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Morgan Spurlock, of Supersize Me fame, does it again: The Minimum Wage

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RonaldoSan said:
That's just sad. So every year since 1997 they have voted no to increased minimum vage and yes to more money for themselfs. I know congress work is way more important but they hardly put in the work minimum wage workers do.

Which is true, but this nutjob takes the PETA route to show it by slathering on the worst case scenario. He's like the human saccharine lab test.


Drunky McMurder
Macam-This is just the first episode, so it's a little early to know whether it's going to be on DVD, but they've been promoting the hell out of the show for months. I remember seeing commercials for it as far back as April, maybe before. Granted, FX does the same for all of their original shows and their shitty original movies, but it's at least a sign that they want it to succeed.


SoVos20 said:
They still would lose a lot of money, and overall more people would be worst off. Look at Europe those contries like the UK, France, Germany, ect have a higher min wage, but their average worker makes less than the average worker here. Rasing the min wage tends to shift the median income down.

Actually that's incorrect and mostly irrelevent. The benefit structure of those societies are different as well, particularly when it comes to health care and other benefits that are covered by their governments that are not covered by ours. Just looking at history shows your premise to be incorrect. The minimum wage has gone up several times just in my lifetime and workers wages went up at the same time.
I'm tired of that argument.

JoeBloe CEO could stand to earn less than his standard $500,000 christmas bonus. I'm sure JoeBloe Corp will live after posting net profits of $280 million instead of $300 million.


Factually incorrect. Americans work the most hours yet do not even make the most annually.

No, it is not incorrect. You can look it up. We have the highest real median income in the world, in both yearly wage and hr wage. Now I am not including small city size countries like Luxemburg.


Setec Astronomer
I'm having a hard time finding real comparison figures, I suggest you find them. Also, household income figures may be misleading due to many families now forced to have two incomes, and America does not look good when comparing its bottom income bracket to those of other industrialized nations.


Drunky McMurder
Sal Paradise Jr said:
I'm tired of that argument.

JoeBloe CEO could stand to earn less than his standard $500,000 christmas bonus. I'm sure JoeBloe Corp will live after posting net profits of $280 million instead of $300 million.

I really don't want to take the other side of the argument, but I want to prevent them from having the easy targets also.

It's not as though it is solely large corporations that pay employees minimum wage.


Hitokage said:
I'm having a hard time finding real comparison figures, I suggest you find them. Also, household income figures may be misleading due to many families now forced to have two incomes, and America does not look good when comparing its bottom income bracket to those of other industrialized nations.

I got you covered. Go to www.nationmaster.com. Obscene stats database there :) You will find the evidence you seek....


Setec Astronomer
Didn't find anything there that breaks the numbers down a little... because America's huge income gap fudges the basic numbers.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm sure Supersize Me hurt them, but there was alos a rather huge case in the UK a while back which also had an impact. Look up McLibel.

Or go here http://www.mcspotlight.org/

The McLibel Trial is the infamous British court case between McDonald's and a former postman & a gardener from London (Helen Steel and Dave Morris). It ran for two and a half years and became the longest ever English trial. The defendants were denied legal aid and their right to a jury, so the whole trial was heard by a single Judge, Mr Justice Bell. He delivered his verdict in June 1997.

The verdict was devastating for McDonald's. The judge ruled that they 'exploit children' with their advertising, produce 'misleading' advertising, are 'culpably responsible' for cruelty to animals, are 'antipathetic' to unionisation and pay their workers low wages. But Helen and Dave failed to prove all the points and so the Judge ruled that they HAD libelled McDonald's and should pay 60,000 pounds damages. They refused and McDonald's knew better than to pursue it. In March 1999 the Court of Appeal made further rulings that it was fair comment to say that McDonald's employees worldwide "do badly in terms of pay and conditions", and true that "if one eats enough McDonald's food, one's diet may well become high in fat etc., with the very real risk of heart disease."

As a result of the court case, the Anti-McDonald's campaign mushroomed, the press coverage increased exponentially, this website was born and a feature length documentary was broadcast round the world.

