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More Beatiful Metroid Prime 2 screens (spoiler & 56K warning just in case)


Tag of Excellence
Olimario is just mad about Samus dumping him that's all.


I dunno. I agree with Olimario. The environments in MP2 seems a little TOO high tech to me. MP1 had those blandish colors, but in a good way mixed with teh outdoor levels.


From what I've seen, Aether is a seemingly barren planet with only a lot of rocky terrain. Dark Aether seems to have more organic to it, though its of course as the name implies "dark".

Though of course there are no doubt environments that are unknown. I mean, before the original Prime was released, the only areas that were shown mostly were the Frigate and the Chozo ruins, and just a tiny bit of Phendrana.


MP2 looks good but i need to see the whole game before i really make a decision. Much of the demo stuff didnt appeal that much to me. There wer ebette stuff in MP. They should have animated the blue windows like in MP.


Looks alright overall. Some of the shots are really impressive, most are just ok, while others are downright ugly.

I mean, this is just nasty:


Kon Tiki

Redbeard said:
Looks alright overall. Some of the shots are really impressive, most are just ok, while others are downright ugly.

I mean, this is just nasty:

Artistically or technically?



It could probably be blamed on being a poorly taken shot (facing the corner of an ugly room), but the environment in particular looks like something out of a Turok game.


The last 2 days have shot my hype lvl sky high for this. I just can't wait to explore those environments.

Kon Tiki

meh. I tend to not take screens for what they are, I just picture the enviroments and enemies in motion. Now you make me take the pic for what it is. :mad:
MarkMacD said:
The shot you point out as uninteresting is ironically one of the coolest-looking rooms (and the start of the prettiest section) of the game, imo :)

Anyway, before the latest batch of screens I hadn't seen much in the way of shots to get me really pumped on Echoes art-wise, but trust me, you won't be disappointed.

So... can we expect a 10, 10, 10 on this one also? :)


Samus gets Light and Dark suits along with Light and Dark beams, and she travels in Light and Dark worlds....



Im not saying this game is actually going to look or play bad, but those screens make it look like a ps2 game. The later ones look much better.
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