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Movies You’ve Watched Lately |OT| - 2024

I watched Alien and Aliens, so it was only right and proper to watch Alien 3: Assembly Cut. First time seeing any version of Alien 3 start-to-finish for me. Even expecting it to be a step down from the first two, it was disappointing.

I think the biggest issue and difference from 1 and 2 was not caring about ANY of the characters, outside of Ripley and Clemens (Tywin Lannister/Charles Dance), and
Clemens dies right after his character gets even more interesting with his backstory reveal, which leaves the back hour or so really unengaging.

Count me in with the crew who will always wonder what could've been with #3.
David Fincher's first studio film! And he hated the experience so much he nearly quit directing films and went back to directing music videos.

Watched Bottoms (it's on Prime) the other night; it's very funny. Also rewatched The Northman last night and it's still amazing.


Gold Member
I liked it, mostly as a commentary by the director on her relationship with Warner Bros.
I watched the first 30 minutes.

the force awakens GIF by Star Wars


Watched Land of Bad with Russell Crowe, movie was very standard 90's action movie with soldiers, kind of dumb with nothing special about the plot or characters but given the extremely low expectations I have of Hollywood nowadays I enjoyed it. If you're bored and want to watch a decent action flick where you don't have to think much this is it


Matrix 4 is basically the movie telling you that you are uncultured swine for enjoying the first few movies as action movies for 2 hours.
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I'm thinking of watching Matrix 4. Is it good?

Just watched one clip of Matrix on Youtube and suddenly got into a rabbit hole. Is 4 worth watching?
The Matrix series get's progressively worse with each sequel. 4 does not deviate. I have seen the trilogy a couple times, the first one several times. The 4th one I don't even remember the story. All I can remember is I was a highly disappointed.

I'm a sci-fi junkie and can't keep away from any sci-fi movies that I come across. I would rather I never saw Matrix 4.
Matrix 4 effectively, the final nail in the coffin for the Matrix franchise.

The nicest and worst thing i can saw about it, it is 100% forgettable. It is a movie you will not even remember half of, a week after you watched it.

I saw it when it came out and i can’t tell you anything about it now, except i hated it And the actors seemed to not want to be there.
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Alien: Resurrection

This one was actually fun and surprisingly slick and stylish. As long as I think of it like a fan film and not canon, it's fine. Far too many Dutch angles for my liking, though. One is enough, bordering on one too many.

I can now rank the first four Alien movies, which I shall do based on personal entertainment value:

Aliens>Alien>>>Alien:Resurrection>>Alien 3


The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

I've been modding RDR2 for the first time and got into the mood for western movies, which I never do. Accidentally stumbled into this gem; it was so fun to watch blind.

I take great interest in its intimate sound design, which I've noticed in a couple of other western movies from clips, too.



This film is basically flawless, the practical effects, the puppetry of the Queen, the miniatures used, the fact there's only 5 suits used to create a hive of aliens is a testament to the film making and editing of this master piece of cinema, it still looks 1000x better than any of the CGI wankfest we get nowadays, I still don't think anything comes close to even being as tense.



I'm thinking of watching Matrix 4. Is it good?

Just watched one clip of Matrix on Youtube and suddenly got into a rabbit hole. Is 4 worth watching?
It's revolutions quality with worst action. There's a meta message about $equelitis in media. Maybe an admission that the Matrix should have stayed one work.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I'm thinking of watching Matrix 4. Is it good?

Just watched one clip of Matrix on Youtube and suddenly got into a rabbit hole. Is 4 worth watching?
I recently bought the 4 movie digital bundle on sale and have no intention on watching the latest one.

When all the reviews you read are unanimous they can't all be wrong 😁


Perpetually Offended
I'm thinking of watching Matrix 4. Is it good?

Just watched one clip of Matrix on Youtube and suddenly got into a rabbit hole. Is 4 worth watching?

From someone who likes TONS of movies no one else likes...

Matrix 4 is a POS. Low level of action, what's there is pretty good but ... That's it. Most of the movie is dialogue and not even HIGH ENERGY dialogue. It also has plenty of plot holes and contrivances. The CONCEPT is AWESOME but the EXECUTION is ... Below mid.


Alien: Resurrection

This one was actually fun and surprisingly slick and stylish. As long as I think of it like a fan film and not canon, it's fine. Far too many Dutch angles for my liking, though. One is enough, bordering on one too many.

I can now rank the first four Alien movies, which I shall do based on personal entertainment value:

Aliens>Alien>>>Alien:Resurrection>>Alien 3
This is the alien movie I've seen the most. It is just so easy to watch. It is far worse than the others but I find it enjoyable.

Matrix 4 was such a disappointment and killed any desire I had for further movies in that series.
Dune Part 2

In contest for best sequel ever made. Ups the notch in almost every way compared to the first. Has some of the most epic scenes I’ve ever seen in cinema. Great story continuation as well. Artdesign is something else again. Almost flawless overall. Only thing that bothered me were some plotholes. Doesn’t feel fluent in the middle. Like some stuff was cut.




This film is basically flawless, the practical effects, the puppetry of the Queen, the miniatures used, the fact there's only 5 suits used to create a hive of aliens is a testament to the film making and editing of this master piece of cinema, it still looks 1000x better than any of the CGI wankfest we get nowadays, I still don't think anything comes close to even being as tense.