Mc Donalds really fucked themsleves with that one. They went from using the UK's far too strict libel laws to tell people to shut up about McDonalds, some of whom probably only got through to 10s of others a year, to having their problems aired all over the world.


I don't care if it's the same "trick" over an over again. As long as it deals with different issues, and educates people on social matters in an interesting manner, it's all good.

way more

SoVos20 said:
No, it is not incorrect. You can look it up. We have the highest real median income in the world, in both yearly wage and hr wage. Now I am not including small city size countries like Luxemburg.

Does their wealth distribution look like this?
This actually sounds quite interesting, mainly because the subject is rarely touched upon. Even if it's more reality TV than serious documentary, I'll fork over my money (not earned at a minimum wage job :)) to see it on a speciality channel/DVD, because Supersize Me was a really fun experience -- even if it wasn't exactly eye opening.


Groder Mullet said:
Class-less societies are nothing but a pipe dream.

Everything is a pipe-dream until someone does it :) Unless something violates the laws of the universe - it is certainly possible. However, if people believe something is impossible and act as if something is impossible - it will be impossible.


StoOgE said:
you know, for all thes hit talking Michael Moore does, his movies havent actually changed anything.
Not true. Just off the top of my head, he got Kmart to stop selling bullets at store chains nationwide in Bowling for Columbine.


The Experiment said:
Fuck this one trick pony.

Plus people with minimum wage have more than one job.

I do think there should be an increase of wage to at or above $7
Oh, gee! What an educated way to write off the problems of minimum wage! What the fuck, let's all just work from 8 in the morning until 8 or 10 at night (weekends too!) PROBLEM SOLVED!

Minimum wage in this country is a joke. You get just enough to get by, and nothing more.

Oh yeah - I'm pretty sure I remember Kerry pushing to raise minimum wage to $7/hr.

I know we can all say "well, these people should have went to school..." lots of people have. Job markets in many places throughout the country is a joke, you either cannot find a job or it is impossible to keep one long-term. Lots of college grads who had good jobs end up working the retail life again.
Well I went over to my family's house to watch this (no cable here) and do laundry (no laundry machine), and I have to say it was kind of hard to watch. Some parts just made me want to cry.

All I gotta say is try going five months with no heat Spurlock - I'll show you hardcore. Actually, I can't afford the ridiculous fucking prices the gas company charges to heat my house, so I use a small electric heater I managed to buy when I worked at Target. Problem is you can't let it run while you're not awake - so at night in Winter, no heat.

I managed to snag an electric blanket on clearance when I worked at Target too for like 80% off the original price. Problem is, the thermostat on one side is fruity. So I need to mail it in this summer for warranty repair; so next winter it doesn't default to HELL HEAT and burn my biscuits off.

I do think they went out of the way to focus in on injury and health care, but again - I can relate. Working 12 hours in a shitty factory assembling those awful toy displays you see at Toys R Us, Wal Mart, Target for $7 an hour whole standing on your feet all day on a concrete floor. By the fourth work day 68 hours in, my back was killing me due to a prior lower back injury; making it really difficult to bend, lift, and some times walk. Still you've got no choice but to keep your nose to the grindstone.

I'm looking into education funding options, because I can't keep at this shit forever; and I definitely need to get back to school. Even if I can't damn well afford it.

People should read Nickel and Dimed and The Working Poor to gain some perspective on poverty, minimum wage, and the effects our government programs have on these people.

I'll definitely check those out of the library. Thanks.
I guess I just don't understand minimum wage as a whole. I would think the competition to hire competent employees would force the wage above the current minimum wage. I would make an uneducated guess that having a federal minimum wage just pushes the bar to the lowest possible spot.

On the other hand, if companies that are currently paying employees the 5.15 an hour have to raise their pay over $1 per employee the company is not going to take the loss, they're just going to get rid of employees and the unemployment rate will rise. Probably half dozen to 6 problem. Just my take.
Some of my casual observations are as follows:

Raising minimum wage won't adversely affect "job growth" when you consider that it seems the bulk of new jobs being added are of the "shit retail" variety. Low hours. No benefits. Etc. This are J.O.B. jobs, not careers.

