The Johnny Cage mansion stage with the fireplace & hot tub is the most next gen thing I have seen. This would simply not be doable on PS4.
Even in compressed form its beauty is immmediately striking. This looks like a bullshot that devs would try to sell you on in the PS360 days. But alas this is a playable 60fps game now.
yeah, but then you see the screen space reflections and think "why did this trash ever become a widely used effect?"
fighting games regressed when it comes to reflections so fucking much, it's actually so fucking sad.
playing DOA3 or DOA4 and then in contrast seeing those dogshit reflections in SF6 and MK1 is absolutely crazy.
DOA4 in one stage has real time planar reflections on glass windows while at the same time having real time reflections on the floor.
in one stage there's a canal with beautiful real time reflections that are also surprisingly high resolution... and now almost 20 years later we have this shit