts I join another run that seems to be hunting Hellblade Glavenus. One of them puts up Hellblade Glavenus IV which has you hunt two of them.

We kill the first one with no issues, but the moment that we kill the first one, of the players just stops moving completely (as if they were afk) Okay not much issue, since they were at the starting area and Glavenus doesn't spawn there. So we go fight the second one, of the other player carts. Then after some fighting, the Glavenus moves to where the inactive player was.

LUCKILY the inactive player was very close to the edge, so while they take a hit from Glavenus I manage to push them with a shell to the other area. We fight for a little bit till I realize the other player was gonna lose health little by little since their heat resistance ran out and the area I pushed them to had heat.

So I go there for a second and pop a life powder (Which was my last one at that point) to replenish some health and buy us some time. I go back to the previous area and continue fighting the Glavenus with the other two players.

The Glavenus eventually leaves to the area where the inactive player now was I try to run after the Glavenus and push the player back, but the Glavenus kills them before I could even reach the area.

So now we where 2/3 carts, but at least the inactive player wasn't going to cart anymore.
We fight the Glavenus on the middle of the map, and it limps away to the bottom. I ping the players so they wait for it to sleep, but one of them rushes anyway. So we go down, and then fight it for just a little bit, until one of the two players gets dizzy'd and combo for the final cart.


I wish there was something I could say to make it better. To take away the pain. But there isn't. I, too, know this feeling. I have several macros just for not chasing and trapping monsters. It's not enough. There's always that one guy, high on the cries of pain from the monster limping away that has to be the first there, has to deal the final blow.

And then you hear the bell, and you know you've failed.

I think it's only worse when you know he's just about to die. He's so close. Worse still, you didn't even need to fight any more. So frustrating.


We've been able to mount with a jump from a lance charge in MH4 and even if you don't have aerial style in MHG too, but yeah, I get what you're saying.

It still kind of feels like it's IG's job. I main IG and during a Hellblade 7 fight this guy switches to aerial dual blades and he's like... "Let me mount first." So I'm all okay whateverlol and then he NEVER ACTUALLY TRIES TO MOUNT THE MONSTER THE WHOLE FIGHT.

So I mean, more power to everyone doing it but, if you're IG, you better be trying to jump on that monster.


I'm pretty sure people who think Aerial is crap actually just suck at it and don't know what they can do with it. They probably miss the vault off the monster, don't know they can control which direction to vault in and which direction to attack, and don't know when they get invincibility frames. They probably got hit a bunch of times, decided it was crap, and went right to ez babby mode adept like I did.

I want to see the styles and hunter arts stay as part of the series for the sake of even more playstyle variety. I suppose the average reviewer who rushes to the credits with nothing but adept charge blade might not care, though.
The amount of times I've used aerial to jump off of a monster's face and out of the danger zone in front of it, go over the top, strike behind me in mid-air with a critical draw that then results in stunning or mounting it. You can pull off some really stylish stuff with aerial, I love it.

It's really good for a lancer, as if you get stuck with other players waving weapons around and tripping you constantly, aerial gives you an easy way up and out of the melee and to keep inflicting damage by landing elsewhere without breaking your combo. The extra range on the lance makes hitting even fliers moving away in mid-air viable.


Aerial definitely has a higher/harder skill cap than the other styles IMO. So many ways to end up in the wrong spot at the wrong time with it but it is ridiculously fun when you do it right. Stuff like landing a vault as a monster is flying away and managing to drop it has been some of my highlights in this game.
Just repelled Nakarkos as a newish LBG user by myself. 45 minutes! I was using Lv 1 Normal shots for about 10 minutes because I ran out of my other ammo. Sometimes it felt like the ballista shots weren't reaching. The whole fight I was thinking, "Am I doing anything to this thing?" I really thought I was going to time out and have to use HH/GL on a second try.

A ballista shot finished it! That felt good.
Holy shit at the QOL improvements in this game. The only ones I've noticed are:
1. hold A to gather;
2. delivering account items from the Item Menu screen.
And how can you guys not love the Adept whoooosh sound when you time a dodge perfectly?!? It's like crack.


Go with Narga. It have much better skill wise for SnS (you can reach 100% affinity with Narga weapon and affinity oil). Astalos while have better defense, its skills feels rather underwhelming.

Astalos S seems to be made for Aerial DS. I appreciate the increased stam recovery when I don't bring dash juices. The halved stun rate also makes your mistakes less costly.