Even if federal minimum wage were increased, employers would find a way to save money. When I worked at Target, employees would call off all the damned time; and the managers practically refused to fire these lazy bastards. Why should they? These folks are saving the company money, and they can just work honest suckers like me that show up for work, twice as hard. >:|

Federal Minimum wage tends to cover the "bottom of the barrel" workers. People with no specialized skills, or lacking the College credentials (eight years ago, employers wanted experience; now they want degrees or certifications - and in some markets a Bachelor's Degree is now about the equivalent of a High School Diploma) to get their foot in the door elsewhere. So it would provide a security blanket for folks who can't secure a job making over ten dollars an hour.
Phoenix said:
Everything is a pipe-dream until someone does it :) Unless something violates the laws of the universe - it is certainly possible. However, if people believe something is impossible and act as if something is impossible - it will be impossible.

Its a pipe dream because it isn't feasable. A doctor's knowledge and services are more valuable than a janitors, so on and so forth.


Yeah I read Nickel and Dimed -- it was the first thing I thought of when watching this (which was quite good). Morgan Spurlock is an excellent documentarian.
Its a pipe dream because it isn't feasable. A doctor's knowledge and services are more valuable than a janitors, so on and so forth.
True, but CEO's, CFO's and anyone working in financial services are worth a hell of a lot less. But MOST people aren't arguing that unskilled labor should be rewarded the same as skilled; people are asking that the MOTHERFUCKER CEOS who have never cared for a patient or shoveled someone's shit aren't making more than the 475 people who actually do something

edit: Meier, you liked Nickel and Dimed? I thought you were a pretty fierce Republican. Nickel and Dimed has some amazing stories and cold hard facts at the end, but Ehrenreich strikes me as the epitome of ivory tower liberal elite.


Small balls, big fun!
Groder Mullet:

You're arguing a total straw man here. The argument isn't for a totally classless society. The argument is that the current level of economic disparity is greater than it should be. You might as well say "Why bother with police? A totally crimeless society is impossible."

Who is pushing the disparity? Quite obviously, the people who benefit the most from it, and the politicians they support. Follow the money.


You are factually incorrect. Raising the minimum wage does not depress median wages, nor does it inhibit overall economic growth. Every time the debate comes up, someone tries to make your argument, but nobody can ever support it with data from the real world.


Ehrenreich voted for Nader in 2000, so yeah.


As a Republican, and someone who liked that book, how do you feel about the estate tax repeal and the bankruptcy bill?

The Experiment:



Nice link.


what a buncha bull.... min. wage upto $7 is suppose to do what?? my friend couldn't find a job for 3 years straight, and then she did, working at a cafetaria for $6.50 an hour, PART-TIME. she moved on to washing cars at $7.50, PART-TIME. now she's finally got a job there as a custodian (full-time), and the pay's a lot better with pretty good benefits; why am i pissed? because many places give you shit for part-time, let alone a full-time job these days. she doesn't have her own place, doesn't own a car, oh, and did i mention, she in debt with the hospital (NO coverage). she went thru hell to get this job, and she'll be lucky if she can save this money and pay off her debt.

it makes me sad when i see rich lil brats driving off in their Ford Explorers and viewing custodians/janitors/fast food workers/homeless people (make that anyone who works for their own $$) as incompetent and lowly people. $7/hr... psh.

[/end rant]

[/end rage] :D
Good show. I'm definitely going to check out those books recommended earlier in the thread.

Working an accumulated 3+ years in retail pushed me into going back to school. I wasn't the fastest worker around, but I was the nicest. Never complained. Customers fucking loved my politeness and courteousness. Always covered co-workers' shifts when they needed someone. In the end, all that got me was $6.50/hour, part-time. "So, this is what I get for being the nice guy? This is what I get for being a good person and 'professional'? Well, thanks, and bye." I have to appreciate how Retail Hell has pushed me back into school, but it's a still a gamble. I'm going to be waking up everyday wondering if it's worth it to go in debt over school, with no guarantees of a better job/career waiting at the end of the tunnel. ::sigh:: What-the-fuck-ever. Bring it on.


