At first I was like "wtf did they do to MH" with the stealth gameplay clips, lack of combat gameplay, and the overall vibe of the game. Perhaps because I had those 4chan leaks in the back of my head that kept emphasizing they were tuning the game to be more mainstream. Wasn't sure what to think of it. After watching the alternate trailer, I've warmed up a bit. Drop in multiplayer sounds cool and of course the game looks gorgeous. Saw some old school great sword moves too and more combat gameplay that looked pretty good.
Then I realized that this might finally mean that I can play Monster Hunter with my boyfriend. He hated MH on the Wii, but loves dinosaurs and dreams of a great action game in which you fight them. I never understood why he didn't warm up to MH, but I think it must be the overall clunkiness of moving between separated areas, the tedious gathering for materials, the janky gameplay (from his perspective). All those things might just be gone or streamlined in this game, so perhaps he will enjoy MH World.
I would be so happy if we could play Monster Hunter together. For that reason alone, I welcome this new take on the franchise. Now hopefully he won't be too stubborn to at least try it

edit: oh fuck new page :x