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Mormon/Ex-Mormon Thread of 3 hour blocks and salvation flowcharts


Setec Astronomer
No sir, I don't like it. Coffee isn't for me. I'll admit I like a good mocha but I always have to have double the chocolate to mask the taste. But by then I might as well have a hot chocolate. But I'm there with you guys on the smell. It really is wonderful.
Well, if Starbucks was all I had around at first I'd think coffee wasn't for me either, but I've had some good cups of coffee from various places. Granted, I still don't drink it unless I really need it. Tea I drink much more frequently.


These are the days we'll look back on fondly or something.
No they're not.

Well, if Starbucks was all I had around at first I'd think coffee wasn't for me either, but I've had some good cups of coffee from various places. Granted, I still don't drink it unless I really need it. Tea I drink much more frequently.
I love tea (don't see why its prohibited at all, it's delightful) but I don't have much incentive to learn to like coffee. So it'll continue being vile to me I guess.


No they're not.

I love tea (don't see why its prohibited at all, it's delightful) but I don't have much incentive to learn to like coffee. So it'll continue being vile to me I guess.

On the subject of tea, I will forever be confused. The English edition of Preach My Gospel says "Tea" but the Portuguese edition says "Cha Preto" or "Black Tea."

This creates some confusion for me, as I am not a tealogist *rimshot*


Neo Member

"Let's do Capture the Flag!"
"Let's go to the trampoline park!"
"Let's do physical activity of any variety!"
"What do you want to do?"
"Let's do art night and make valentines for the missionaries!"


Must admit this made me laugh. it brought back some old memories! By the way Corvo, I never replied to you before but it's nice to meet you too!


Provo is better just due to the fact that there is more to do, but its the same idiot culture. I am so glad I am past that ridiculous part of existence.


I hear the girls are easier there. But I don't know, Rexburg is at least in part lifted up in self-righteous pride, thinking itself the "better BYU".

Provo girls are easy sounds like a really bad band name.

I got myself in trouble at church on Sunday. I might have embarassed an old man in class by strongly insinuating that being an old bigot is wrong. Lol.


I hear the girls are easier there. But I don't know, Rexburg is at least in part lifted up in self-righteous pride, thinking itself the "better BYU".
That is true. Everyone knows the joke what did the BYU co-ed do when she found out there was beer at the party? She pull her pants up and went home.

I got myself in trouble at church on Sunday. I might have embarassed an old man in class by strongly insinuating that being an old bigot is wrong. Lol.
details fathead, we need details.


Old guy started talking about how we should be shunning those people with natural tendencies towards sodomy(paraphrase, as I eould rather not state exact what he said). I pointed out that the church said same sex attraction is not a choice, not 4 months ago, and that unless you've been called to sit in a judgement seat, maybe John 8:7 should be our guide. I also may have mentioned that being stuck with ideas from 1958 is the same mentality as not accepting continuing revelation.

I then got up and left. Thhe bishop asked me to chat, and said while I hadn't done anything wrong, castigating an old man probably isn't inducive to the spirit.

Nothing like the hippie young guy ( I have a beard so I am a hippie, I guess) making a scene in Sunday school.


Old guy started talking about how we should be shunning those people with natural tendencies towards sodomy(paraphrase, as I eould rather not state exact what he said). I pointed out that the church said same sex attraction is not a choice, not 4 months ago, and that unless you've been called to sit in a judgement seat, maybe John 8:7 should be our guide. I also may have mentioned that being stuck with ideas from 1958 is the same mentality as not accepting continuing revelation.

I then got up and left. Thhe bishop asked me to chat, and said while I hadn't done anything wrong, castigating an old man probably isn't inducive to the spirit.

Nothing like the hippie young guy ( I have a beard so I am a hippie, I guess) making a scene in Sunday school.



Old guy started talking about how we should be shunning those people with natural tendencies towards sodomy(paraphrase, as I eould rather not state exact what he said). I pointed out that the church said same sex attraction is not a choice, not 4 months ago, and that unless you've been called to sit in a judgement seat, maybe John 8:7 should be our guide. I also may have mentioned that being stuck with ideas from 1958 is the same mentality as not accepting continuing revelation.

I then got up and left. Thhe bishop asked me to chat, and said while I hadn't done anything wrong, castigating an old man probably isn't inducive to the spirit.

