This looks amazing.
better then XX on Switch really good
better then XX on Switch really good
People think that Capcom is making a big investment at AAA levels to market and release an spin off?
It's their biggest MH game reveal since 4, so yesPeople think that Capcom is making a big investment at AAA levels to market and release an spin off?
I too enjoy using witcher sense in my skyrim hunting game.
I never said Mounting was good or bad, just that I wasn't 100% sure this was even a MH game until I saw it done in the trailer because of how visually different this is from the main line games. They clearly tried to wash out and westernize the style imo and I wasn't sure it wasn't just some western studio's take on the type of games.
As for the QTE comment that's directed at how much more cinematic they look to be going with the monster interactions. Or at least, that's the element they're pushing the most it seems.
Capcom wants western game sales without doing the work of courting a western game audience.
They deserve what they get.
This is obviously not a spin-off to me, I more see a future with a mainline home console Monster Hunter and mainline portable console Monster Hunter. This assuming Worlds sells well enough in the west, of course.
It's their biggest MH game reveal since 4, so yes
Unless it sells poorly. In which case Capcom will be all "Here's the reveal of MH5!"
Unless it sells poorly. In which case Capcom will be all "Here's the reveal of MH5!"
Strange in terms that we have hardly sren anything of actual gameplay, outside of a few additions like stealth, tracking (I think that is what it looks like) and grappling hook stuff.
Seems way too early to doom it and it feels more like MH traditionalists hating a change from the old style. Game could be an awesome change, could suck. Who knows!
There's nothing really westernized about this game...unless by westernized you mean "caught up to current gen standards" it looks like it's finally utilizing powerful hardware to introduce new gameplay elements for once in well since Dos.
Gematsu has gameplay videos
Until it is.
You're mistaking the post as bashing or w/e then, cause by no means am I going "DOOOOOMED" over the game.
I simply didn't feel like what I saw was what I'd come to expect to be what's shown off for a MH game with hunting in it even if it's a spin off/ side game. Yes, I do see focus placed on elements I'm not excited about and I don't like the watering down of the art for "Dat Western Real Feel".
But I never cheer against a game, if it turns out good then that's great. That being said ... I straight up didn't see this as a MH game until too long into the trailer and for that to be the case I'm not sure what to think about this game.
Gematsu has gameplay videos
The more I think about this game the less I hate it.
It's scripted
not worth linking unless there is a HUD
Bugger. There goes my only interest in playing this on consoles then. Cheers.
The more I think about this game the less I hate it.
I got super angry when I read that this game will have regenerating health.
Maybe it does, but to what extent?
The regular MH series has regenerating health, too. When you get hit there is a small red bar that slowly refills unless you get hit again. So maybe it's not really different in MHW at all?
Maybe the only differences really are the open world (which I find interesting), the stealth mechanics (which I find slightly dumb for now), the graphics (which are great) and the tracking (which I find intriguing).
Maybe I'm getting angry over nothing.
The only thing I don't like about this reveal the PC version delay. :/
There will be more footage on the 20th to get a better idea of the game.
HUDless for the true Nextgen experience!
Oh, ok. I agree with that.I think I was misunderstood. I'm saying it is a poor decision to gamble those 4 million Japanese players, not that Biohazard was anywhere near as popular as MH in Japan. That said, Biohazard dropped about 2/3rds of their audience in Japan with the change from 6 to 7.
Well, they kinda want to sell the game i'd imagine
And then you rank up, and then fight harder versions of them 20 times, because Kalameet won't drop Kalameet Didgeridoo so you can make your greaves piece for your set.
Oh Monster Hunter, the one series where the grind is worth it because of fun it is to fight the monsters in the first place.
So what exactly makes this a spin off? How is it different? And why does it matter?
Not played MH so I dunno.
The crowd reaction at the end...
But I never cheer against a game, if it turns out good then that's great. That being said ... I straight up didn't see this as a MH game until too long into the trailer and for that to be the case I'm not sure what to think about this game.
I love Monster Hunter to fucking death and just ticking every single fucking rare drop rate in the games up by 10% would make for an objectively better experience. Some grind is fine, especially in a game with such strong combat fundamentals and gameplay, but getting the good armour towards the end game is usually MMO-levels of bad game design.And then you rank up, and then fight harder versions of them 20 times, because Kalameet won't drop Kalameet Didgeridoo so you can make your greaves piece for your set.
Oh Monster Hunter, the one series where the grind is worth it because of fun it is to fight the monsters in the first place.
I have not played MH before. This seemed like fun to me, but the reception so far doesn't seem great.
Is it very different than previous entries?
I have not played MH before. This seemed like fun to me, but the reception so far doesn't seem great.
Is it very different than previous entries?
It certainly "feels" different, but we don't know for sure until we see a proper gameplay reveal with a full battle and maybe multiplayer.I have not played MH before. This seemed like fun to me, but the reception so far doesn't seem great.
Is it very different than previous entries?
What? Please, no. If it can't hold 60fps, lock this shit up, If it runs between 50 and 30 it will look so unstable and juddery.
Unlocked games are the worst.
I have not played MH before. This seemed like fun to me, but the reception so far doesn't seem great.
Is it very different than previous entries?
Yeah, but in most cases Capcom didn't make those games themselves, but outsourced them to western studios. And that was the problem IMO. Becaus they lacked the "japanese style and gameplay". DmC is maybe the best example. Or those Resident Evil shooters like Racoon City and Umbrella Corps (EDIT: Whoops that wa actually made by capcom, lol). Dead Rising and Lost Planet are other examples.I'll try the PC version. I am skeptical though.
I can't think of many times a series of games tries to 'expand for a wider audience' has turned out well, especially from Capcom.