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Movies You’ve Watched Lately |OT| - 2024


She was around during the 5 years of the Blip. Not continuously but partially.
5 whole years (potentially) and then never seen again, not the most inspirational story going. It’s like having the world’s greatest Dad that leaves for a pack of cigarettes when you’re 5 years old and never returns.

The unsung hero.
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Watched The Devil's Advocate last night after trawling this thread for ideas.

What a good movie! I didn't expect it to be so unsettling (Milton's prescient speech while Eddie is running in the park/the creatures' facial effects).

Charlize Theron acted the shit out of her role. Keanu also showed more range than I'm used to seeing from him. Pacino of course kills it, creating sympathy for the devil.

Not perfect, but very entertaining.


I spent my free time mostly playing videogames last year, because I didn't feel like watching films at all, but thankfully the need to absorb cinema has returned. Mostly watched old movies that I have never seen or have seen way too long time ago. So far the favourites have been:

The Spook Who Sat By the Door - Radical, angry thinking man's blacksploitation movie
Royal Warriors and In the Line of Duty 4 - kick ass 80's HK actioneers.
Red Angel - Absolutely grim wartime nightmare about a nurse dealing with all kinds of disturbing stuff on the frontlines.
The Fog - Original Carpenter version. The first 30 minutes is some of his best stuff, the rest is not as good, but still great.
Broken Lullaby - One of the very few Lubitsch's non-comedies. He nailed it.
The Border - Pretty good US-Mexico border drama/thriller. Always appreciate these a bit more subtle Nicholson performances.

Haven't seen a lot of new stuff, but The Iron Claw was a great melodrama. It's nice to see Durkin mature into a great filmmaker.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I spent my free time mostly playing videogames last year, because I didn't feel like watching films at all, but thankfully the need to absorb cinemas has returned. So far I have mostly seen old movies that I have never seen or have seen way too long time ago. So far the favourites have been:

Broken Lullaby - One of the very few Lubitsch's non-comedies. He nailed it.

Wow, don't think many people will have seen Broken Lullaby. You're a true movie buff. I hope you've also seen absolute Lubitsch classics like The Smiling Lieutenant, Trouble in Paradise, The Shop Around the Corner and my absolute favorite from him: To Be or Not To Be.


Wow, don't think many people will have seen Broken Lullaby. You're a true movie buff. I hope you've also seen absolute Lubitsch classics like The Smiling Lieutenant, Trouble in Paradise, The Shop Around the Corner and my absolute favorite from him: To Be or Not To Be.
Yes, I adore To Be or Not to Be - it is probably one of the funniest movies ever made which is absolutely insane as it was made while the war was still raging on. Also, have seen others and loved them all. Design for Living is another favourite. There is something elegantly sophisticated about him telling even a dirty joke. Anyway, I love the comedies/screwballs from that period. Sturges, Hawks, Leisen, etc.

Nice to meet another Lubitsch fan on a gaming forum, of all places!
I watched the new 4k copy of Conan the Barbarian the other night. They fixed the coloring and redid the soundtrack. 100/100.

Also watched When A Stranger Calls randomly on Max last night. Do not recommend. Absolute nothing of a horror/thriller.



When I started the film, all I could think of was that it did not look like I was watching natives in 1700 North America. It felt like watching cosplay or something. I think it's because of how high quality the Blu-Ray release was. Image was crystal clear, and sound equal to that. The film itself had a good pace, and since it runs for 100 minutes (relatively short for modern film), it never overstayed it's welcome. I wish I'd knew of the Comanche language track, as I would have preferred seeing the whole film like that. The english track has a little bit of both, and it sounds strange.

Can recommend, as I had my share of fun with it. Maybe less social commentary would have made it even better.
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When I started the film, all I could think of was that it did not look like I was watching natives in 1700 North America. It felt like watching cosplay or something. I think it's because of how high quality the Blu-Ray release was. Image was crystal clear, and sound equal to that. The film itself had a good pace, and since it runs for 100 minutes (relatively short for modern film), it never overstayed it's welcome. I wish I'd knew of the Comanche language track, as I would have preferred seeing the whole film like that. The english track has a little bit of both, and it sounds strange.

