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Moral Question! Would You Ever Have Sex With A Girl Already In A Relationship?

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Moral Question! Would You Ever Have Sex With A Girl Already In A Relationship? #1

YES....that is ofcourse i didn't know she was in a relationship. Women are great liars


NAh not if i knew the guy
Wow, and conservatives think I'm the embodiment of "moral decay." There's no way I'd have sex with a guy if I knew he was already in a relationship...I've been on the shitty side of that one and it doesn't feel good, especially because I knew who he did it with. Fortunately, I didn't get anything. I don't think I'd even kiss anyone who I knew to be in a relationship.


Queen of Denmark
No. I don't have sex with just anybody, first of all, and I'd also be wary of potential serious repurcussions (i.e., an enraged cuckolded boyfriend, etc.)


keep your strippers out of my American football
Yeah, I have been there and done that. Like 3 times. The relationships were in the shitter and ended a week or 2 after the deed was done in 2 of the cases. Actually they both were seeing others so it was kind of strange that they were still "together".

But one was married, with a daughter and had seperated from her husband. I knew him and actually went to some sports events with him in the past. But like I said at the time they were seperated and I had known her about 10 years longer than I knew him. Anyway, one thing let to another and I hit it like I was Mike Tyson and she was a punching bag. They ended up getting back together though like a month later, so it was a one time trip. :(


shitting in the alley outside your window
Nope, not my style. I've had it done to me so I feel even more strongly in my stance now.


You now belong to FMT.
I have... one was married adn one was pregnant.. I feel bad... well no I dont... but Karma will be a beast eventually....


keep your strippers out of my American football
Malleymal said:
I have... one was married adn one was pregnant.. I feel bad... well no I dont... but Karma will be a beast eventually....

Testify!!!! I never did the pregnant thing though. Sometimes temptation gets the best of you.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
yup, that's how I got with my wife... but we had been friends before that and on the verge of a relationship and the dude was an older loser boyfriend of hers from a few years prior.

My apologies Raoul, it was for the best.


i have been "the other guy" several times in my life, although i've never been able to cross the moral boundaries of cheating on any of my girlfriends, although i've certainly come close.

unless you're one lucky guy or don't give a shit about relationshipsin general, karma will bite you in the ass - it definitely has for me. after my last "other guy" tryst i decided these self-contributed headaches were enough and decided to stop my precarious ways; but even having stopped for several years one of my later relationships disolved because of another guy (who happened to be in a relationship himself). chalk it up to life balancing itself out.

in general i find being the other guy is just a general pain in the ass and an emotional burden, which obviously won't apply to you if you consider yourself a "player" or just out to get to poontang (or don't give a fuck). nowadays if there's someone who i'm interested in who is already in a relationship and the feeling is mutual i am ALWAYS clear to point that nothing can progress beyond friendship unless there is a clean break with her current relationship, out of respect for her, her current man, and myself. that way the inevitable emotional rollercoaster ahead will only be because of what the both of us contribute to it in the future, rather than from whatever past baggage might be attached if we were to pursue something from a "tainted" starting point. besides, you gotta figure: a relationship founded in infidelity already has so much stacked against it. who is to say that if she isn't going to cheat on you in the future since she already cheated on someone to be with you.


I'm in a similar position...the way i see it, i have no one to answer to, no harm no foul, but yet...i have second thoughts...until the fact i haven't gotten a piece of ass in like a month and a half takes over than it's all good :)



robertsan21 said:
whoo snaildog whas up with that?

your a serious dude, respect this man!

its not alot of good men left like you in this world filled with dirty porn!

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. It's not all a moral thing - I don't think I'd enjoy sex with someone I didn't like a lot.


Banstick Emeritus
somnific said:
a relationship founded in infidelity already has so much stacked against it. who is to say that if she isn't going to cheat on you in the future since she already cheated on someone to be with you.
Well said.


I would definately do it, unless the guy she was with was one of my two best friends.

Anyone else though, yeah. Like many have said before, if she wants to cheat then that means the relationship is pretty much kaputs anyway, so I'm not actually directly contributing to breaking their relationship up for real.


goddamit, Griese!
lordmrw said:
Thats pretty much exactly how I feel. When my friends say I'm an idiot, I tell them how would you feel if it were you it were happening. They never have an answer.

See, I actually tell my friends if my girl is coming on to them, hit it. I shouldn't be laying up with no ho.
I had the chance twice with the same girl and never took it. I think that I'd hate to be the sucker on the other end knowing my GF / Wife cheated on me. I can't do that to anyone.


It's not something i'd be proud of. I detest cheating in any form, so i'd like to say that I wouldn't; but I suppose in real life some circumstances can make such a choice really hard.


go eat paint
This is an easy question to answer.

I've been cheated on
I've done the cheating
I've helped a girl do the cheating

And just to slam dunk the Biblical hat trick, I had an affair with a married woman for almost a year. Morally, I always said I wouldn't, but when emotions and genitalia came into play, I dove in head-first.

(Although, to be honest, I'm a bit tamer these days. I don't know that I could be the cheater or the cheatee anymore. They say you lose interest in sex the older you get, and man, that's starting to be true for me.)
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