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Mr. Robot |OT| Byte Club - a new hacker thriller - Wednesdays on USA

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The Autumn Wind
3 days passed since elliot woke up in the escalade. Something probably happened between then.
I mean, it's obviously going to come up, but why touch on it now when the finale didn't make mention of it? I'm wondering if there's a hint somewhere.


Does not have twelve inches...
I read the Danish speech as a passive aggressive slip up. She suspects Elliot of having done something to Tyrell and will thoroughly destroy him if her suspicions are confirmed, but in the mean time she needs to pretend to be friends so that she can extract more information from Elliot. Threatening Elliot was her losing her cool for a brief moment.
It could be, her expression then may mean she just was mad at herself for losing her cool. I still want to believe there's more to it than that.


Yeah, that said to me that she may actually have a modicum of emotion for him--contrary to what the "previously" scene suggested.

Well, I did finally see that in the scene. She does care in some fashion. Still, when she said it, she really seemed curious whether or not Elliot understood. Like NaM said, I'd like to believe there is more there too. Not another personality but something other than the wife losing her cool for a moment.


Actively hates charity
Holy mothafucking shit. I heard about this show being good, and so I decided to watch one episode since it was a holiday.....ended up watching all 10 episodes in 1 slot (8-3). Fucking shit. Best show I have seen after True Detective and Breaking Bad.

Holy shit again. USA network? LMAO.

This is some emmy award HBO shit right there. Jesus, Rami Malek is fuckin brilliant. Plus that Tyrell's wife..GOD

Also this show is more progressive in certain aspects than any other shows on TV - mental illness including depression, social anxiety, hallucinations, and homosexuality. Plus Muslim girl working as a hacker, something never seen before.

Last thing - why are some cuss words censored, but other are not? Also straight up violent murder is okay? What kinda logic is that?


semen stains the mountaintops
Last thing - why are some cuss words censored, but other are not? Also straight up violent murder is okay? What kinda logic is that?

You're not american, I take it?

The only curse words that get censored are fuck and cunt. Sometimes other words get censored if they're used in a very graphic context but that's rare.


Actively hates charity
You're not american, I take it?

The only curse words that get censored are fuck and cunt. Sometimes other words get censored if they're used in a very graphic context but that's rare.

No I'm American. But I usually don't watch major network cable shows. I mostly watch HBO or Netflix shows.


Fantastic show. Really loved the first season. Rami Malek is fantastic. I think I would rate season for a 9/10
Didn't bore me for a second. I liked watching it 1 episode per week.


I didn't say she wasn't strong (she rarely displays it if she is though). I said she's a bore. She could be interesting, but her actress isn't helping with that.

I think taking what happened to her the way she did is a sign of emotional strength, that's what i'm getting at.
The way Darlene and (especially) Elliot reacted to it, on the other hand...
I think her actress is doing a good enough job, as i said, barring the rushed development on this latest episode, Angela is probably my favorite female character in the show.

She's not a cynic, she tries to live in the real world as shitty as it may be, and she is fairly considerate.

I also liked Shayla, but oh well.


I liked Angela a lot in this season. But from all she has been going through and what her believes and values were, I was really disssapointed she decided to work for Evil Corp even if it's as a PR Person. I really liked the scene with the shoe shalesmen. He is completely right in my opinion about Angela. Her whole character was against this Evil Corp and now she works there as a slave bascially for the important people. Okay she has a really good salary but it goes completely against all her believes.


I liked Angela a lot in this season. But from all she has been going through and what her believes and values were, I was really disssapointed she decided to work for Evil Corp even if it's as a PR Person. I really liked the scene with the shoe shalesmen. He is completely right in my opinion about Angela. Her whole character was against this Evil Corp and now she works there as a slave bascially for the important people. Okay she has a really good salary but it goes completely against all her believes.
That scene was clumsy as hell for me.

For one thing, it bulldozes through any attempt at having even remotely natural dialog, to get to some shitty moral exposition, spelling out the obvious moral dilemma facing the character out right, in case some people didn't catch the obvious.
The equivalent of having a character say out loud how they feel, basically.

