I think this looks awesome lol. Super goofy still, and I thought that shot where he shoots that flare into the sky was brilliant.
This was a very bad trailer. They don't show the player hit the monster once other than the mounting. The way it keeps cutting around to avoid showing any real gameplay feels telling. Some of the stuff felt like it could be very scripted which is really against the spirit of monster hunter.
I am reading Famitsu's comments and there's more positive comments than I expected.
Some port begging (for Switch, but I suppose we'll hear about MH5 for Switch soon), some complaining they shouldn't have bought a Switch then, some others saying it's time to buy a PS4.
A LOT of people don't get if the game is online only though, thinking it's like Frontier.
MHXX has already been released on the 3DS, so that statement doesn't necessarily preclude the Switch version from launching simultaneously in multiple regions depending on how you read it."First time" global launch for the series means at the very least MHXX Switch won't be hitting the West until after Japan.
Quite the opposite! I saw traditional Monster Hunter combat in the few moments we did get.What do you mean by faster more generic combat? On what basis do you make this claim?
The hunter didn't even get a chance to even swing the Great Sword. The gun shoots faster, but nothing indicated that the actual movement and dodging has even been changed.
Is that a felyne or what?
Price hasn't been announced but it appears to be a retail release at least.
This game looks like what happens when Monster Hunter is no longer severely constrained by the memory and processing limitations of withered hardware. I think a lot of the negativity sprouts directly from the leakers framing of the game as "watered down for Western tastes".
Looks pretty for sure, but lacks the soul and mechanics of a true MH game.
This Monster Hunter doesn't look like it'll win over the "new" mainstream fans they want. Really seems the only appeal are MH fans who will play anything and those who will put their money where their mouth is after wanting it on the system. They aren't going to see big traction from this from the casual side of things.
Will not be surprised to see it under sell the what was it 3.5 million expectation they had for it?
Price hasn't been announced but it appears to be a retail release at least.
Yeah, but it was obvious that Capcom needed this to appeal to more than the nine people who've played MonHun in the west.
Thats bad?It's open world.
Grappling hook bullshit.
Weird firefly vision
Drop in co-op
If Fujioka is really directing MHW and Capcom is still making MH5 separately then MH5 must be handled by different team..
It will be interesting to see how this game sells compared to Switch's MHXX.
I think you're possibly right.
Only after the hunt in the immediate area is done or I'll kick you.![]()
It isn't named 5 so I don't know.
or Talismans for that cookie cutter build you saw online.
2 million for just Q1 2018
lol I thought the hammer was the rocks for some reasonNah. Just a hunter with a hammer standing downhill so it looks shorter.
That new armor looks real rotten. At least the stuff in the trailer looked OK on that front.
If Fujioka is really directing MHW and Capcom is still making MH5 separately then MH5 must be handled by different team..
The covers are beautiful.Price hasn't been announced but it appears to be a retail release at least.
Bow is there, so I think they are bringing most if not all weapons to MHW.SwAxe or I revolt
Yep, looks like MHW won't have monster fighting........... lol
It's open world.
Grappling hook bullshit.
Weird firefly vision
Drop in co-op
i understand that some of you may be disappointed that this doesn't feel like monster hunter, i'm with you on that, but come on, we wanted a Monster hunter on consoles that looked amazing for years, and we finally got it, this is better than nothing
I'm 99% sure that MH4U managed to sell 1m in the west.
Reading through the thread:
MH fans are understandably skeptical about this, given Capcom's history of "western appeal" revisions.... And the trailer showed little.
People on the "I will only try MH if it's HD" camp are understandably happy, this is what they asked for, but some failed to realised that this is not what some of the fans asked for.
Fans of any game want more of the same but better.
And then you get console warriors who are fighting a war with the invisible posters who are whining about the game not being on Switch, because I have yet to see a single post complaining about that, only those complaining about people complaining about that.
I know this is somewhat off-topic but does Itsuno not being the director mean that he is not involved?
äääh... you know not all main entries are not numbered right? XX is a main entry.
But dont know sounds better then definitly i guess
Haha please. If this were a trailer for another 3DS game, you would be embracing the grappling hooks and stealth as welcome changes. If bug staffs, jumping mounting attacks, and hunter arts didn't turn you off, why would a fucking grappling hook?
Haha please. If this were a trailer for another 3DS game, you would be embracing the grappling hooks and stealth as welcome changes. If bug staffs, jumping mounting attacks, and hunter arts didn't turn you off, why would a fucking grappling hook?
I feel like the rumor has colored people's perception before giving the game a fair shake. That plus the usual console warrior dickwaving, and a portion of the fanbase being completely resistant to change, seems to be generating a whole lot of animosity.