Unknown Soldier
Why don't you just connect your Dualsense to your laptop? That's how I play the PC version of Wilds, Dualsense connected using a USB cable. Random note: This game actually does support the Dualsense haptic triggers on PC. However since I play Weebsword the only thing I get out of it is the 2-stage map zoom in/out. I'm assuming if I played one of the ranged weapons, I would get more trigger effectsI’m HR161 and I think I’ve basically exhausted the games content , including artian weapons.
It’s a lot of Ark and Gore, over and over.
And people complained that World was just fighting tempered Elders, at least there were more then 2 relevant hunts to do. SMH.
I was working on finishing my guild card, but I don’t know if I will even bother.
Right now I’m waiting for Rise to go on sale again on PSN. I have the base game on switch, but the switch version is absolute garbage, and when the PC version dropped I picked that and sunbreak up and made started over on steam. But I really don’t like playing on my laptop with the shitty Xbox controller, so because i still have a MH itch, I will triple dip and play rise again on PS5 lol. And I’ll play that in between title updates for Wilds.
It’s too bad, I figured after the breakout success of World that Capcom would throw everything and the kitchen sink at Wilds, bring back most of the old roster and just add to it, but no. Instead they wanted to reinvent the wheel.
Asset re-use was one of the reasons the older games were able to achieve such high monster counts. I think people would have been more than happy with Wilds if it was World 2 (more or less) and looked more or less the same but had double the starting roster. Could you imagine 60 monsters? What a huge missed opportunity.
I was trying to farm a Jin Dahaad Icegem today and the fucker just wouldn't give me one I'm getting tired of his fat ass TBH. I discovered that if you're inside his hitbox when he decides to walk away and climb up something, he can insta-cart you because you're trapped in his hitbox and his walking does damage so you just die thanks Capcpom
I need a Rey Dau Boltgem too, that's also an annoying one sigh
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