Dr. Buni
It is on PC. You can't play the game unless you update it.is this patch mandatory? i do not want dlc characters that i am not buying showing up on the character select
It is on PC. You can't play the game unless you update it.is this patch mandatory? i do not want dlc characters that i am not buying showing up on the character select
is this patch mandatory? i do not want dlc characters that i am not buying showing up on the character select
Come up with some online mash tech, stop trying to play smart.I'm frustrated.
I really don't win online ever in ranked. I get matched with 100 wins, 0 losses non stop bull shit. What... am I the only scrub fucking left?
I actually hate chip on block... I try to poke out with my fastest normals and still get gang banged.
Takes forever to get a match.
I feel like I play too smart for my own sake. People mash me stupid, and I try to block and look for openings. Ugh.
I suck at pulling off combos I have practiced 9083908 times offline without issues too. Maybe I just need to face that I'm ass at this game and should stay a spectator only. :/
Im pretty sure you are in gor a big, big surprise.
Come up with some online mash tech, stoo trying to play smart.
Changing DNS does nothing other than possibly quicker lookup times. I don't know why people suggest this so much. If you're dropping packets etc DNS doesn't do anything.
I'm frustrated.
I really don't win online ever in ranked. I get matched with 100 wins, 0 losses non stop bull shit. What... am I the only scrub fucking left?
I actually hate chip on block... I try to poke out with my fastest normals and still get gang banged.
Takes forever to get a match.
I feel like I play too smart for my own sake. People mash me stupid, and I try to block and look for openings. Ugh.
I suck at pulling off combos I have practiced 9083908 times offline without issues too. Maybe I just need to face that I'm ass at this game and should stay a spectator only. :/
I'm frustrated.
I really don't win online ever in ranked. I get matched with 100 wins, 0 losses non stop bull shit. What... am I the only scrub fucking left?
I actually hate chip on block... I try to poke out with my fastest normals and still get gang banged.
Takes forever to get a match.
I feel like I play too smart for my own sake. People mash me stupid, and I try to block and look for openings. Ugh.
I suck at pulling off combos I have practiced 9083908 times offline without issues too. Maybe I just need to face that I'm ass at this game and should stay a spectator only. :/
Using Cassie as well. But I'm not really very good. What makes her a good rush down character?
Im pretty sure you are in gor a big, big surprise.
Nah,same here. My first three online matches were against guys with 100+ wins and all they did was cheesy Sub Zero slides and Scorpion teleports over and over and over. I'm trying to zone and setup combos like I would in local play but online it just doesn't work. There is simply to much delay for any type of juggle combo.
My b&b combo,that I can complete 100/100 in training/offline, I have yet to land ONCE online. Just the easy begining part (j2,b1,db1) won't connect,the timing is just so different.
Yes,it takes way to fucking long to jump into another fight.
I have had WAY more success by just zoning like crazy with Kenshi and doing simple 3 hit combos. It sucks and its boring.
Play in rooms as opossed of random searching. Way more fun, faster, and you get to pick who you want to fight and see their win/lose ratio.
Slides and teleports are extremely punishable. Just bait them out block and retaliate.
I'm frustrated.
I really don't win online ever in ranked. I get matched with 100 wins, 0 losses non stop bull shit. What... am I the only scrub fucking left?
I actually hate chip on block... I try to poke out with my fastest normals and still get gang banged.
Takes forever to get a match.
I feel like I play too smart for my own sake. People mash me stupid, and I try to block and look for openings. Ugh.
I suck at pulling off combos I have practiced 9083908 times offline without issues too. Maybe I just need to face that I'm ass at this game and should stay a spectator only. :/
Rooms are broken on Xbone "The chat server is not available." Game is a disaster online.
Not online. And Scorpions tele is safe as hell.
I'm frustrated.
I really don't win online ever in ranked. I get matched with 100 wins, 0 losses non stop bull shit. What... am I the only scrub fucking left?
I actually hate chip on block... I try to poke out with my fastest normals and still get gang banged.
Takes forever to get a match.
I feel like I play too smart for my own sake. People mash me stupid, and I try to block and look for openings. Ugh.
I suck at pulling off combos I have practiced 9083908 times offline without issues too. Maybe I just need to face that I'm ass at this game and should stay a spectator only. :/
Scorpions tele is the most unsafe move on block. I faced someone a few matches ago that did nothing but that and was published every single time like it was no one's business.Rooms are broken on Xbone "The chat server is not available." Game is a disaster online.
Not online. And Scorpions tele is safe as hell.
Do we know how much each character will cost? I want Predator as well, but whitened Tanya, whatishisname and Jason aren't worth the money.Not buying it anyways, I'll just buy the singular predator.
Really disappointed with them.
Online is smooth here, what isn't great is the broken matchmaking.
Do we know how much each character will cost? I want Predator as well, but whitened Tanya, whatishisname and Jason aren't worth the money.
If Jason had a Camp Crystal Lake stage that would be so amazing.
£4.99 each I'd guess
What's the deal with Sonya's ending?Feels like I missed something.Dreams Jax dies. Wakes up. Jax is assassinated. The end.
I wish I could gift you everyone but Tanya, since Tanya is the only one I want, lol.
Rooms are broken on Xbone "The chat server is not available." Game is a disaster online.
Not online. And Scorpions tele is safe as hell.
That'd be nice. But you could keep Tremor or give him to someone else.I wish I could gift you everyone but Tanya, since Tanya is the only one I want, lol.
Everyone online on PS4 is super bad right now, go try to get your 10-in-a-row if you haven't already!
Just had a red bar match and there was still no lag lol. I've officially played 73 matches and no more than three of them had noticeable lag. If you're getting terrible connections, it's probably your connection.
Rooms are broken on Xbone "The chat server is not available." Game is a disaster online.
Not online. And Scorpions tele is safe as hell.
That'd be nice. But you could keep Tremor or give him to someone else.
I actually might pick Tanya eventually after I get over the fact she isn't "black" anymore for whatever reason (she isn't in the story mode, at least).
What's the deal with Sonya's ending?Feels like I missed something.Dreams Jax dies. Wakes up. Jax is assassinated. The end.
Yeah, I don't get it. Iirc Tanya was still black in her MK9 cameo.Whats up with that shit anyway?
I expected:
MK 2011 was my first after 4.
Shit, at this point I'd try anything.
I managed to swap to Google DNS via the control panel since my Home Hub doesn't allow it.
.I like how many of the arcade endings kinda sorta support what happen in the story mode.
Yeah, I don't get it. Iirc Tanya was still black in her MK9 cameo.
Well that is a good reminder of how bad MK9 looked.