Can recommend, as I had my share of fun with it. Maybe less social commentary would have made it even better.
So many new movies are about 20 minutes too long. I will be scrolling through Netflix or Max and I'll spot a brain dead action movie (which is what I want), and then I'll see it's 125 minutes and I'm like, why.
Not gonna lie, I've watched a movie at 1.25x speed before because I thought it was overly long. It was only immersion-breaking in quick-paced scenes, at which point I'd drop it back to 1x.


Gremlins came out when I was a kid and I liked it, seen it a few times over the years, it's always fun. I watched it about a week ago in 4K and enjoyed it as much as ever. I've never been the slightest bit interested in Gremlins 2, I never heard if it was good or not, I just assumed it would be a POS. After re-watching Gremlins I was reading some trivia and supposedly director Joe Dante thinks Gremlins 2 is the superior movie. So I finally watched it. It's about 4 times as silly as the original, but it was pretty hilarious! My favorite thing was the intellectual gremlin voiced by Tony Randall.

Yesterday I watched Last Night In Soho. The only thing I knew about it was that it was an Edgar Wright movie. Not knowing what to expect probably made it more enjoyable than if I'd read a plot summary before hand. Based on the title I was expecting something madcap, like a British version of The Hangover.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
The Zone of Interest was fantastic, I like Jonathan Glazer's previous stuff, and he didn't disappoint. Highly original take on this subject, mesmerizing to watch and with some of his trademark weirdness that works very well. One of the best movies of 2023 for me.


The Iron Claw was an interesting but ultimately a bit boring biopic about a family of professional wrestlers (not real wrestling but the silly US variant). Zac Efron looked weird and I would rather watch The Wrestler from 2008 again.

Drive-Away Dolls

Not sure what this movie was actually about, something about penises and lesbians; interesting enough I guess
Land of Bad

Call of Duty campaign: The Movie, featuring peter petrelli; save the operator, save the world.


I watched the new 4k copy of Conan the Barbarian the other night. They fixed the coloring and redid the soundtrack. 100/100.

Also watched When A Stranger Calls randomly on Max last night. Do not recommend. Absolute nothing of a horror/thriller.
Which version of Stranger did you watch? The 2006 or the 1979?


Gold Member
The Zone of Interest was fantastic, I like Jonathan Glazer's previous stuff, and he didn't disappoint. Highly original take on this subject, mesmerizing to watch and with some of his trademark weirdness that works very well. One of the best movies of 2023 for me.

Was keeping an eye out for this one, cheers for the reminder. Next on the list for sure.



Fun movie about a guy (Daniel), forced into a death match after getting guns nailed onto his hands.


Both Daniel and Samara need more roles.
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Gremlins came out when I was a kid and I liked it, seen it a few times over the years, it's always fun. I watched it about a week ago in 4K and enjoyed it as much as ever. I've never been the slightest bit interested in Gremlins 2, I never heard if it was good or not, I just assumed it would be a POS. After re-watching Gremlins I was reading some trivia and supposedly director Joe Dante thinks Gremlins 2 is the superior movie. So I finally watched it. It's about 4 times as silly as the original, but it was pretty hilarious! My favorite thing was the intellectual gremlin voiced by Tony Randall.

Yesterday I watched Last Night In Soho. The only thing I knew about it was that it was an Edgar Wright movie. Not knowing what to expect probably made it more enjoyable than if I'd read a plot summary before hand. Based on the title I was expecting something madcap, like a British version of The Hangover.
I watched Gremlins 2 over Christmas and I was not ready for that metafictional scene. Oh my lord.


Fallen Leaves

This was Finnish Oscar bait this year, and actually made it quite far. I wonder why, because I did not like this at all. The story is bland, cinematography uninspired, characters wooden, and dialogue makes no sense. At least it was short with it's 80 minutes of runtime, otherwise I would not have finished it.

I hadn't watched Alien in maybe 10 years until this week. Good Lord, what a great movie. I can't imagine how impactful this would've been watching it in 1979 because of how well it holds up now. The (what I'm guessing are) composite effects are great--I think they knew to keep things dark to avoid revealing their hand in that regard.

The set designs, the acting, the script, the plot, the retro-futuristic tech, the characters, the monster and its characteristics...is this a perfect movie?