Attack You said:
Good show. I'm definitely going to check out those books recommended earlier in the thread.

Working an accumulated 3+ years in retail pushed me into going back to school. I wasn't the fastest worker around, but I was the nicest. Never complained. Customers fucking loved my politeness and courteousness. Always covered co-workers' shifts when they needed someone. In the end, all that got me was $6.50/hour, part-time. "So, this is what I get for being the nice guy? This is what I get for being a good person and 'professional'? Well, thanks, and bye." I have to appreciate how Retail Hell has pushed me back into school, but it's a still a gamble. I'm going to be waking up everyday wondering if it's worth it to go in debt over school, with no guarantees of a better job/career waiting at the end of the tunnel. ::sigh:: What-the-fuck-ever. Bring it on.

I've never been a fan of school...and my parents pushed me thru Uni...heck I haven't finished yet mainly becasue I thought it was useless, but the fact of the matter is my education (or what I had of it) got me my current job, and in retail I was much like you, but now I get to do it on a bigger scale and make 4 times the money for the same amount of work. It's definately worth the time and effort, the only hard part now is paying for your education. But really, I think you're on the right track. I never had real motivation through Post Secondary...but you do and that's great.


Groder Mullet said:
Its a pipe dream because it isn't feasable. A doctor's knowledge and services are more valuable than a janitors, so on and so forth.

A class system has nothing to do with value on services. You can look at the class systems in various social systems in Eastern countries and in historical examples in Europe. That said, the value system that we have that undervalues janitors and garbage men yet overvalues doctors, lawyers, CEOs, etc. are a fundamental problem with why people waste their lives doing things they don't enjoy.


Looking for Pants
Phoenix said:
A class system has nothing to do with value on services. You can look at the class systems in various social systems in Eastern countries and in historical examples in Europe. That said, the value system that we have that undervalues janitors and garbage men yet overvalues doctors, lawyers, CEOs, etc. are a fundamental problem with why people waste their lives doing things they don't enjoy.
Unless the government starts seriously driving down the price of education for doctors and lawyers they will continually be "overvalued." I don't see how you can overvalue people that are vital to society. If the price is right huh?

I'm surprised no one has come in here complaining about the pay of entertainers or teachers yet....

Question: Does Bill Gates not deserve the money he has made?


Small balls, big fun!
Question: Does Paris Hilton deserve the wealth she owns?

The main problem isn't that certain professions are overvalued and that certain are undervalued. It's that labor is undervalued and capital is overvalued. That is, people who merely possess wealth have a massive leg up on the schmucks who actually need a job to make money.

There's other stuff, like executive compensation, cronyism, the failure of boards of directors to fulfill their function, and things like that. Basically you've got a very small, very rich segment of society that also wields disproportionate amounts of political power. And as owners, it is in their best interest that workers receive less compensation.


Incognito said:
People should read Nickel and Dimed and The Working Poor to gain some perspective on poverty, minimum wage, and the effects our government programs have on these people.

Excellent reads.

I was going to mention Nickeled and Dimed. Seems like Spurlock is reading these books (like Fast Food Nation) and making popumentaries out of their ideas.

Not a bad way to spread their influence.

MC Safety

Well, the problem with minimum wage is that it's not meant to be ANYONE's permanent salary. The wage was enacted to protect unskilled workers from exploitation, but the idea was that these unskilled employees would gain experience and training to either move up or move out to better jobs.

The cost of living has ever increased, but minimum wage largely remains fixed. This is problematic, of course, but would be less so if minimum wage was actually a stepping stone. Sadly, a number of factors has made it so there's now a large class of people stuck at minimum wage with no means of improving their situations with increased pay.

And, of course, the relative static nature of minimum wage means employers always have a pool of applicants for every low-paying job, thus ensuring they won't need to increase salaries.


