This is probably not a popular opinion, but fuck the graphics.
I want them to do a rebalancing/tweaking run because Hunting Styles, Mounting, and current HP/Attack values don't really mesh all that well together in many areas, and if they have some time after that they should fuck around with better animations first and foremost. For example, the two legged chicken mounting dance gotta go, or at least no longer apply to like 90% of flying wyverns. Or the terrible mounting sequence. Not the battling, the actual mounting, from the down-strike hit to the Hunter sitting on the Monster. Also, more shortcuts and area connections, preferably randomised per quest so not every quest restart plays out mostly the same, facilitated by means of a weather mechanic. Maybe a river that drags you away when it's raining, etc.
Better pathing so you don't get to wail on a limping Monster that suddenly decides to stop everything, hobble to a clearly defined point in the room, then lay down one last attack or "looking around" animation, finished by limping/flying towards the exit. Needs to be more organic, even if the underlying mechanic stays the same.
More Deviljho like Monster on monster action would be neat as well. Hot Rathalos-on-Rathian action! Just kidding. Or am I.