I am not a parent so I don't know what the f**k I am talking about. As an ignorant person I would like to engage parents and ask; How is it not neglect if you are feeding your kid horseshit that will basically alter their DNA structures? Anthropologists can look in the genes of ones ancestors and see when those ancestors encountered famine, and how it changed the structure of the DNA.
You would say it is neglect to give your kid alcohol, to let them smoke, but it's not neglect to put your child in overwhelming danger for a life full of various diseases?
I was overweight massively as a teenager, and I had nobody to stop me. I nearly killed myself, and as an adult I've never quite forgiven my parents for letting it go this far. You're not supposed to be my friend, you're supposed to help me do the right thing.
I can't express how much I feel for these kids. When you are obese, consuming food can be the only thing in life that gives you meaning. Like drugs, the consumption of food until you are bloated is a fantastic feeling. You relax, you release tons of "reward" chemicals in your brain, and then you crash and you feel like shit. Sugar and fatty food enhances the effect exponentially.
And you're met by people who label you with people who got fat because they are lazy. When you eat your feelings away as a coping mechanism, it is 100% the same thing as coping with other substance abuses. It's true, you can be addicted to anything, but you can't cut food from your life.
There is a reason why most ex-alcoholics and drug addicts are not only taking a "few" alcoholic beverages and drugs. No. They have to cut completely or they will relapse. You can't do that with food.
And since you can't live with foods, you are forced to (as a child) to take your addiction in the other hand and live with that addiction in moderation which is probably one of the hardest things you can do.
I remember getting physically upset from sugar withdrawals. I remember thinking that it would never ever get better.
I don't want to say you are a bad parent for having a fat child, but as someone who has been on one side of the equation here- It's just really hard for me not to blame the parents in this.
I've heard there is a lot of contributing factors. Baby food is spiked with sweetness in such a degree that kids now adays have much more of a sweet tooth than they used to, HFCS is in everything and that is basically worse than white refined sugar, many poor families don't have the money to buy organics, and if you work 2-3 jobs you just can't do it.
I just spend almost an hour making my coleslaw with stevia, and it taste fucking amazing. I'm a privileged asshole who can't relate to how a mother of five working 2-3 jobs in the suburbs is going to go on youtube and make these healthy and tasty recipes. She is not going to be able to send all her kids to activites, buy them protein powder and help them make health granola bars or awesome ryebread sticks with their own sugarfree nutella.
Maybe I just answered my own question there. I feel terrible about all this. That feeling of - It's not going to get better, and when you lose the weight, and you can't keep it off. Your metabolism is fucked.
99% of all people who have gone on an atkins diet have gained the weight back (or gained more weight) than when they started, a study showed, when a study followed their weight loss progress 2 years into it.
Are you surplanting a healthy lifestyle? Are you being worked to death? do you have shit healthcare? do you have less than 7 weeks off paid vacation? how are you going to have time to do sports?
We can't work like maniacs and be healthy. There is just no time for that. and if you are a parent then you are triple fucked.