More over, that dude didn't even have some good "truth-bombs" in his arsenal.
I mean if anything he's a pathetic hypocrite, working in a store like that, likely rocking a smart-phone and all the other usual shit people come to terms with, when living in a western developed country.
Yet rebukes her to grow a spine even after she said she needs the job, gimme a break.
Pot calling the kettle black, basically.

But really, i'm annoyed by how stupidly the scene was written.


That scene was clumsy as hell for me.

For one thing, it bulldozes through any attempt at having even remotely natural dialog, to get to some shitty moral exposition, spelling out the obvious moral dilemma facing the character out right, in case some people didn't catch the obvious.
The equivalent of having a character say out loud how they feel, basically.

More over, that dude didn't even have some good "truth-bombs" in his arsenal.
I mean if anything he's a pathetic hypocrite, working in a store like that, likely rocking a smart-phone and all the other usual shit people come to terms with, when living in a western developed country.
Yet rebukes her to grow a spine even after she said she needs the job, gimme a break.
Pot calling the kettle black, basically.

But really, i'm annoyed by how stupidly the scene was written.

I can see your point and I think its valid. So I agree with most stuff you are saying. But seriously Angela should never have gone to work there in the first place. You don't see it often in TV show that somebody goes to work for something they hate with all theire hart. So that could be a plus but for me it completely throws here whole character development from the rest of the season down the drain for me.


I just want to say that the Elliot = Tyrell theory is the worst theory ever. It makes no sense whatsoever from what we've seen. I will seriously stop watching the show if that turns out to be the case and I really like the show right now.

It isn't possible. I don't know why people are even talking about it.


I can see your point and I think its valid. So I agree with most stuff you are saying. But seriously Angela should never have gone to work there in the first place. You don't see it often in TV show that somebody goes to work for something they hate with all theire hart. So that could be a plus but for me it completely throws here whole character development from the rest of the season down the drain for me.

The thing is, they made that transition rushed, crammed it into one episode, when they should've stretched it for a whole season.
That's why it feels so weird and out of character.


I thought Angela working for Evil Corp was her taking Colby's advice about working from the inside in order to take E Corp down?


Actively hates charity
Yup. The bigger mystery beyond his whereabouts is what tyrell and Mr robots Elliot were talking about before the hack
I feel like Joanna has a big role in all of this. We have already seen how cunning she is, whereas tyrell isn't the sharpest mind. I mean it just doesn't make sense that Joanna's final goal would be to just become the "trophy wife" of tyrell. There is gotta be a bigger reason for her pushing tyrell to "fix this".


Yup. The bigger mystery beyond his whereabouts is what tyrell and Mr robots Elliot were talking about before the hack

That's the compromised server/honeypot. Tyrell knows Elliot needs it back and that's why he upheld Elliot's (as Gideon) order to restore it. That's my assumption anyway, I could be wrong.
Just finished the season. Very good. The season started strong and ended strong. The weak parts towards the start of the back half were fine as well. I liked all the twist stuff that happened towards the end. Not sure I even want a second season. 90% chance it would be worst than the first.
They shouldn't have even let angela anywhere near e corp. her taking that job is such a bizarre and rushed 180. That should have definitely been a second season plot

I'm pretty worried about season 2 as well tbh, I loved the first season. Came out as a huge surprise to me, but going the secret conspiring group route? That's not very interesting. We'll see


Does not have twelve inches...
They shouldn't have even let angela anywhere near e corp. her taking that job is such a bizarre and rushed 180. That should have definitely been a second season plot

Her father is deep in debt. So is she. No one will hire her after what happened at All safe. Is it a hard choice to take the offer after what they did to her mother? sure, yet it was the right choice
and maybe the only.
It seems to me that a lot of viewers just plainly hate her.
They shouldn't have even let angela anywhere near e corp. her taking that job is such a bizarre and rushed 180. That should have definitely been a second season plot

I'm pretty worried about season 2 as well tbh, I loved the first season. Came out as a huge surprise to me, but going the secret conspiring group route? That's not very interesting. We'll see

I'm not sure the "hacker takes down evil corporation" is a very interesting plot either but look how well they did with that. I was watching Andy Green's video podcast interview with Remi yesterday and damn if he isn't a really really well spoken dude. He goes on to say, rather breathlessly, how intelligent he thinks Sam Esmail is and how he's got it all figured out and is very meticulous. I mean look at how well he pulled the wool over all our eyes with the identity of Mr. Robot twist. It was never important at all but we all bit.

