Ghost Slayer
Jesus, people are salty as hell, that it doesn't come out on the Switch.. D:
MH betrayal drama Part 2
Jesus, people are salty as hell, that it doesn't come out on the Switch.. D:
Yes, Ryozo Tsujimoto is the main MH guy. And son of the CEO.
Tokuda directed the 3 main PSP games and Tri. He may have been working on this since Tri while others handled 4/4 Ultimate and X/XX because he didn't work in any other game according to Moby Games.
I guess the rumors are true with Sony being dicks on Nintendo.
A Newly Discovered Content? Or am I reading too much on this?
Hmmm well let me think, maybe because the game is seamless instead of tiny arenas split up by load screens?
You won't be able to just cross a load screen to "hide" from monsters anymore, gotta do it another way. Actual stealth mechanics is PERFECT, can't believe people are actually trying to use that as an excuse to be upset.
Oh stop it. I'm a huge MH fan and I'm all for them trying to expand the mechanics. You don't speak for me or anyone else.
The rumor did said that Sony paid for the game to be not on Switch only lol.
Hunter vision and pathfinding waypoint lights are sort of against the core focus.
If Sony were doing some moneyhat deals to keep it exclusive then surely it wouldn't be coming to XBO either? My suspicion is that the Switch can't run a massive open world online game.
Haha. Machine translation!
Jesus Christ. This is so disingenuous. The core of MH combat has remained the same yes but there have been many additions to it. You people who insist on changing for the sake of change just don't understand why people like this series. It's like asking for pokemon to stop being turn based or sumthin.
Well on that note, I think I've had enough for now. These threads are gonna be hella rocky lol.
What critically important feature could you possibly conclude was ignored and couldn't possibly be in the game from that trailer?
So up to 4 players.
What MH charm? They were cooking meat at the end. The first MH trailer on PS2 is pretty similar to this.
Jesus, people are salty as hell, that it doesn't come out on the Switch.. D:
the part where you fight the fuckin monster
Did you guys even see the damn trailer!?I don't think it'll be removed completely, but I'm extremely worried about how they'll treat the combat, and I feel like they're going to try and make it quicker and less deliberate which would ruin what I like about it
Here's what I saw in this new trailer: Using markings and signs in the environment to organically find the monster. Using camouflage to sneak up on the monster. Using the environment to set traps for the monster. You can sort of do some of these things in the series already, but not to this scale, and not with this ease. These are the kinds of things I've always wanted to see done right in a Monster Hunter game.
Who hides from monsters in the first place? Unless your party members/feylines are dead you can just run a couple feet off and chug a pot at any time.
You fucking serious? The part where you fight the monsters :/
What if the main Monster Hunter becomes the spin-off?
Good they are releasing Xbox version too.
Honestly, and obviously it's too early to tell, but here is my wildly subjective viewpoint - this looks like the Monster Hunter I've always to play since Monster Hunter 1 and 2.
Hear me out. I played Monster Hunter religiously on the PS2 when it first came out. My favorite thing about the first couple Monster Hunter games is that you really felt like you were hunting. It was about discovery. Planning. Preparation. Exploration. Creating a plan, and then executing on that plan. But the more I played the series, the less this seemed to be stressed. The PSP Monster Hunters added more weapons and zones and monsters, but there weren't many new gameplay additions beyond combat. And perhaps it's because we've gotten better at the game, but I feel like the most recent additions to the series were just about walking up to the enemy and beating the shit out of it (or dying repeatedly). The combat is great, but I no longer really feel like I'm hunting.
Here's what I saw in this new trailer: Using markings and signs in the environment to organically find the monster. Using camouflage to sneak up on the monster. Using the environment to set traps for the monster. You can sort of do some of these things in the series already, but not to this scale, and not with this ease. These are the kinds of things I've always wanted to see done right in a Monster Hunter game.
How good the combat is remains to be seen, but honestly I'm really impressed with what they've shown. I get why people say "this doesn't look like Monster Hunter" to them, but to me, this looks more like the Monster Hunter I grew up with than any of the recent games in the series. That's my take on it, anyway.
What if the main Monster Hunter becomes the spin-off?
That is too insane a rumor to take seriously.
The only thing I'm annoyed at here is that from the sound of the press release it looks like we won't be getting Monster Hunter XX in the US.
Now that you can't just leave the area (it's all seamless now), stealth might be more important when you need to sharpen etc.
So this is a full open world? Not just large zones? I think this could be really cool.
If Sony were doing some moneyhat deals to keep it exclusive then surely it wouldn't be coming to XBO either? My suspicion is that the Switch can't run a massive open world online game.
How is it disingenuous? People are complaining that it's nothing at all like traditional MH, which is far from the truth. The trailer had elements of both.
I'm a diehard MH fan, I love the combat. That's what I've come to love MH. But even with the addition of hunter arts, I've been burned out. Couldn't even make it to G rank in MHX because I've been burned out on the same old formula.
If you wanted more old MH, there are dozens of games to choose from.
If Sony were doing some moneyhat deals to keep it exclusive then surely it wouldn't be coming to XBO either? My suspicion is that the Switch can't run a massive open world online game.
If Sony were doing some moneyhat deals to keep it exclusive then surely it wouldn't be coming to XBO either? My suspicion is that the Switch can't run a massive open world online game.
Now that you can't just leave the area (it's all seamless now), stealth might be more important when you need to sharpen etc.
I think it looks great, but is definitely a spin-off.If it is successful I can see turning into the main series tho.
Hunter vision and pathfinding waypoint lights are sort of against the core focus.