Oh Corvo.
You and I have had this conversation before. With active Mormons keeping themselves out from conversations about their religion they feel is insensitive it leaves the exmos to defend a church they're really not a part of anymore. Like I said before it's a chicken and egg problem. Why is the internet so hard on the church, it's because Mormons only post about their religion on mormon sites. Why do morrmons only post on mormon sites? Because the internet is hard on the church.
I do think there's a fair discussion to have on General Conference being the word of god or not and specifically Holland's "joke". And I don't find it at all a stretch to say that Holland's "joke" was just a variation of "the natural man is an enemy to god." and that IS scripture. Many of us as former members see the damage snide little comments like that have done and are doing to our family and friends right now. I have seen plenty of facebook posts that essentially equate to "LOLZ I'm so broken. I'm glad god can put with such a degenerate creature as me." with Holland's joke in a pic. As a father that's not something I'd want my kids to ever think. To an active member they just look at it and think "Yeah so?" To those that have left we look at that and know the way many people will react and facepalm. I think it's a good conversation to have to discuss whether or not the mormon (and largely christian) tone that everyone's broken and are terrible creatures that are "tolerated" by god is a good tenant to have. Like I've heard in the past, "I'm mormon, if anything I've mastered two things. Setting up and taking down chairs and guilt." Sure it's a difficult conversation to have. But I think it's a worthy one.
As to taking issue with talks well obviously with the "THIS IS SCRIPTURE!" emphasis along with 10 hours of talks per conference there's bound to be some ridiculous stuff (which is why I think it should be severely shortened to just what's necessary).
Well, I wont force you stay.
I will miss you.
You and I have had this conversation before. With active Mormons keeping themselves out from conversations about their religion they feel is insensitive it leaves the exmos to defend a church they're really not a part of anymore. Like I said before it's a chicken and egg problem. Why is the internet so hard on the church, it's because Mormons only post about their religion on mormon sites. Why do morrmons only post on mormon sites? Because the internet is hard on the church.
I do think there's a fair discussion to have on General Conference being the word of god or not and specifically Holland's "joke". And I don't find it at all a stretch to say that Holland's "joke" was just a variation of "the natural man is an enemy to god." and that IS scripture. Many of us as former members see the damage snide little comments like that have done and are doing to our family and friends right now. I have seen plenty of facebook posts that essentially equate to "LOLZ I'm so broken. I'm glad god can put with such a degenerate creature as me." with Holland's joke in a pic. As a father that's not something I'd want my kids to ever think. To an active member they just look at it and think "Yeah so?" To those that have left we look at that and know the way many people will react and facepalm. I think it's a good conversation to have to discuss whether or not the mormon (and largely christian) tone that everyone's broken and are terrible creatures that are "tolerated" by god is a good tenant to have. Like I've heard in the past, "I'm mormon, if anything I've mastered two things. Setting up and taking down chairs and guilt." Sure it's a difficult conversation to have. But I think it's a worthy one.
As to taking issue with talks well obviously with the "THIS IS SCRIPTURE!" emphasis along with 10 hours of talks per conference there's bound to be some ridiculous stuff (which is why I think it should be severely shortened to just what's necessary).
Well, I wont force you stay.

I will miss you.