Also, get a load of this asshole:


The Beekeeper

This film doesn't do anything new. It has basic characters and predictable story. The action has been seen before, and probably better. But my god did I have fun with it. It really helps enjoying an action movie when it doesn't run for fucking three hours.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
"Freelance" (2023) on Netflix.

Given the right material John Cena has been a comedy surprise for me the last few years. I even bought season 1 of "Peacemaker".

This one however is very average.
Still ok if you wanna watch something in the background while doing something else 😁


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Vision Quest 1985 - Saw Matthew Moudine post about his movie on twitter. I had never heard about it. The movie is several things, coming of age, accomplishing great things that you have set your mind to. High School guy, older woman. Overall the picture is a great. Good characters, developed story and everyone has a reason to be there.

A fun detail is the fight song for the HS is the NUB NUB song from Return of the Jedi. I guess they got permission from George to use it.
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I watched  Aliens after watching  Alien earlier, and it was so, so, good. Like, I'm-glad-that-I'm-alive-to-experience-it good.

The last time I watched it was probably 15 years ago, I was a badass who would've totally been a hero if I were in that situation, facing off with aliens with ease, and felt like Hudson and others who had their confidence shaken were cowards.

What I didn't appreciate before were how realistic the characters' reactions and behaviors are. How they have to dig deep to move forward and how they all redeem themselves in their own ways. And how well done the corporate/military hierarchy dynamics are (Burke vs Ripley. Hicks vs Gorman). Or subtle things (to me) like how all the marines just walk out of the room with Newt after they find her but Ripley stays. Or the subtext in so many lines of dialogue that are snappy and witty in their own right.

What a treasure of a movie.


Started watching high plains drifter last night and Clint rapes a chick in the first 10 minutes. My wife wasn't down with it so I put on Joe Kidd which he made the year before.

When she fell asleep I finished high plains. Both really great. Finishing high plains made the story make so much more sense.
I've been on a western bent lately. I've always considered Unforgiven the best western I've ever seen. But, I haven't seen many of the most famous movies. I did a search for what is considered the best westerns of all time, and have been finding what movies are in the services I have.

High Plains Drifter is one I watched since it was available to me on netflix. It was better than I expected but still not as good as Unforgiven. I had to look up ideas on who the Drifter was supposed to be and I did not think being the reincarnation of the Marshall, forget his name, was going to be the answer.

I watched High Noon, which was low on action, but still a great flick. Doesn't beat Unforgiven.

Once Upon a Time in the West, it was ok.

A bunch of the movies on most lists are John Wayne movies and I never liked John Wayne. He's panned both High Noon and High Plains Drifter. So, I'm really dragging my feet on watching any of his shit.

The 2 movies I would most like to see, but are not in any of the services I have access to are Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Wild Bunch. Treasure because I heard that a lot of the things in that movie are still referenced in several forms of media, including video games. I might just break down and pay the $3 to rent it. Also widely regarded as one of the best movies of all time.

I think the next movie I will watch is Hell or High Water, before my free month of paramount expires.

The Creator.


Didn't even finished it.

Great underused underlying theme used as a pretext for some inter personal cliche emotional simple af story etc etc


I felt like this movie was a propaganda piece for AI and robots.
Beautiful visuals though.

I watched the new 4k copy of Conan the Barbarian the other night. They fixed the coloring and redid the soundtrack. 100/100.

Also watched When A Stranger Calls randomly on Max last night. Do not recommend. Absolute nothing of a horror/thriller.
You reminded me I ordered this last month. Just checked my emails and amazon says there's a delay. I had to respond that I still wanted the thing. Never had that before.
One of the best movies.

What do you mean by redid the soundtrack? The soundtrack is one of the greatest things about the movie.

Vertigo 2/4 - my first Hitchcock movie. Admittedly, the stalking scenes are slow and put me to sleep. But I loved the twist it takes in the 2nd half and appreciate how the reveal recontextualizes how one experiences the movie after the first time

I would suggest another Hitchcock to try is North by Northwest. It's one of my favorite movies.
Personally not a fan of most earlier than the 70's era movies. But this one breaks the mold.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Once Upon a Time in the West, it was ok.
It’s a deconstruction of Leone’s previous westerns, so it should be watched after you’ve fully absorbed the Dollars Trilogy. Otherwise you won’t really get what it’s going for.


