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Movie length


Anyone feel that movie today are too long,for me most of movie over 2h i feel a bit boring,i think 1h15-1h30 is the perfect length.
What do you think?
Probably should PM a mod to move this into Off-Topic...

As for your question, it certainly depends on the type of movie. It feels like many movies are pushing the 2.5 hour mark nowadays, which means I have to actually plan it into my daily schedule if I choose to watch it on Netflix or something.


Yeah sometimes I feel as though they're too long, they should be cut right from the start, like why leave the flab


I remember watching the 2005 version of King Kong and was flabbergasted by the 3hr+ movie length. Luckily the movie was entertaining enough for me to sit through the whole thing or else I wouldn't have the patience. It really depends on what type of movie it is though.
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