Don't use those. They take what is easily demonstrable by Gaijin Hunter or Arekks, and what is easily picked up thru practice of using a weapon and turn it into mess of a flowchart.
It's kinda funny that the official online manual for such a complex game makes it even more obtuse to understand the basics of combos.

My experience from MH3U to MH4U was like night and day just by watching a couple of Gaijin's weapon videos. Truly illuminating.
I think one of the most infuriating things is when I need a specific high rank item drop from a monster, but I continually get the low rank version instead. I need 2 Gore Magala Feeler+ and I keep getting regular Feelers instead...and I've beaten this thing 8 times now, breaking the horn each time on hyper Gore. Why the Desire Sensor so savage this morning?


need some carries for
low rank rathalos, just to kick start my generations career

if you feel like it glavenus USJ would be great too

lack of time and decrease in reflex have turned me into a lame hunter

would really appreciate the help

feel free to add me
FC 1865-0349-9626
I hope they add extreme weather variants to the new environments in 5. Thinhs like Visibility, move boosters/weakeners, special moves, terrain changes could really spice up the game. Especially when it comes to repeating stuff come high rank/hyper etc
Hell no to visibility modifiers. If you've played old MH maps like Old Jungle you'd know why that's a bad idea

I might be imagining things since it was my first MH game, but I feel like quests in Tri had the most variance out of all the games I've played due to the dedicated servers. Feels like stuff like monster starting location and Jho invasions are all too predictable in every game since.


need some carries for
low rank rathalos, just to kick start my generations career

if you feel like it glavenus USJ would be great too

lack of time and decrease in reflex have turned me into a lame hunter

would really appreciate the help

feel free to add me
FC 1865-0349-9626
Just open a room and post it in here when you have time to play. People will show up.


Just repelled Nakarkos as a newish LBG user by myself. 45 minutes! I was using Lv 1 Normal shots for about 10 minutes because I ran out of my other ammo. Sometimes it felt like the ballista shots weren't reaching. The whole fight I was thinking, "Am I doing anything to this thing?" I really thought I was going to time out and have to use HH/GL on a second try.

A ballista shot finished it! That felt good.
Nice work :)


After using almost exclusively LS and CB in 4U I intended to start branching out more with this game, and boy the styles sure did help. Aside from digesting tons of tutorial videos in anticipation, it's starting to feel like I don't have a main weapon anymore, rather I have a main style with Aerial, and switch up the weapons to whatever I feel like or to suit the monster. With Aerial you have a similar gameplan no matter what weapon you're using, and it mitigates all the things that didn't appeal to me with the other weapons, GS becomes more agile and kinetic, DB has a bit more defensive options, lances no longer feel like a tank stuck in place.

Guns are still kinda intimidating to me, but hey I'll plan to conquer those once MH5 is on a console with two analogs again.

What if instead of more weapons, they just kept adding more styles to the series, one for every possible play style, and encourage players to be super flexible with weapon use.


Just open a room and post it in here when you have time to play. People will show up.

many thanks really appreciate the community here :)

im away on holiday now and will post rooms starting next week

maybe i take baby steps and try asking for help with rathalos first, then beg for help with USJ glavenus 3 stars

FC 1865-0349-9626


Just a thought, as I'm going back to explore new weapon trees, they often need low rank materials to get going which needs me to spend two minutes killing a creature that offers zero threat when I have a chest full of higher-grade materials. Can anyone think of a reason why you shouldn't be allowed to use high rank materials instead? As in, if a weapon needs three 'neogafathos scales', why not allow me to substitute three 'neogafathos scale+' instead. Obviously not vice versa, and perhaps with a 'are you sure?' prompt as well.

I can just imagine the smith looking at me going "look, I need three poor quality scales for this item. Your bag full of prized, better quality items is just not right for this weapon, I need shoddy resources!" :D


Saint Nic
Finally finished my Reggie set! Now I can GS my way to glory in early HR! Where do I go from here? Are there good all encompassing HR sets to work towards?

Also, I want to go back to Lancer for a bit. What armor skills are worth having on Lance? Gotta have some stuff to start farming.


Finally finished my Reggie set! Now I can GS my way to glory in early HR! Where do I go from here? Are there good all encompassing HR sets to work towards?