I have a hard time believing the show will live up to season 1 also simply because it was so fucking amazing but I still think it will be very very good. Sam has said numerous times the show has an end trajectory as well so that makes me even more confident. Screw it. It's gonna blow the first season out of the water :)


Actively hates charity
Just finished the season. Very good. The season started strong and ended strong. The weak parts towards the start of the back half were fine as well. I liked all the twist stuff that happened towards the end. Not sure I even want a second season. 90% chance it would be worst than the first.

Director said that the plan is to have 5 seasons. And the real story hasn't even started yet. Just setting the characters in this season.


Water is not wet!
Just found the show and have been working my way through. Brilliant. Episode 5 just ended and im amazed at how many plates are spinning so beautifully. Short term threats. Long term threats. Wild cards emerging. Time to plunge back in.


What a way to end a show. S02 confirmed. If Elliot killed Tyrell, will he now be seeing him as he does his dad?


Why does Elliot seemingly research himself on social media? Didn't he give some grand soliloquy about how it's basically shit?
The whole Elliot is Tyrell theory is so dumb and completely nonsensical. I partly think it's started by people who didn't see/believe the Elliot is Mr. Robot angle and are now trying to compensate by suggesting Elliot is everyone.
Her father is deep in debt. So is she. No one will hire her after what happened at All safe. Is it a hard choice to take the offer after what they did to her mother? sure, yet it was the right choice
and maybe the only.
It seems to me that a lot of viewers just plainly hate her.

it's a sound financial decision but considering other factors like the moral dilemma at play here i think many other shows would have made it a longer thought out process.

her working there immediately in the next episode felt like we missed quite a few episodes of her development.


it's a sound financial decision but considering other factors like the moral dilemma at play here i think many other shows would have made it a longer thought out process.

her working there immediately in the next episode felt like we missed quite a few episodes of her development.

Not only that, but she was also immediately sympathetic with all the E corp higher ups.
Well i'm one of the most critical about it in here, so you may feel differently.
I think the series is very entertaining, i just don't think it's anything beyond that for now, mostly due to the writing.

Thing is, I don't want to devote too much time to a series that is not AAA. Just came off from Mad Men and Generation Kill and I want to keep the streak :p


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Yay because the term AAA wasn't annoying enough in videogame land
So what is the consensus about this series? Is it good? great? masterpiece?

I'd say it's a great first season. The Knick and Better Call Saul were better, but not by much. On par with my enjoyment of Rubicon's sole season--another conspiracy show, albeit way more analogue and way less stylized in tone.

But you have to remember, of course, there have been shows with great first seasons which spiral into mediocre or worse territory (see: Homeland).


Yeah it was OK. I probably would of given it 70-80% but for me personally it just wasn't always engaging. Glad it's getting a 2nd season though which is derserved, but I am done.


Thing is, I don't want to devote too much time to a series that is not AAA. Just came off from Mad Men and Generation Kill and I want to keep the streak :p

Well time is a limited resource, so i get you.
Personally i'll keep watching, because i think the good outweights the bad for now.

Yay because the term AAA wasn't annoying enough in videogame land
In gaming it just serves to distinguish between videogame budget tiers (and it's not that precise or clear).
When you apply it to a creative elements it does become sort of pointless, because elements that one may value highly, may not be as important (or as flawed) for someone else.


The problem I have with this series especially in the 2nd half is that all the "Am I crazy or not" shthick and Elliot's unresolved family issues just aren't all that interesting and get pretty grating in the finale. I love the intrigue and mystery but it kind of strayed away from that in the end.

Adding to that is that Elliot's observations on society are of the intellectual maturity of a 14 year old which is why I find it incredibly hard to believe that people would be celebrating in the streets and supporting FSociety because "their debt got erased". As if that a) would suddenly solve all of the world's problems b) wouldn't also affect the tens of thousands of people actually employed by Evilcorp.

I would have preferred to see Elliot join Evilcorp along Tyrell and then working from the inside, playing off on Tyrell's and his wife's own scheming and goals. That would have been far more compelling.
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