I watched Hell or High Water, set in modern times west Texas so a little different than most westerns. I guess that's the west too. Cattle and horses and guns and ornery sumbitches.

Pretty good movie. Takes a bit to get into what the heck is going on and why. I had seen the clip of the old lady waitress on a youtube short before. Didn't realize it was this movie.

It’s a deconstruction of Leone’s previous westerns, so it should be watched after you’ve fully absorbed the Dollars Trilogy. Otherwise you won’t really get what it’s going for.
Well that would have been a nice nugget of info before I started. The dollars movies aren't anywhere I have access. But those 2 are on my list.


I've been on a western bent lately. I've always considered Unforgiven the best western I've ever seen. But, I haven't seen many of the most famous movies. I did a search for what is considered the best westerns of all time, and have been finding what movies are in the services I have.

High Plains Drifter is one I watched since it was available to me on netflix. It was better than I expected but still not as good as Unforgiven. I had to look up ideas on who the Drifter was supposed to be and I did not think being the reincarnation of the Marshall, forget his name, was going to be the answer.

I watched High Noon, which was low on action, but still a great flick. Doesn't beat Unforgiven.

Once Upon a Time in the West, it was ok.

A bunch of the movies on most lists are John Wayne movies and I never liked John Wayne. He's panned both High Noon and High Plains Drifter. So, I'm really dragging my feet on watching any of his shit.

The 2 movies I would most like to see, but are not in any of the services I have access to are Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Wild Bunch. Treasure because I heard that a lot of the things in that movie are still referenced in several forms of media, including video games. I might just break down and pay the $3 to rent it. Also widely regarded as one of the best movies of all time.

I think the next movie I will watch is Hell or High Water, before my free month of paramount expires.

I felt like this movie was a propaganda piece for AI and robots.
Beautiful visuals though.

You reminded me I ordered this last month. Just checked my emails and amazon says there's a delay. I had to respond that I still wanted the thing. Never had that before.
One of the best movies.

What do you mean by redid the soundtrack? The soundtrack is one of the greatest things about the movie.

I would suggest another Hitchcock to try is North by Northwest. It's one of my favorite movies.
Personally not a fan of most earlier than the 70's era movies. But this one breaks the mold.
Godless on netflix is one of my favorite modern westerns. Michelle Dockery from downtown abbey is great in it


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I've been on a western bent lately. I've always considered Unforgiven the best western I've ever seen. But, I haven't seen many of the most famous movies. I did a search for what is considered the best westerns of all time, and have been finding what movies are in the services I have.

A bunch of the movies on most lists are John Wayne movies and I never liked John Wayne. He's panned both High Noon and High Plains Drifter. So, I'm really dragging my feet on watching any of his shit.

John Wayne made a *ton* of movies, lot of crap but there are many good ones among them. You should watch the movies Wayne made with directors like John Ford and Howard Hawks, those are easily the best ones.

I personally really liked:

Stagecoach (1939, John Ford)
Red River (1948, Howard Hawks)
The Searchers (1956, John Ford)
Rio Bravo (1959, Howard Hawks)
The Cowboys (1972, Mark Rydell)
You reminded me I ordered this last month. Just checked my emails and amazon says there's a delay. I had to respond that I still wanted the thing. Never had that before.
One of the best movies.

What do you mean by redid the soundtrack? The soundtrack is one of the greatest things about the movie.
Sorry, "remastered the sound tracks" would have been more accurate. The dialogue, sound effects, and music are all cleaned up and there's more 'space' between them, for lack of a better term.
I watched Alien and Aliens, so it was only right and proper to watch Alien 3: Assembly Cut. First time seeing any version of Alien 3 start-to-finish for me. Even expecting it to be a step down from the first two, it was disappointing.

I think the biggest issue and difference from 1 and 2 was not caring about ANY of the characters, outside of Ripley and Clemens (Tywin Lannister/Charles Dance), and
Clemens dies right after his character gets even more interesting with his backstory reveal, which leaves the back hour or so really unengaging.

Count me in with the crew who will always wonder what could've been with #3.


Gold Member
I'm thinking of watching Matrix 4. Is it good?

Just watched one clip of Matrix on Youtube and suddenly got into a rabbit hole. Is 4 worth watching?
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