A few issues with apollo.
The original landing iirc there wasn't direct feed the news companies were told to record off of a projection screen, iirc. All original recordings were lost, as was all technology used.
Recently they mentioned they need to develop shielding to protect from van allen belt radiation to go back to the moon. Such development was not done for original apollo program, iirc.
The moon lander always crashed on tests on earth, was called unwieldly, or so is claimed, yet worked on first try on the moon.
There were some occasions when the flag waved with no one touching or nearby on video footage, iirc.
Even now rockets have like a 2~% chance of failure on launch, iirc. That's basically a 1 in 50 odds of dying, which is ridiculous. Completely unacceptable risk, when we have advanced robotics that could be improved if need be to do all the work.
The earth is spherical obviously, but it is conceivable at least some of the apollo landings were faked.
Only the USA and the Russians have the tech to put people into orbit. It's expensive and difficult.
China can't be too far behind though. I hear they have a space station planned.
You realize that with a good telescope you can still see the landers, the rover tracks, and if it’s a BIG telescope HUMAN FOOTPRINTS ...right?
You realize there is something called robotics?
It’s not like there isn’t 4K footage from 60MM film of the actual mission. Like, they actually showed that in theaters this year. And it’s going to win the Oscar for best documentary.
I think for one of the missions some footage was found in someone's personal property recently. But the original footage at nasa was all lost or reused to record other stuff. The telemetry data was also lost, as was all the technology used to go to the moon.
How about a live stream 24/7 from the ISS pointing a camera down to the earth?
The flat earther claim is it cuts frequently, and is never truly 24/7.
Yeah, your body took about 4 years to learn how to just walk in normal G, now, you as a adult, think you can relearn putting in screws in 0G?
There is zero g plane, I don't think it's that hard. You can test it by going in a zero g plane.
If it's known that other planets and celestial objects are spherical...
The flat earther claim is that the planets look like weird wobbly lights through low power telescopes. All other footage of planets and space is claimed to be cgi. The moon and sun are claimed to be spherical. It is ridiculous to claim planets are cgi, as I'm sure high powered telescopes you can go to can easily show you the planets are actually spherical not just wobbly lights.
1000 mph at the equator, and 67, 000 mph around the sun. In that interview I shared with the guy who talks with the astrophysicist, he asks her why there is no detectable acceleration and deceleration due to us rotating 1000 mph while moving at 66,000 mph, and he shows her the video demonstrating this effect, it's a carnival ride that is essentially a witch's hat spinning while going up and down a half pipe. The people spinning on the edge of the witch's hat experience acceleration and deceleration because as they move along the half pipe, the hat rotation makes them go with, then against the main half pipe movement. The astrophysicist had absolutely no response to this and just said "interesting"
I think relativity suggests the earth can be taken as stationary or in movement, depending on frame of reference.
So global warming will lead to us all dying of thirst, because all water will flow over the edges of earth? That's even worse than what we green-oriented people have warned about.
Some flat earthers believe there's a dome like a snow globe, so the water can't get out.