Nothing like the hippie young guy ( I have a beard so I am a hippie, I guess) making a scene in Sunday school.

I feel this pain. I'm sitting here talking about gays in Scouts to my teen roommates and they just clamp up and are like "No they're gay no no no." Today my "favorite"
if you can't say nothing nice . . .
roommate literally said "Gays aren't men." And I just stared, dumbfounded for like a good minute. I know I wasn't tolerant when I was a kid, but, I dunno.

Just, YEESH, it's like "Okay, come on people, love one another, remember that?"


I have a friend who was incredibly homophobic, especially after his mission. So I decided to teach him a lesson and have some fun.

He was on a business trip and had left me the keys to his apartment to get his mail and stuff. While he was gone I went and bought like four teen boy heart throb magazines and cut out all the pictures of the heart throbs. I then plastered his room with these hundreds of pics. I put them everywhere and hid them everywhere. In his bottles of medicine, in his speakers, in his ties. Everywhere. It took him two moves and several years to actually find all of them. I even put up a poster of a rainbow made of butterflies on his window.

Dude's still a homophobe but he knows not to be so around me anymore.


I have a friend who was incredibly homophobic, especially after his mission. So I decided to teach him a lesson and have some fun.

He was on a business trip and had left me the keys to his apartment to get his mail and stuff. While he was gone I went and bought like four teen boy heart throb magazines and cut out all the pictures of the heart throbs. I then plastered his room with these hundreds of pics. I put them everywhere and hid them everywhere. In his bottles of medicine, in his speakers, in his ties. Everywhere. It took him two moves and several years to actually find all of them. I even put up a poster of a rainbow made of butterflies on his window.

Dude's still a homophobe but he knows not to be so around me anymore.

I'm not a fan of being aggressive about it (although this does sound hilarious), but it's annoying to see it. At the same time, I acknowledge I was terrible at his age, and it took some growing up for me to come around. I expect he will.


I'm not a fan of being aggressive about it (although this does sound hilarious), but it's annoying to see it. At the same time, I acknowledge I was terrible at his age, and it took some growing up for me to come around. I expect he will.

Someday you will learn that the best way to combat ignorance is shame.


So I saw this presentation linked on Reddit today and watched the whole thing. Then I shared it on facebook and sent it to all my immediate family members. To see an active Mormon go out of his way to acknowledge that the reasons we leave are real and legitimate, and go on to promote "charity" toward us ex-Mormons was very feel-goody. I'd encourage you all to give it an hour of your time.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
So I saw this presentation linked on Reddit today and watched the whole thing. Then I shared it on facebook and sent it to all my immediate family members. To see an active Mormon go out of his way to acknowledge that the reasons we leave are real and legitimate, and go on to promote "charity" toward us ex-Mormons was very feel-goody. I'd encourage you all to give it an hour of your time.

Preaching to the choir. Everyone here seems to be extremely tolerant going both ways. You don't normally see that, especially on the internet, but it is so here on good old GAF.


Maybe its the fact that I'm a convert, or that I come a ridiculously screwed up family, but I personally always thought that I am for other viewpoints and ideas. People leave things all the time for various reasons, and often times for very valid reasons. Its not my place to judge anyone leaving anything, especially not church, as religion is and should be a very private decision.

Besides, if you can't step back and see that what is good for you may not be good for someone else, you clearly have a lot of growing up to do. And that goes for both sides. Thankfully, the group that posts here (for the most part) seems to understand that concept. So we can all focus on the thing that we can all agree on: Mormons are really weird.


Preaching to the choir. Everyone here seems to be extremely tolerant going both ways. You don't normally see that, especially on the internet, but it is so here on good old GAF.

Yeah, I certainly don't feel like anyone here needed to watch it, but it's interesting to see that he's done some research and has data to support his dispelling of some of those myths he describes.

For someone like me, hearing that acknowledgment from someone who's still active LDS that my reasons for leaving are legitimate is actually rather helpful. I'm waiting to hear back from my family to see if they have anything to say about it.


Besides, if you can't step back and see that what is good for you may not be good for someone else, you clearly have a lot of growing up to do.

