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More Beatiful Metroid Prime 2 screens (spoiler & 56K warning just in case)


















where's the eye-popping smiley when I need it?


From what I've understood, the Chozo aren't present in this game and all of Samus' equipment comes from the Luminoth.

Apparently, its all about the Ing and the Luminoth rather than the Space Pirates and the Chozo, but then again, thats what Prime 1 was all about.


I think I'll need to see this in motion to truly appreciate it.
And I still think the art in Prime 1 is better than the art in Echoes.


And considering, it'd be nice to hear what specifically art-wise you found more to your liking in Prime 1 than in Echoes?


Eric-GCA said:
And considering, it'd be nice to hear what specifically art-wise you found more to your liking in Prime 1 than in Echoes?

The overall design and color scheme in the first Prime is just more appealing to me. This game has the same general style, but it doesn't seme anywhere near as quality or as interesting.

Quadraxis looks particularly stupid. You don't even see robot enemy designs in Sudeki this bad.


olimario said:
The overall design and color scheme in the first Prime is just more appealing to me. This game has the same general style, but it doesn't seme anywhere near as quality or as interesting.

Quadraxis looks particularly stupid. You don't even see robot enemy designs in Sudeki this bad.
Damn, I'm so glad you're never going to be an artist or designer. And those were still general comments, how about something more specific?


Perhaps if I remind everyone of the beauty of the first title we'll see how 'off' Echoes looks.
I consider this beautiful art with wonderful colors and design.


I even like her model more. It's less rubbery and odd.

Damn, I'm so glad you're never going to be an artist or designer. And those were still general comments, how about something more specific?
Because I prefer the art of the first? What a ridiculous statement.

Yes, they are general. With such a slight change in every aspect of the art it's hard to narrow these things down. I think the color scheme is off. Lime Green Quadraxis on hot pink sky? That doesn't look very nice.

Kon Tiki

They said everthing in the game has a function, it all works together. I would like to know the purpose of Quadraxis, besides being a boss. What was it intended for? Why is in 'indoors;?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I think the game looks just as beautiful as the original, but it has a crisper look.


I agree with Oli on this. I don't really like the environments we've seen thus far, though I hear there is a lot more variety than what's been shown in screens. I prefer the more organic environments of the original. I also like the old model better. While this one's color scheme is probably "truer" to the other Metroid games, I like MP1's metallic looking model more. Of course, there is probably a lot that we haven't seen so I'll reserve judgement.
I think they're going for a more 'alien' look this time. I can't blame them for trying new things. Although I kinda see olimario's point the color scheme and Quadraxis. They look more akin to something from Halo... Maybe they're trying to represent Nintendo as Samus against big humongous Quadraxis as MS Xbox :)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Or maybe they're yielding to the whiners about Metroid Prime not being like other FPSes. (Hey, they're adding ammo, multi, and a more "alien" feel)



Still Tagged Accordingly
Eric-GCA said:
From what I've understood, the Chozo aren't present in this game and all of Samus' equipment comes from the Luminoth.

Apparently, its all about the Ing and the Luminoth rather than the Space Pirates and the Chozo, but then again, thats what Prime 1 was all about.
I'm pretty sure MP2 will reveal some sort of ancient relation between the Luminoth and Chozo.


I tried to hold off on pre ordering this for so long, with the 9-16th being so crowded. It finally broke me though.

GaimeGuy said:
Or maybe they're yielding to the whiners about Metroid Prime not being like other FPSes. (Hey, they're adding ammo, multi, and a more "alien" feel)


Since they included that, Im curious, they mentioned trying dual analog control option, did this make it?


Well, I guess I prefer the more "crisper" look to the sequel then. Although, I personally think the "difference" is pretty negligable.


Eric-GCA said:
Well, I guess I prefer the more "crisper" look to the sequel then. Although, I personally think the "difference" is pretty negligable.

More Crisper. :)
Graphics and art are too different things. I like that the sequel is more crisp than the first, though I like the art much less.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
ced said:
Since they included that, Im curious, they mentioned trying dual analog control option, did this make it?