But he isn't a minimum wage earner. from Supersize me he seems fairly middle class.

so all he's doing is pretending to be poor and saying how you can't buy proper food etc for a month? Thats not anything like living on minimum wage for real. If it wasn't for the potential that the program may do some good, I'd say its pretty condescending to the poor.

MC Safety

mrklaw said:
But he isn't a minimum wage earner. from Supersize me he seems fairly middle class.

so all he's doing is pretending to be poor and saying how you can't buy proper food etc for a month? Thats not anything like living on minimum wage for real. If it wasn't for the potential that the program may do some good, I'd say its pretty condescending to the poor.

I agree. I saw the episode in question and it did seem very artificial.

But even as manufactured as that first episode of "30 Days" was, it did illustrate some very real problems poor people face.


Flynn said:
I was going to mention Nickeled and Dimed. Seems like Spurlock is reading these books (like Fast Food Nation) and making popumentaries out of their ideas.

Not a bad way to spread their influence.

Me randomly joining in, but I didnt enjoy Nickled and Dimed as much as Fast Food Nation. Fast Food Nation was a great read though.


Mandark said:
Question: Does Paris Hilton deserve the wealth she owns?


Do her parents deserve the right to see thier wealth live on through thier children?

Alot of what Disco Stu says rings true. Minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage. It was established so you didn't have immigrants working for 3 years just to pay off thier company-bought boat ride.

I don't know why people get so upset with Spurlock. His topics (aside from being un-original) are kind of everyday "common sense" societal problems. He does it with a light hearted look. It's just entertainment, he doesn't grandstand like Micheal Moore as some unopposable crusader of truth.


ToxicAdam said:
Do her parents deserve the right to see thier wealth live on through thier children?

Alot of what Disco Stu says rings true. Minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage. It was established so you didn't have immigrants working for 3 years just to pay off thier company-bought boat ride.

Never meant to be, but on a practical level, is and has been for a good deal of people for a long time now. Solutions need to be found, and adjusting for inflation is a pretty decent start and ameliorating some of the damage.

And no, honestly, her parents don't deserve the right to see their wealth live on through their children. I'd reenact the death tax so that uber rich people get most of their wealth redistributed back into the society from which they well... swindeled it from.

More to the point... the most valuable thing any parent should impart on their children is the ability to earn money, rather than the money themselves. For the most part, rich parents are able to do that, and assure their children's well being into the future.

Moreover, if you impose a death tax, that Bush removed or cut down on in his first term, then there's at least some incentive for rich people to not hoard, but rather spend while they can, cycling their cash through the economy.


Zaptruder said:
And no, honestly, her parents don't deserve the right to see their wealth live on through their children. I'd reenact the death tax so that uber rich people get most of their wealth redistributed back into the society from which they well... swindeled it from.

You live in the wrong country if you think that will ever happen.

It also shines a light on why you view things the way you do. Anyone with wealth has stolen thier money, hunh? It's that attitude that perpetuates misery. It's that attitude that makes people stay in minimum wage jobs when they could do much better for themselves.

I used to have contempt for people who think like this, now I just feel sorry for them. Pessimistic, cynical and "oh woe is me". A miserable way to live life.
Great idea for a show. But I would much prefer anyone else doing it as opposed to this Spurlock character who I find rather annoying and condesending.


Strap on your hooker ...
mrklaw said:
But he isn't a minimum wage earner. from Supersize me he seems fairly middle class.

so all he's doing is pretending to be poor and saying how you can't buy proper food etc for a month? Thats not anything like living on minimum wage for real. If it wasn't for the potential that the program may do some good, I'd say its pretty condescending to the poor.
This guy's willing to get wrist-deep into the shit he's debating and makes a lot of personal sacrifice to prove his point. That deserves respect.


i think he should have done more to profile the actual people that do live with min. wages.
other than that I was laughing my ass off when her wife started bitching his ear out about spending that 1.20 on getting those buns :lol

You could definately tell these two would not be able to live with just min wages for more than a year...esp when they were complaining about the ants. Tsk tsk. Be glad you live in America, cause that shit would be so trivial anywhere else in the world.
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