Unfortunately for me, the attitude I've run in to from my family is that I've been deceived by Satan because I'm such a smart person of integrity, and I'm valuable to his side of the war...which basically belittles every reason I bring up for my disbelief. It's very frustrating.


Unfortunately for me, the attitude I've run in to from my family is that I've been deceived by Satan because I'm such a smart person of integrity, and I'm valuable to his side of the war...which basically belittles every reason I bring up for my disbelief. It's very frustrating.

I'm sorry. I have a totally different problem with my family (parents) but the end result is similar, so you have my deepest sympathies. I hope you can find whatever it is that will work for you.


I'm sorry. I have a totally different problem with my family (parents) but the end result is similar, so you have my deepest sympathies. I hope you can find whatever it is that will work for you.

Well, on the plus side, I still have a good relationship with my family members, but there's that certain topic we don't talk about. When I first told them I didn't go to church anymore, they each took a turn trying to talk me out of it. I'm the youngest of four kids, so naturally I'm considered the least wise or whatever. So they told me I had been deceived or that I was in a rebellious phase or reading "anti" material...never acknowledging any specific issues I raised. Very frustrating stuff.

Eventually my place in the family was put ahead of my religious affiliation, which I'm extremely grateful for. Both my sisters still have my fiance and me over for dinner, my parents still talk to me every Sunday night, etc. A lot of people don't get off as good as I did.


So I saw this presentation linked on Reddit today and watched the whole thing. Then I shared it on facebook and sent it to all my immediate family members. To see an active Mormon go out of his way to acknowledge that the reasons we leave are real and legitimate, and go on to promote "charity" toward us ex-Mormons was very feel-goody. I'd encourage you all to give it an hour of your time.

I finally got around to watching it.
It was nice. I guess. I mean certainly there needs to be less shunning. But really I feel like this was made to make things better for exmos and not necessarily mormons. I mean there's nothing in there about how to keep people really. It's more to say "You're losing the brightest and there's really not much you can do about it. Just don't be mean mkay?"

And again, being someone that was shunned and knowing others that have been shunned I get that totally needs to stop and the church needs to scale back its rhetoric 100%. But really I don't see how this helps the church much and I personally don't understand Dehlin at all. "Yeah the book of abraham isn't true, and yeah the Kinderhook plates show that Joseph Smith was a fraud and the D&C can't be true and the church was racist and a lot of the prior prophets spoke mainly as men. But I'm very much an active mormon!" I was there once but I certainly didn't put anywhere near as much time and energy as Dehlin. Also there was a time earlier this year where he was like "I'm done." and now he's in all the way. I wonder what's up with that. I guess I can't rag too much on the guy he is starting a conversation that needs to happen but this just strikes me as exmo-porn.


I think it was this post:


All caps and bold and shut up. Probably worth a week.

I'll poor some Postum on the ground for our fallen comrade.

Hahaha, yeah, I kinda lost my cool and uh, got myself sent to a corner to think about my life for a week. I wish I could say I was more productive during this week long probation, but I got an addictive new game the same day I got banned, so yeah, no go.


Hahaha, yeah, I kinda lost my cool and uh, got myself sent to a corner to think about my life for a week. I wish I could say I was more productive during this week long probation, but I got an addictive new game the same day I got banned, so yeah, no go.

Welcome back crow. So what game?

In other mo/exmo news this silly thing is making the rounds:


They call it the "Mormon Reformation". Essentially some dude got his head too big and things of himself as a modern day Martin Luther and wrote a list of like 95 theses about the church. And he's trying to get these posted on church doors during church time.

I'm all for reform but this isn't reform. The 95 theses aren't "We need to change this." it's stuff like "There's no DNA evidence. There was no steelwork in the americas. There were no horses in the americas. The kinderhook plates prove fraud. The book of abraham is made up." It's just a list of evidence against the church. I'm like "What exactly do you want accomplish by this?"

They say they want the church to change the way it deals with these uncomfortable facts. I can't help but feel it's just narcissistic exmoporn. The people who will read it are already exmos or on the way to be. Mormons will not read it and even if it they did they'd take it as anti. I hate stuff like this, every few months there's some hot head that believes he's the new Joseph Smith but to take down the church thinking "If I could just get them to see x!" and really they hurt the whole exmo thing more than they help. I'm especially annoyed that they're calling it "The Mormon Reformation" I'm like "Reformation to what?"


