If anyone is having a rough time with test your might just use a pen to rub all over the buttons. It's stupid easy.
didn't have a pen so i used my finger.
no ragrets
If anyone is having a rough time with test your might just use a pen to rub all over the buttons. It's stupid easy.
I never had this issue :0 I wonder why it seems to have these problems on some PCs but not others. Mine is a legit toaster, yet MKX has never crashed for me. They need to patch this thing soon before my new PC arrives :[I can't even change any control inputs on PC. My game crashes.
I'm stuck with all this b.s. negative edge and release check.
Is there an ini file or configuration I can edit somewhere?
This port is so bad.
Yay!....I just did it on my first try thanks to this.
Any word as to if they are planning to patch the pc version to fix all its issues?
If anyone is having a rough time with test your might just use a pen to rub all over the buttons. It's stupid easy.
Any word as to if they are planning to patch the pc version to fix all its issues?
cassie cage is my favorite character
So I received two goro codes from best buy because idk, best buy loves me?
So I have a spare goro code for anyone interested. its for PS4 so first to pm me will get the goro code!
How is the matchmaking on the ps4 for a newbie?? Would I get matched with people on win streaks constantly... Or people near my skill level? Aka horrible
Man, coming from Injustice that fact that this game plays slightly different with some controls is making it hard for me to adjust.
The MB timing is not the same so I often miss the MB which completely ruins some moves for me. That and my gut still tells me to hold back/down to block, lol.
I just need more time with the game, but damn is it annoying me.
^ anyone ?
I think I have come to terms that I'm not good at Netherealm fighters although I'm somewhat decent with Green Arrow in Injustice. I hate the timing of the combo system. I'm not used to dial-up combos. I used to Tekken, VF, and DOA, even SF. I really don't like the feel of it. It doesn't flow to me. I guess I'm too used to Japanese fighters.
Think it's random my record is shit yet I keep fighting 21-2 guys all the time. Kinda sucks tbh.^ anyone ?
video of how ?
I heard of this trick back in the day but never saw it in motion.
edit: found one I guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crzw-hfrYXw
will try it out later.
I CTD all the time, and when I don't the matches are too laggy to do basic *****s. The ping bars don't populate so it's hard to join someone close, I have just been joining the United Kingdom room and hoping for the best.
Edit: K ombos is censored? Dunno if that's a bug.
I know how you feel I'm still having a hard time getting used to holding a button to block rather than holding back lol
I think I have come to terms that I'm not good at Netherealm fighters although I'm somewhat decent with Green Arrow in Injustice. I hate the timing of the combo system. I'm not used to dial-up combos. I used to Tekken, VF, and DOA, even SF. I really don't like the feel of it. It doesn't flow to me. I guess I'm too used to Japanese fighters.
The PS4 update file is taking forever to download. Has this been the norm?
I feel you on that as well man these running combos are kicking my ass right now. Luckily scorpion can still do some good damage without em but I would like to learn them just in case. On top of that on pc the controller config crashes so I can't take off negative edge/release check and change the inputs to alternate.
I love the irony in a ladder ending whereKotal Khan invokes the right of Mortal Kombat to protect Outworld.
I haven't had any CTDs, just matches are about 50/50 if they even start and 50% of those are unplayably laggy
Man is the online super sluggish can't even see my stats
I haven't really touched story mode yet just been in single fights and practice mode. I tried to go through the story mode but almost fell asleep 5 mins in.
Had a Gamestop coupon and couldn't resist, picked this up today. Pretty pissed I didn't get Goro, but whatever.
What system you on big buddy?I couldn't help it and picked it up.
This game is awesome. Graphics are great and it just feels so brutal.
It starts off great...