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Most detailed FMV EVER!!!


yeah, FFVIII is still my favorite. Pretty much all the FMVs in it actually.

Technically it's been surpassed by so many games though, WOW being one.

This looks really nice. The snow on fur part looked very good. Not enough shots of that elf, and too much of all the ugly creatures.

Unlimited Saga, FFX and Onimusha still looks the best imo.
I would kill to see a full length version of this.

Jump on the LotR bandwagon, Blizzard! Someone else will if you don't.


another impressive fmv recently was the intro to Warhammer Dawn of War... they should hire those guys to make a Warhammer tv series or something


Yeah, that intro movie is impressive, great music too. But it's not perfect...the animation on that elf running through the forest is somewhat twitchy for example.

Kon Tiki

Never seen that before. Looks very very impressive. Too bad it is about goblins and trolls. Has Blizzard ever made a cyberpunk rpg?


Armies of Exigo CGIs are very impressive (I won´t get into compare them with Blizzrads ones, just say that they deserve you ckeck them out IMO).
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