The new 4K version is a treat.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll

Damn this was one hell of a ridiculous, irritatingly bad piece of shit movie. Super awkward acting, nonsensical plot, TWO AND A HALF HOURS RUNNING TIME?


Dolores Claiborne

I've always wanted to watch this ever since it came out, but it somehow eluded me. Now I did and I liked it a lot. Great 90s Stephen King thriller like they don't make 'em anymore.



The Holdovers

An excellent film and has one of the best depictions of schizophrenia I've ever seen in a film. You could say that not much happens in the film but I thought it was a perfect adaptation of what life generally is.

The Green book

Didn't know anything about the film before watching but I'm glad I did. Excellent cast and genuinely funny. I had zero idea until the end it was a true story either. Well worth a watch.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Leviathan - I enjoyed this monster movie with practical effects.

Mean Girls Musical - this is not good, the original movie is.
Pretty cool horror movie, the first two acts are more interesting than the third, but I still enjoyed it

No Way Up.
Plane crash movie with a pretty interesting setting, was decent enough I guess, but also obviously lighter on budget.


The Bricklayer

It felt like a homage to 80's and 90's action films. Fun, but quite dated now. I don't think a lot of money was used to make this. I liked it, but I don't really have a lot of to say about it. It's just there.


Lil’ Gobbie

after the Lobster I was planning on avoiding this entirely, but I'm glad I didn't. One of funniest movie I've seen. Mark ruffalo had me in stitches
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The Dead Zone (1983)

Even though I'm a fan of just about every David Cronenberg movie I've seen, I'm only just now seeing this one. It's really good! I like how there's no doubt that Christopher Walken has a superpower and other characters respond how they might in real life.

The ending of Martin Sheen's character's plot gets resolved in an unexpected, satisfying, and realistic way.

The structure is kind of weird, with two storylines that would each make a good movie on their own. But it's entertaining and unique. I can see how the premise had the mileage for a TV show.


I recently bought the 4 movie digital bundle on sale and have no intention on watching the latest one.

When all the reviews you read are unanimous they can't all be wrong 😁
I'll do you a favor, these are the only 2 watchable scenes in the movie.

For context, the next scene follow the previous scene.

The rest is literally trash, aside from a few moments (and I mean moments) not worth even posting.
Sicario (2015)

Denis Villeneuve directing: Nobody today directs movies that "put me there" quite like Villeneuve. The arthouse popcorn flick master.

Taylor Sheridan writing: Has a way of writing that borrows tropes but then SUBVERTS EXPECTATIONS in a way that makes the stories better.

SIR Roger Deakins cinematograph-izing: Every frame a painting that tells a story. Incredible talent, and justifiably knighted for his services to film.

Johann Johannsson scoring: So good that, while watching, I was never consciously aware of the score--as it should be in this movie's case. It wasn't until later I realized how much he added to the whole.

All actors acting: All characters feel fully-formed, even if they only have a few seconds of screentime. Great actors in trustworthy hands. Not a single performance broke the spell for me.

Main takeaway on re-watch: This movie is a Rorschach test. It doesn't judge any of the characters; it presents them and their world as they are.

Here's my ink blot interpretation: When Emily Blunt asks how the cartel operates, Benicio del Toro's character says, "You're asking me how a watch works. For now we'll just keep an eye on the time." She'll get to see its inner workings soon enough. The line gets the Joker "We live in a society" meme across in an elegant and profound (to me) way. You will become brutal and ruthless because the system demands it of you. The only option left for Blunt's character to remain "good" is to remove herself from it:

"You should move to a small town, where the rule of law still exists. You will not survive here. You are not a wolf. And this is the land of wolves now."

10 out of 10


Poor Things - I understand the hype. Wonderful movie. The first 20 minutes in and I wasn't sold on Emma Stone's performance, but after another 20 minutes I was sold. Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe kill it. The sets are fantastical and the script is clever and reminds me of The Lobster. If we reanimated Mary Shelley today I think she would love this movie to pieces. A "remake" done right. Highly recommended to everyone (well... everyone except for kids lol).

Zone of Interest - solid film on a subject told a thousand times already. I feel it does add something new to the conversation by really getting into the day-to-day mentality of history's worst monsters. Where the movie stumbles is in its running time. It's too long and becomes a slog during the middle act. It is worth powering through, as the final act makes up for it. I recommend it.

Society of the Snow - good but not great. Another movie that has no business being >2hrs long. I don't understand why modern directors keep making this mistake. Do they think Netflix pays by the minute? I recommend it only if you don't have a backlog. Literally any other Oscar-nominated movie this year is better than this.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Lake Mungo (2008).

A rewatch of my DVD because at the time it wasn't available on digital or on Bluray.

I've seen a lot of shit but this one surprised me in its simplicity.



Dune - Part 2

Visually spectacular film, with good pacing and keeps the spirit of the original book intact. Liked most of the characters (some decisions, like making all Harkonnen bald was odd). It has been a while since I read the book, but I don't think it ended quite that way. Very close, though. It lasts almost 3 hours, so I should have taken a piss before going to theatre.

Definite watch for all scifi fans.
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