According to IGN, dual analog control DID NOT make it because it ruins the gameplay.
As good looking as this game is, if they haven't improved upon the control system then I'm not interested. I liked MP but the controls ruined the experience for me.


GSG Flash said:
According to IGN, dual analog control DID NOT make it because it ruins the gameplay.

Well then, sales -1.

I wasn't intending on purchasing MP2 considering I never did warm up to the original. However, the recent deluge of screens have made me think twice and I was already 95% sure that I would buy the game if there's dual analog support. But if Retro/Nintendo wants to be obstinate about things then they can kiss my ass.....


Who's being obstinate? I'm really getting sick of these control complaints--when in the hell did it become law for everyone who makes a game that resembles a FPS to have dual analog controls? Controls are a key component of gameplay. In that sense, sometimes what may seem like the most comfortable control scheme may not be the best for the experince the developer wants to create. If you can't get over, don't complain and don't buy the game. But please, don't act like there's only type of control worth using.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:
More Crisper. :)
Graphics and art are too different things. I like that the sequel is more crisp than the first, though I like the art much less.

Those pics you posted ARE the best Prime 1 shots on the net IMO. You won't find any better environmental shots...

Which is exactly why I believe it is an unfair comparison to make. Most Prime shots look very dull...and the same is true of the sequel. Just wait and see what the final holds in store...


ElyrionX said:
Well then, sales -1.

I wasn't intending on purchasing MP2 considering I never did warm up to the original. However, the recent deluge of screens have made me think twice and I was already 95% sure that I would buy the game if there's dual analog support. But if Retro/Nintendo wants to be obstinate about things then they can kiss my ass.....

Therefore, by your reasoning, you won't enjoy KotoR because it doesn't play/control like a Final Fantasy game.

Please, if you don't like the game, then that's fine, but to say you won't buy it because they don't include the control setup you want, that's obstinate.


Those MP1 images are not only quite small (automatically making them look better), but have also been enhanced in a few ways (contrast for example).

Tweaked MP2e screens:







Personally I really like the more outlandish design.
"Please, if you don't like the game, then that's fine, but to say you won't buy it because they don't include the control setup you want, that's obstinate."

Controls are as important as any other aspect of a game. If people don't like it then they simply won't have fun with the game.


Meh, I can't believe I'm gonna defend the control setup here.

As much as I would prefer an alternate control scheme to this series, it isn't going to happen. Yes, the current control scheme hinders the gameplayer to a degree. However it isn't like the game is unplayable and to say so is deceptive. You can adjust to the control scheme fine and make your way through the game with no trouble.

Metroid Prime always looked better in motion than in still shots. I'm sure the sequel is the same way. In fact, based on the demo, I practically know this to be true. Some of the screen shots that have similar looking areas to what I've seen in the demo look much worse.


MarkMacD said:
Prepare to eat those words when you see the Sanctuary.

Seeing one awesome area isn't going to improve all of the sub-Prime art I've seen so far. I will hold out all judgement until I actually play the game, though. My opinions now are based on what I've seen of both games and very well may change.


CrimsonSkies said:
"Please, if you don't like the game, then that's fine, but to say you won't buy it because they don't include the control setup you want, that's obstinate."

Controls are as important as any other aspect of a game. If people don't like it then they simply won't have fun with the game.

The problem is that coming up with a control scheme is a balancing act. There's a need for comfort, but the developers may also need the set the controls in a way drives their design. Take PN03 for instance. The game would not be interesting with typical 3rd person controls. The difficulty of the game is built right in to the control scheme, which emphasizes quick dodging moves without a whole lot range as opposed to strafing and running and gunning. Yeah, it may not be fun for all, but there was a legitmate reason for using the control scheme. For those who clicked with the game, it was a pleasurable experince.

While Metroid is in the first person, it is still heavily based on platforming and puzzles. The control scheme reflects that by creating a system that heavily based on jumping rather than running around.


Mrbob said:
Please don't use the words PN03 and interesting together ever again.

You do realize I stressed that the game is not for all people. This is the ultimate point about my argument. I could care less if barely anybody cared about the game--for a few people it a was fun experince.


You can say that about any game, no matter how popular it is. So I'm not really sure what kind of argument there truly is when it comes to opinion. I just hate PN03.