Welcome back crow. So what game?

In other mo/exmo news this silly thing is making the rounds:


They call it the "Mormon Reformation". Essentially some dude got his head too big and things of himself as a modern day Martin Luther and wrote a list of like 95 theses about the church. And he's trying to get these posted on church doors during church time.

I'm all for reform but this isn't reform. The 95 theses aren't "We need to change this." it's stuff like "There's no DNA evidence. There was no steelwork in the americas. There were no horses in the americas. The kinderhook plates prove fraud. The book of abraham is made up." It's just a list of evidence against the church. I'm like "What exactly do you want accomplish by this?"

They say they want the church to change the way it deals with these uncomfortable facts. I can't help but feel it's just narcissistic exmoporn. The people who will read it are already exmos or on the way to be. Mormons will not read it and even if it they did they'd take it as anti. I hate stuff like this, every few months there's some hot head that believes he's the new Joseph Smith but to take down the church thinking "If I could just get them to see x!" and really they hurt the whole exmo thing more than they help. I'm especially annoyed that they're calling it "The Mormon Reformation" I'm like "Reformation to what?"

Theathrythm Final Fantasy. I thought I would never get into a Rhythm game, but between it and The Walking Dead its a wonder I still eat and do homework.

So I had a bit of a frustrating (as in like, the slightest but most informative) moment in New Testament class this week. We were talking about false traditions and cultures which promote it, and the professor asked if we didn't have any of that today, and it was obvious he was talking about WITHIN the Church because he said, you know, WITHIN THE CHURCH and we were talking about Pharisees, so I expected we could have a good little 4-5 minute discussion on some things in the Church and LDS culture which aren't right.

We had maybe two comments of that sort and twenty about how the world outside is corrupt blah blah MTV, blah blah sex and rock and roll, blah blah blah.

I was a little disappointed, I guess, because I feel that when those discussions arise in a good, spiritual, within-the-church, it's-a-safe-zone context, you can actually get people to talk, frankly, about things in the Church that need to be improved upon.

It's actually rather interesting for me to see how our teachers are always trying to, I dunno, not subvert, but get us to think more about, some of the more mechanical, not actually doctrine, things in everyday LDS life. Like in History how we've been learning that it hasn't always been that women were viewed as "have to stay at home" or in my political science classes when my teachers will joke about everyone insisting democratic candidate 78987 is also the Anti-Christ this time for sure, and so on and so on.

POSITIVES: We had our one permitted fun time with the FHE sisters, and that was volleyball. It was a good, active, team-building thing. It's a shame they nixed every other physical activity allowed.

I'm really loving my New Testament class. We have this guy from South Africa and everything he says is spiritual and insightful. In spite of my minor disappointment, I really have been enjoying the class and talking about the New Testament in a classroom.


I finally got around to watching it.
It was nice. I guess. I mean certainly there needs to be less shunning. But really I feel like this was made to make things better for exmos and not necessarily mormons. I mean there's nothing in there about how to keep people really. It's more to say "You're losing the brightest and there's really not much you can do about it. Just don't be mean mkay?"

And again, being someone that was shunned and knowing others that have been shunned I get that totally needs to stop and the church needs to scale back its rhetoric 100%. But really I don't see how this helps the church much and I personally don't understand Dehlin at all. "Yeah the book of abraham isn't true, and yeah the Kinderhook plates show that Joseph Smith was a fraud and the D&C can't be true and the church was racist and a lot of the prior prophets spoke mainly as men. But I'm very much an active mormon!" I was there once but I certainly didn't put anywhere near as much time and energy as Dehlin. Also there was a time earlier this year where he was like "I'm done." and now he's in all the way. I wonder what's up with that. I guess I can't rag too much on the guy he is starting a conversation that needs to happen but this just strikes me as exmo-porn.

Yeah I've heard a couple comments about how he can acknowledge all of those things and still be a member...it must take some crazy mental gymnastics, or he's really stretching the definition of "believer."

My mom said she watched it and just replied "I love you no matter what." Eh. I don't know what else I expected. I secretly want my whole family to leave the church, but would never try to pry them out.


The only reformation I want to see is a way to make people stop being racist, homophobe, judgmental douchebags.


