I have extracted this from the decrypted coalesced ini.
- DLCDepot=(mKey=GOROCHARACTER000,mAppId=347890)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=JASONCHARACTER00,mAppId=347150)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=PREDCHARACTER000,mAppId=351550)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=TANYACHARACTER00,mAppId=351551)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=TREMORCHARACTER0,mAppId=351552)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=COARSESCORPION00,mAppId=347152)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=KOLLECTIVESCORP0,mAppId=347153)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=BLUESTEELSUBZERO,mAppId=347155)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=BRAZILSKINS00000,mAppId=351553)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=KOLDWARSKINS0000,mAppId=351555)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=FEUDALJAPANSKIN0,mAppId=351556)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=HORRORSKINS00000,mAppId=354425)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=KLASSICSKINS1000,mAppId=351554)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=KLASSICSKINS2000,mAppId=354426)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=PREYSKINS0000000,mAppId=354427)
- DLCDepot=(mKey=UNLOCKKRYPTCONT0,mAppId=347154)
Brazil and Kold War Skins pack?(notice how there's a Kollective Scorp there,so it's not Kold war scorpion)
There are some characters like Sonya(about 5 skins total) who have more skins than what were officially announced. It's obvious there's gonna be future DLC.
Reptile and Ermac have 4 skins listed in the coalesced,officially only 3 were announced.
Scorpion has 9 skins,as opposed to the 7 officially announced ones.
Sub-Zero has 5.
There's at least 2 skin packs that haven't been announced,given the high possibility of future DLC.
It wouldn't be surprising if these characters will get extra skins along with(Presumably) extra returning characters. The presence of these packs hints that at least 2 more can make it.