After all this time of trying out different weapons for Wilds I ended up settling for the humble SnS. I think the last time I gave SnS a serious go was during a brief love affair with perfect rush during IB. It didn't last long before I went back to HBG.
But the SnS in Wilds.... It's just so damn good. Its combos are so fluid and natural, the regular triangle combo can be used for small repositions, the slide is amazing for larger ones and comes with i-frames, it has perfect guard and power clash making the shield actually useful for blocking now. Practically its entire moveset is useful now. Even guard slash, which ranged from a joke to actually detrimental in other entries, can now be used to reset for a perfect guard. All that and it's still mobile and can still use items while it's unsheated.
I'm now starting a character that will have nothing but SnS uses on the guild card. It's just a shame that the intro cutscene forces the use of a GS.