Major Changes
41 - References to strange notions or false spirits creeping into the church are removed. Instead, the revelation was morphed into instructions on where to live.
47 - John Whitmer no longer seeks an appointment in the church, prior connections revealed, Joseph had to coerce him with revelation. (see 69 where he's called as official historian and recorder).
56 Thayre villainized for postponing mission. (General theme about not postponing missions are being introduced).
58 Connections of current Native Americans to Lamanites removed. Instead, now speaks generally about Lamanites.
66 McLellin is now given a "secret request" tag, and Joseph's first-person account is removed. Important as this is the chapter that gives the age of the earth at 7000 years.
78, 82, 92, 104 - Completely rewritten. References church business, mercantile, publishing endeavors, and goal of generating funds. All references to 'code names' have been redacted. Specifically states that Joseph ordered the replacement of the phrase "storehouse for the poor" with "mercantile and publishing establishments". "Order" became "Firm". - This appears to be a theme in many headers. There's a shift towards deifying the corporate world.
85 - Caveats the revelation to state that those who didn't receive inheritances from the church were those who didn't give their properties to the church first. (Modern day tithing implications)
87 - Changes the revelation from a reflection of Joseph on African Slavery to an admitting that this was a very visible problem in South Carolina. (This is a good one, implicitly admitting the civil war "prophecy" was more observation of current events rather than a 20 year predictor of those same events).
89 - Statement that the "Inspired introduction" to the word of wisdom was written by Joseph himself was dropped. This is the portion that says it's not a commandment. The D&C verses still remain.
132 - Plurality of wives changed to principal of plural marriage, softening stance on whether this was known to Joseph in 1831. (See OD 1 for more changes)
137 - Removing references to the endowment ordinances having been revealed to preparation for the dedication of the temple. This is key when you remember that the endowments were done outside of the temple, and that they have been subsequently changed many times over the years.
Official Declaration 1 - Additional header Monogomy is now called God's standard for marriage. Claims 1890 ended Plural marriage in the church (a lie), and the manifest was considered authoritative and binding in 1890 (also a lie). Admits to practicing plural marriage in the 1840's (interesting implication on Fanny Alger). It removes the claim later on that the vote to sustain the motion was unanimous - and now states that it was binding.
Official Declaration 2 - Additional Header Claims BoM now teaches that all men are like god (true, but it wasn't always the case), claims baptisims were always allowed for all races (also true, but slaves had to have permission of masters). It Admits that blacks were allowed priesthood ordination originally, and that that stopped some time for some reason - claims to be unkonwn when (a lie or at best half-truth). Kimball asked for it back and it was given. Shame Brigham didn't ask before he stopped it.
PGP Introduction - Says Joseph translated & Produced, rather than just produced. BOA now called an inspired translation that began after procuring documents. Removes Joseph as the sole person to touch the documents, implying scribes may have altered them the following year.
Other interesting patterns and changes:
Changing Dates: 10 (1828 -> 1829), 19 (1830 -> 1829), 20 (1830 -> 1829, with special implication that the latter half of the priesthood was reveled before the church was formed), 49 (Mar - May), 74 (1832 -> 1830), 88 (1832-> 1833), 94 (May -> Aug), 107 (1835 -> 1831).
Revelations were split up: This implies natural breaks rather than one mass communication: 23 (5), 24 (everyone their own), 42 (2), 72 (3), 75 (2), 88 (several).
Watering down origin stories: "Joseph's history" added as a buffer between God and the D&C, or stating Joseph directed changes rather than made them himself. See 2, 11, 33, 35, 36, 40, 45, 49, 50, 60, 63, 67, 70, 76, 77, 102, 110, 133, PGP intro.
Priesthood namesakes were removed: Aaronic is generally left out, and Melchizedek became higher priesthood. 13, 18.
Current leadership position strengthened: 18 (new reference to the 12), 54 (Newell Knight is no longer "president of the branch", but "leader of the members"), 107 (12 were now setup with power in 1831 despite not leaving on a mission until 1835), 121-123 (attempt to connect leadership to older apostles, use of term epistle rather than letter).
Corrected/additional information: 39 (Covill replaced with Covel, Baptist with Methodist), 67 (10,000 Books of Commandments were attempted, only 3000 were printed due to "unforseen difficulties"), 95 (houses -> house), 101 (updated county names).
Other minor changes
18 - Removed all references to requested revelation. See also 56. Note that 68 allows it for personal revelation, to specific members. I wonder if this is an attempt to remove the two-way communication of a prophet. Potentially attempting to explain why Monson or others aren't receiving revelations, or aren't asking for them.
49 - Removed the higher language surrounding shaker belief.
55 Section 56 disconnected from 55, the branch was demoted to members, president to leaders). See also 58 when they're turned back into a branch, having previously received baptism, and now obedient.
59 Turned into keeping the sabbath day early with a death notice. This seems to downplay the holy land of Zion and special-ness of it's people.
70 - D&C/Book of Commandments reworded to emphasize later revelations as being of great worth. Book called a treasure.
71 - Newspaper articles of Ezra changed to "letters". Downplaying their impact.
98 - Comments of saints seeking natural revenge were removed. Softened LDS liability to say settlement and fear of losing political / economic power was what instigated local mobs. Now specifically calls out the tar and feathering.
99 - Removal of contradictory information with other versions of the D&C. Replaced with a bio of John Murdock leaving his family to go on a mission.
134 - "Church leadership" changed to "many saints" gathering for the ratification of the Book of Commandments.