Thaedolus said:
I don't know what olimar is smoking, Echoes > Prime 1
He's pretty much consistent about things like this, it also reflects in his gameplay preferences as when he was on about Kirby's Air Ride.

The Ing designs alone make the art in Prime 2 more superior than Prime 1.



Too bad that Kirby Air Ride thread never made the archives. His classic quote about saying to give the game 60 hours before it gets interesting will live in infamy.


Mrbob said:
You can say that about any game, no matter how popular it is. So I'm not really sure what kind of argument there truly is when it comes to opinion. I just hate PN03.

That's really the heart of the matter--this is mostly opinion we are dealing with. I have no problem when people say they dislike a control scheme. What I don't like is when people try to argue that a game should control a particular way. The controls are just as much a part of the developers vision as is the level design and art direction. These kinds of arguments that suggest that the dvelopers need to have a certain system trivializes the thought that may have went into the issue in the first place. It's not just about the comfort of the gamer.


ge-man said:
That's really the heart of the matter--this is mostly opinion we are dealing with. I have no problem when people say they dislike a control scheme. What I don't like is when people try to argue that a game should control a particular way. The controls are just as much a part of the developers vision as is the level design and art direction. These kinds of arguments that suggest that the dvelopers need to have a certain system trivializes the thought that may have went into the issue in the first place. It's not just about the comfort of the gamer.

I much prefer developers who try to introduce new ways of thinking rather than completely catering to the masses (like EA).


Sander said:
Those MP1 images are not only quite small (automatically making them look better), but have also been enhanced in a few ways (contrast for example).

Tweaked MP2e screens:







Personally I really like the more outlandish design.

MP2 wins. It makes MP1's art-style seem too conservative and that's saying a lot.

wait, isn't oli a conservative?


olimario said:
Seeing one awesome area isn't going to improve all of the sub-Prime art I've seen so far. I will hold out all judgement until I actually play the game, though. My opinions now are based on what I've seen of both games and very well may change.

What screens would you point to as sub-prime art? Not saying i disagree, I'm just curious? (the dark world shots are drab i would agree, but then...it's the dark world. sky is also purple there, not hot pink)

But yeah, you haven't seen much of Prime 2. I stand by my previous statement.

Kon Tiki

MarkMacD said:
What screens would you point to as sub-prime art? Not saying i disagree, I'm just curious? (the dark world shots are drab i would agree, but then...it's the dark world. sky is also purple there, not hot pink)

But yeah, you haven't seen much of Prime 2. I stand by my previous statement.
Talking strictly numbers, what percentage of the 'areas' and 'bosses' have been showm?


Eric-GCA said:
He's pretty much consistent about things like this, it also reflects in his gameplay preferences as when he was on about Kirby's Air Ride.

The Ing designs alone make the art in Prime 2 more superior than Prime 1.

Kirby Air Ride was a fun little game.

Too bad that Kirby Air Ride thread never made the archives. His classic quote about saying to give the game 60 hours before it gets interesting will live in infamy.

It's a misquote. I said the game was fun from the start but that it starting getting excellent as you unlock things, complete events, and perfect the controls.
I got near finished with the game around 60 hours.

What screens would you point to as sub-prime art? Not saying i disagree, I'm just curious? (the dark world shots are drab i would agree, but then...it's the dark world. sky is also purple there, not hot pink)

But yeah, you haven't seen much of Prime 2. I stand by my previous statement.

A lot of the areas with the purple sky look particularly ugly, especially mixed with the crappy looking Quadraxis.
Here is another shot of an area that looks particularly uninteresting to me.

I don't like the design or the use of colors here.

THat's not to say I dislike all I've seen of Echoes artistically... I'm just saying that the whole of everything I've seen in Prime is better artistically than the whole of everything I've seen in Echoes.

Just for the record, here are the Echoes screens I love.



The shot you point out as uninteresting is ironically one of the coolest-looking rooms (and the start of the prettiest section) of the game, imo :)

Anyway, before the latest batch of screens I hadn't seen much in the way of shots to get me really pumped on Echoes art-wise, but trust me, you won't be disappointed.
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