Also, I want to go back to Lancer for a bit. What armor skills are worth having on Lance? Gotta have some stuff to start farming.
I really value anything that keeps sharpness up (razor sharp) or extends the bar (handicraft), as lance tends to lose sharpness fairly quickly and most of them only have small amounts of the higher sharpness levels.
Only recently got in to this Monster Hunter, Adept style is probably the most broken thing they've ever introduced to the series (without counting MP shenanigans), you can dodge pretty much anything within a huge window.


Damn you water dragon. Breaking your feet is nuts! I have never broken his claws and I need some claw +. I have white sharpness on weapons and they still seem to bounce. May have to resort to SnS with the minds eye oil.


Damn you water dragon. Breaking your feet is nuts! I have never broken his claws and I need some claw +. I have white sharpness on weapons and they still seem to bounce. May have to resort to SnS with the minds eye oil.

If you're talking about Mizutsune, there's also a 20% chance on carve. It might be faster to just kill and carve than to focus on the claws since it's pretty hard to hit.


So what are people using for HBG Normal shots? Just realized that I've been only using pierce shots the entire time. I'm eyeing the Nakarkos gun just for the 3 slots. Furia Sedition and the Gore Magala ones seem good too.
Shagaru's HBG looks like the way to go for normal shots in general, with the Furia Sedition being more situational anytime you'll be doing a lot of rolling to avoid attacks.


So what are people using for HBG Normal shots? Just realized that I've been only using pierce shots the entire time. I'm eyeing the Nakarkos gun just for the 3 slots. Furia Sedition and the Gore Magala ones seem good too.

I use the Shagaru gun. I've been eyeing Akantor's - as I get better at using Adept, I find myself using siege mode and power reloads instead of ever doing manual reloads. I feel like I could live with the slower reload speed and smaller normal 2 clip. Deviation doesn't mean much for normal 2 spam.

Need to start thinking about improving my normal 2 set. Right now I have evade extender, normal up, peak performance, rationer and built-in ammo boost. The whole Shagaru set, which is kind of boring and I'm tired of the look plus upgrading it to max level is impossible (5 phosgems!?). I'm thinking an ideal set would be weakness exploit, critical up, evade extender and normal up. I dunno if I have the charms to make that happen but I think it's doable.


How does Normal 2 stack up against Pierce anyway?
All hitzones being equal, pierce shots do more damage overall if you can get all the hits as it passes through a monster. But for small targets (like the dromes) or a monster with one glaring weak spot (like Zinogre's horn), normal lv. 2 shot is a better idea.


I like the idea of styles since they added much needed variation to the combat. It still feels odd having to give something up to gain something else. Just let me have full access to everything on the fly.

Sold my new 3ds after mh4u. Tempted to grab another for Generations but I am going to hold off until the nx gets talked about, just to see where mh is heading.


Saint Nic
I really value anything that keeps sharpness up (razor sharp) or extends the bar (handicraft), as lance tends to lose sharpness fairly quickly and most of them only have small amounts of the higher sharpness levels.

Cool - thanks. I'll start tinkering with armor stuff!


So I was just doing quests with randoms, and after some hunts I join another run that seems to be hunting Hellblade Glavenus. One of them puts up Hellblade Glavenus IV which has you hunt two of them.

We kill the first one with no issues, but the moment that we kill the first one, of the players just stops moving completely (as if they were afk) Okay not much issue, since they were at the starting area and Glavenus doesn't spawn there. So we go fight the second one, of the other player carts. Then after some fighting, the Glavenus moves to where the inactive player was.

LUCKILY the inactive player was very close to the edge, so while they take a hit from Glavenus I manage to push them with a shell to the other area. We fight for a little bit till I realize the other player was gonna lose health little by little since their heat resistance ran out and the area I pushed them to had heat.

So I go there for a second and pop a life powder (Which was my last one at that point) to replenish some health and buy us some time. I go back to the previous area and continue fighting the Glavenus with the other two players.

The Glavenus eventually leaves to the area where the inactive player now was I try to run after the Glavenus and push the player back, but the Glavenus kills them before I could even reach the area.

So now we where 2/3 carts, but at least the inactive player wasn't going to cart anymore.
We fight the Glavenus on the middle of the map, and it limps away to the bottom. I ping the players so they wait for it to sleep, but one of them rushes anyway. So we go down, and then fight it for just a little bit, until one of the two players gets dizzy'd and combo for the final cart.

Why you doing randoms boy.

I just go solo if had isn't up
Apparently capturing Gore after breaking horns gives more feelers. Just got 5 after one quest. Or am I just lucky?

Also what's the easiest way to get monster broth in mass quantities?
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