Where is this coming from?
Capcom announced a live stream.
Where is this coming from?
Capcom announced a live stream.
They aren't going to stop making portable Monster Hunter games. Not even Capcom is that dumb.Well we just have different opinions.
I prefer to keep safe a ip, instead to change it all and ruin it forever or closing it because of the insuccess.
They could make everyone happy insteam, keeping safe the mh ip and makind a NEW one, like deep down with a new name but same concept.
Ah nice. Thank you.
I thought maybe we could get some more out of E3, but alas. Game has to be in a pretty playable state at this point if they aim for early 2018.
As harshly as MH4U's colour-saturation-cranked-up-to-11 look was criticized, I'm really missing it too.
I guess it looks closer to Tri now, but....ehh.
They aren't going to stop making portable Monster Hunter games. Not even Capcom is that dumb.
They also aren't going to abandon their key franchise if one entry would underperform.
I mean, on PC at least, ReShade is going to allow for tuning the game's colors/visuals as you please. More crudely, for consoles, I guess you could up the colors and contrast on your TV. Looks OK to me, though.
You know what would be super nice to help grow the fanbase here but won't happen? Cross platform MP. When the PC version comes out I wonder if that platform too will be segmented. ��
Barely any gameplay and a reveal trailer, so casualized ugh mh ruined. Man I remember people saying this shit when mh4 had the reveal trailer lol.
Any chance of local co-op for this?
watching this trailer was strange.
I was like ...
"What is this? Looks like ... the sword from MH? But it's not MH, doesn't look like it. Could just be copying the sword.
But ... could it be? No, doesn't look anything like MH to me. Too bland.
But ... maybe? Wait, what's this glowing shit? Guess it's not MH.
Plus why would he hide from those small dinos? If this was MH he would kill them."
Went on like this until the mounting, then I realized it was MH. Then I realized it looked like some QTE GoW like shit and was sad.
I think the name is important.
Monster Hunter: World is a new take on the series. It's not a sequel, it's more of a reboot.
You can think of it the same way you think about God of War. It's obviously different from the previous trilogy (+spinoffs), but it builds on it.
The main difference here is the fact we'll have a Monster Hunter XXX (please Capcom DO IT)/Monster Hunter 5 on Switch, more in line with the previous ones..
I'm sure we'll hear about the Switch one soon.
Yeah because RE is as successful as MH in Japan and Capcom can totally afford to lose 4+ million buyers 😂😂😂
0 apparently. kind a tight
Gematsu has gameplay videos
Gematsu has gameplay videos
Reading this post is strange...
And still no good look at the combat.
Seriously Cpacom how hard is it to show combat at the reveal of a new entry in a combat focused series?
\\\\I wouldn't be surprised if this game got a re-release on the Switch under a new name, or at least a similar portable title with the same assets, and the textures are a way to maintain parity so Switch owners don't feel left out. I mean, sheesh, way to make it obvious, Capcom, developers don't simply make low-res textures right off the bat these days.
That being said, not a fan of the washed-out visuals. Seriously, what happened to the colours?
someone honestly got mad when I sad DQXI looks better hahaha!
Mounting in 4 and Generations is literally a button smashing qte whereas this looked to be much more dynamic and Dragon's Dogma style climbing :/Went on like this until the mounting, then I realized it was MH. Then I realized it looked like some QTE GoW like shit and was sad.
This. I'm not interested in this title at all, but clearly it's aimed at what a lot of people have been asking for, a home console game for western audiences with better graphics. If it flops, they won't bother continuing with it. If it's a success, it doesn't mean the end of the classic series when it's a 4m+ selling series that's a cultural phenomenon in Japan, with that audience primed on Switch. They'll just make games for both. I didn't bother complaining about the Felyne games or mobile games or Monster Hunter Stories either, it's a huge brand and it's sensible to experiment and try everything with it and see what sticks.True. For Monster Hunter fans, this is a good news considering that we could potentially have two ongoing title with vast difference between them to play. I guess those who busy bickering which title is the mainline title is not doesn't even care about MH in the slightest. It's all back to console war shit and which platform is the greates ever.
