A ravishing, intoxicating achievement. Every aspect is so delicately handled by Haynes, I was won over in minutes, and the feeling never went away. Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara whittle out such immensely detailed characters with the smallest of touches, and not just figuratively. When a movie this subtle and layered eventually loses Best Picture, it will be in great company..
Currently my favorite film of the year, will be hard to top it.
A ravishing, intoxicating achievement. Every aspect is so delicately handled by Haynes, I was won over in minutes, and the feeling never went away. Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara whittle out such immensely detailed characters with the smallest of touches, and not just figuratively. When a movie this subtle and layered eventually loses Best Picture, it will be in great company..
Currently my favorite film of the year, will be hard to top it.