Did I tell you guys all the amazingly homophobic things he's said? No? Because momma said not to say anything at all if I don't have anything nice to say.



Aaaaaaaanyway, I was really, really proud of one of my classes for immediately correcting a guy who implied that homosexuality and pedophilia were related the other day.


I'd be happy to come and persuade your roomate to change his attitude. Just gotta get him in the car, and the dunes aren't far.....



I'd be happy to come and persuade your roomate to change his attitude. Just gotta get him in the car, and the dunes aren't far.....


I should just start a twitter of shiz my roommate says. Tonight he was almost competing in the racist olympics, it felt.

Are the dunes cool? I really want to go and see them, but nobody wants to go there in the fall/winter, and I haven't a car.


Theathrythm Final Fantasy. I thought I would never get into a Rhythm game, but between it and The Walking Dead its a wonder I still eat and do homework.

So I had a bit of a frustrating (as in like, the slightest but most informative) moment in New Testament class this week. We were talking about false traditions and cultures which promote it, and the professor asked if we didn't have any of that today, and it was obvious he was talking about WITHIN the Church because he said, you know, WITHIN THE CHURCH and we were talking about Pharisees, so I expected we could have a good little 4-5 minute discussion on some things in the Church and LDS culture which aren't right.

We had maybe two comments of that sort and twenty about how the world outside is corrupt blah blah MTV, blah blah sex and rock and roll, blah blah blah.

I was a little disappointed, I guess, because I feel that when those discussions arise in a good, spiritual, within-the-church, it's-a-safe-zone context, you can actually get people to talk, frankly, about things in the Church that need to be improved upon.

It's actually rather interesting for me to see how our teachers are always trying to, I dunno, not subvert, but get us to think more about, some of the more mechanical, not actually doctrine, things in everyday LDS life. Like in History how we've been learning that it hasn't always been that women were viewed as "have to stay at home" or in my political science classes when my teachers will joke about everyone insisting democratic candidate 78987 is also the Anti-Christ this time for sure, and so on and so on.

POSITIVES: We had our one permitted fun time with the FHE sisters, and that was volleyball. It was a good, active, team-building thing. It's a shame they nixed every other physical activity allowed.

I'm really loving my New Testament class. We have this guy from South Africa and everything he says is spiritual and insightful. In spite of my minor disappointment, I really have been enjoying the class and talking about the New Testament in a classroom.
Going back to this post. It made me think about how even when I was a member I often said that the big problem with the church was that it was heavy on rituals and when you rituals in a religion often that religion becomes about the rituals and not about the religion.

Then I read "Small Gods" and I was like "Dude stole my idea!"


Going back to this post. It made me think about how even when I was a member I often said that the big problem with the church was that it was heavy on rituals and when you rituals in a religion often that religion becomes about the rituals and not about the religion.

Then I read "Small Gods" and I was like "Dude stole my idea!"

I think the problem is more when you have the rituals that aren't the actual religious ones (like how to dispose of the Sacrament vs the Sacrament itself) and people refuse to talk about it. Worse still is trying to sort out what are just traditions we don't need and what actually is a part of the order of things not written.


I should just start a twitter of shiz my roommate says. Tonight he was almost competing in the racist olympics, it felt.

Are the dunes cool? I really want to go and see them, but nobody wants to go there in the fall/winter, and I haven't a car.

When they have snow, its awesome sledding.


Welp, that sucks


DAVIS COUNTY, Utah — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a statement Monday regarding an LDS missionary who was sent home to answer felony charges of child rape, which allegedly occurred before he left for the mission.

Brandon Cordero faces two counts of rape of a child, according to court documents from the Second Judicial District Court of Utah. He was booked into the Davis County Jail on February 4.

The documents allege the sexual misconduct was between Cordero and a female child under the age of 14. The acts allegedly occurred from November of 2010 through May of 2012, according to the same documents.

The Statement from the LDS Church reads as follows:

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns abuse of any kind. Elder Brandon Scott Cordero was released from his mission and sent home immediately when the charges against him came to light. The alleged abuse took place before his mission and had nothing to do with his calling as a missionary.

Counseling and other Church resources will be available to the victim and family members to help in the healing process. Church leaders will continue to cooperate with authorities in their investigation of this matter.”

Cordero is being held on a $100,000 bail.
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