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Most mismanaged franchises of all time?


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I guess it's easier to say a well managed franchise then the mismanaged ones, since A LOT are mismanaged - which doesn't really mean bad, just... weird decisions


You have the obvious picks in Star Citizen and Halo.

However, I can't help but feel the Duke Nukem I.P. is being held hostage/mismanaged by Gearbox at this point. Sure,
they own it but after buying Duke from 3drealms for a rumored $20 million, you'd think Gearbox would
have done something, hell anything with it. All they did was piece together Duke Nukem Forever and
re-released Duke 3D.

Gearbox has literally thrown the Duke Nukem I.P. into a vault, tossed away the combination and forgot about it.

Star Citizen is not mismanaged, it's a series of very calculated moves to have whales and other fans of the genre keep giving you money and even be okay with not seeing the finish line.
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Started with a masterpiece from one of the best action directors on the market.

Sequel almost didn't happen because sega did not believe in the franchise, Nintendo arrives to save but pg instead of allowing kamiya to finally make a sequel, they give the franchise to a guy that essentially didn't understand the genre at all,ending up with a flashy title with the depth of a puddle on a dry season.

Franchise survives and gets another chance with a third installment, kamiya is STILL not back and they give the franchise to a guy with a bad track record.
Plus since they didn't manage to release their kaiju dragon game, they decide to port some of the mechanics to bayo 3, polluting the gameplay instead of refining it.

Now kamiya is gone from pg and the franchise's stocks are very low, and I'm left wondering what could have been if the franchise followed a more traditional progression after such a brilliant debut.
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Linux User
Mass effect.

Sci Fi N7 GIF by Mass Effect


Loves his juicy stink trail scent

Those are the big 4 I can think of. The winner to me is Halo. The key franchise for Xbox… now a shit stain on the brand.


Tywin Lannister
Ra's al Ghul
Lex Luthor
Emperor Palpatine

Something like that
I've watched all of them except star wars, Tywin Lannister still new compered to the rest of the list, I wish the media could handle ten times that number, I know I'm asking for too much but the truth is we don't get good writings so often, it's not the norm to have shows at that level.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Gaming is full of mismanaged IP so it's really saying something to pick out the worst. Gotta go with Halo and Sonic.

Edit: Oh, and don't forget Starfox.
Gotta go fast!

Seriously though, the mentioning on Star Fox got me butthurt.

Such a great franchise, with a ton of potential.

Who knew even Nintendo could fuck that up?

Perhaps give the IP over to Monoliths hands and all will be good. 😊


“Can be recent or not”
People in here listing franchises that have only had several tame entries in the last few years compared to its overall history of consistent releases. Makes no sense.


I’m still going with Marvel as a brand. AAA gaming almost completely missed the entire MCU cash cow. We should have gotten a super solid Iron Man 15-20hr action trilogy. Pitch: Uncharted with Anthem controls. A Captain American Arkham trilogy ARPG. You could even have cranked out an action stealth Hawkeye $40 joint. Reskin Tomb Raider, crank out a few set pieces and profit. All we got was a pretty damn good Guardians game that was 6 years too late and a weak ass Avengers game that was even more late.


Persona 4G was locked into a failed handheld for 8 years.
Persona 5 was kept away from PC/Nintendo/Xbox gamers for 6 years.
SMG5 was kept away from PC/PlayStation/Xbox gamers for 3 years.
SMG4 & SMG4A are still 3DS exclusive.
Wait...we're on page 4 and not a single mention of...Tomb Raider? An IP that killed 2 development teams at Core Design, then the entire studio and was the beginning of the end of its publisher Eidos?

One of the biggest franchises from the 90's. Forced yearly releases in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 on PS One alone. (already a sign of mismanagement) The first 3 games had expansions released as well as if you needed more content. The development teams were overworked, done with all the crunch, etc... to the point they tried to kill the main character in secret from its publisher in 1999 (The Last Revelation), so they wouldn't bring her back for more games...then they were forced to make a game where Lara's friends remember some of her early missions (Chronicles in 2000) while another team started working on an actual sequel, which was supposed to be the beginning of a trilogy. The team couldn't master the PS2, released the game anyway which killed the franchise, the studio AND honestly the beginning of the end for its own publisher Eidos.

Lara Croft was paraded in god knows how many campaigns, magazine covers, to the point where the games didn't even matter anymore, prompting the character's creator to leave the studio since he didn't agree with how the character was being treated...as if the yearly releases weren't enough anyway. I also forgot to mention that there were 3 Gameboy titles also released 3 years in a row: 2000, 2001 and 2002, as if all the other games weren't enough.

Things were bad already until this point...but the IP is then delivered to another studio which does 2 reboots and 2 trilogies in 12 years...and now A NEW REBOOT is on the way as well since the previous series wasn't working again anymore meaning we're about to have our 4th version of Lara Croft (main games ONLY).