You are already getting switch game its port of 3ds title.
This is monster hunter 5 either you like it or move on
That's nice.
Mounting in 4 and Generations is literally a button smashing qte whereas this looked to be much more dynamic and Dragon's Dogma style climbing :/
If a Monster Hunter game just added stuff like hit points and lock-on I would play them.
Monster Hunter with good graphics...got damn!
The biggest issue with MH:W seems to be Capcom's apparently *purposeful* lack of information on exactly where the game falls on the MH spectrum. Is it mainline or is it a spin off? Right now, in this thread, we have at least 4 different groups of MH fans, all with different ideas of what the game is, and no one really has a clue. One group wants the game to radically shake up some of the core tenants of the series, and based on their interpretation of a rather crappy introduction trailer, sees just that. Another group sees all the environmental changes, and is mortified that the series is losing everything that made it the success that it is. The third is made up of people that like the "idea" of liking MH, but can't stand the "jank" of traditional MH. And the fourth are made up of console warriors, just happy with the chaos. I honestly don't know which camp I fall into (minus the 4th), since I don't really know anything about the gameplay. And honestly, neither do any of you. Why didn't Capcom have an immediate, worldwide press release ready to go, explaining some of the details about the game? Isn't this game supposed to re-introduce MH to the world, whether you want traditional combat with HD assets or a complete shakeup of the core systems? Why did I have to learn basic info about the game, third hand (thru GAF), from a twitter account of a European Community Rep? "I know our trailer didn't show this, but relax, all 14 weapons are in the game." "I know you didn't see a HUD, but no worries! Health and Stamina are back, Jack." The Famitsu article might have touched on some of this, but like 99% of the western world, I don't read Japanese. And apparently this game is focusing on the western market. Or maybe not, who knows! Capcom USA but up a blog post at 2:30am this morning, and all it does is regurgitate an overview of the trailer. And keep in mind, the crappy trailer for MH4 that's been mentioned earlier in the thread, was for a game that was still 2 years out. MH:W releases sometime between 6 and 9 months from now. Worldwide. This game was shown at one of the Big Three's press conferences. That's a pretty big deal. And knowing how adored and defended this series is, by both past console and current portable fans, wouldn't you think Capcom would want to limit uproar from everyone by actually giving some solid info? I would have at least put up a video on their Youtube channel showing some actual game play loops. What happens on the 20th, when it's shown that World isn't really all that different? Those that read big changes from the trailer aren't going to be happy. Or vice versa. I guess the point of my round-about ramblings is this: For as important to the Monster Hunter series as this game is supposed to be, Capcom certainly hasn't done it any favors with their terrible unveiling. All we have to show for it, are a bunch of MH fans arguing with themselves over a bunch of non-information.
And proper controlsMonster Hunter with good graphics...got damn!
As others have mentioned, hopefully it's running at an unlocked framerate like 4/4U was. X/Double Cross were locked to 30.
Reading this post is strange...
And proper controls
What? Please, no. If it can't hold 60fps, lock this shit up, If it runs between 50 and 30 it will look so unstable and juddery.
Unlocked games are the worst.
That hurts manwords like real and proper are why you got juniored.
Why is it strange? I felt something similar. It feels almost like a clone of Monster Hunter that misses the mark than an actual game made my Capcom.
That hurts man
Why is it strange? I felt something similar. It feels almost like a clone of Monster Hunter that misses the mark than an actual game made my Capcom.
Mounting in 4 and Generations is literally a button smashing qte whereas this looked to be much more dynamic and Dragon's Dogma style climbing :/
Strange in terms that we have hardly sren anything of actual gameplay, outside of a few additions like stealth, tracking (I think that is what it looks like) and grappling hook stuff.
Seems way too early to doom it and it feels more like MH traditionalists hating a change from the old style. Game could be an awesome change, could suck. Who knows!