The movies got progressively worse as well and the latest one was supposed to have a sequel that was canceled.

This is top 5 most mismanaged gaming franchises of all time for sure. You have all sorts of drama here.
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RaZoR No1

I am suprised that I have not seen Digimon here.

I agree with all of the listings so far, but you all are missing Digimon.
It was / had its peak around the "first" Pokemon wave, but Pokemon managed to put out enough games / animes to be still the number one "Monster" Game /Theme.
Digimon had good games and I think the Cybersleuth ones are fine too, but they never managed to capture the same audience as Pokemon.

Look where Pokemon is now and where Digimon is...

Another mismanaged franchise:
Midnight Club.
There is/was a huge hole for high quality open world arcade racers with tuning.
NFS somehow always fails to deliver / satisfy the customers.
The last Midnight Club we got is L.A.. for X360/PS3.
Since then we already had a small rumour about this game, but it never saw the light again..
Currently lower budget games like CarX Street try to fill in the hole that is left from R*

Aaand another one is Need For Speed
It just doesnt know, what the gamers really want...Do they try to go back to the classics? To the Tuning Scene or to the Most Wanted era?
No matter what they are trying, they cannot please all..
I somehow has a huge identitiy crisis..
I mean it took them 3 or more games to implement good Grip racing again.. everyone complained about the physics etc. but they never listened.. I hate the Brake 2 Drift physics...


Max Payne. Give me a chance to explain

Listen Father And Son GIF by Laff

While Remedy is coming out with the remaster of the first two. They sold the rights to Rockstar (Who created a banger G.O.A.T. status game in Max Payne 3) We all know they will never make a Max Payne 4 because they are going to make GTA content until the wheels fall off. This series is dead
Saints Row. Too bad the reboot was a nail in the coffin for Volition. I once loved that company for making Freespace 1 & 2 before they got bought by THQ and then changed their tune completely.


Dragon age. And that's without the likely failure of the latest in the series.

The first game was decent and showed enormous potential. The second was trash and it was all downhill from there.
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Every Call of Duty competitor franchise that couldn’t get their shit together after the original Modern Warfare released.

Medal of Honor





Ghost Recon (post 360 gen)

I’m sure I’m missing some, and this is not even counting the non-franchises that are currently struggling like xDefiant. As much as people like defend each and every one of these franchises above, every single one either had multiple panic moments, held on for dear life, or flopped like a fish, the minute CoD hit the stratosphere.

Some of them are still desparately trying to capture that audience to this day.

Edit: I first didn’t include Killzone and Halo, but screw it, those games were exclusives simply trying to take the CoD audience too. If anything Halo’s situation is sadder because that audience came first and was snatched away.
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Alan Wake

Sonic is one of them. But as of late Sonic is back with a vengeance with good 2D and 3D games, and Sonic X Shadow Generations looks really good even.
But there are lots of RE games. Four is arguably the best one.
Yes, and a lot of them have been re-released excessively, way more than TLOU. Heck, there's even the Remake trilogy that just came out. Capcom routinely re-releases the crap out of a lot of their games, some of which happen every gen. Not sure why you're knocking TLOU when they're just following the strategy of other companies.

Final Fantasy is even worse.
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Sonic. Should never have ventured into 3D. Look what Nintendo to this day can do with the likes of Mario Wonder!

Resident Evil is another as long as Capcom continues to make it in first person mode. 7 & 8 were monstrosities.
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We really should require people to say why they say it has been mismanaged lol.

Most of these are essentially people not liking how games have changed rather than them being mismanaged as those are different.

I’d say the number 1 rule mo is either duke nukem or star citizen. Duke nukem as they had so many starts and stops and sputters. They ruined it several times over.

Star citizen for me has to do with the amount of time and money that has gone into it with pretty huge pr issues about that. This is likely premature though as the game may end up being fantastic.


It's not a franchise if there's only a single entry for that series, it's just a game/ip. Like, people saying Bloodborne, that's not a mismanaged franchise, that's a mismanaged IP that people wish would be a franchise.


Halo...So loved, such good lore in the books and extended content, three games completely disconnected from each other and they keep starting over rather than using the good lore

I actually thought 4 was a pretty good start getting into the Forerunner saga, Cortana dying forcing Chief to connect with humanity more, and then they just started over with the stupid ass AI side quest in Guardians which they immediately ditched off screen in Infinite. Then end of Infinite was once more hinting at interesting lore and now who knows what the fuck is going on with it.
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Star Citizen is not mismanaged, it's a series of very calculated moves to have whales and other fans of the genre keep giving you money and even be okay with not seeing the finish line.
Agreed, but I’d say that is good financial management rather than franchise management but your point remains very accurate
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