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Mr. Robot season_2.0 |OT| We Would Care, Bill - Wednesdays on USA

I haven't watched the latest episode, but I'm going to tomorrow. This show has so many twists that it's blowing my goddamn mind. Going back and watching the first episode, it's almost like a completely different show.
Excited to see a unified Elliot/Robot duo coming into the mess.

I'm not sure Elliot and Mr. Robot will be unified that quickly. I think sooner or later, Elliot is going to realize that Mr. Robot is lying to him (for instance, claiming that he shot Tyrell, when he gave Elliot the phone that had Tyrell on the other end).


I'm not sure Elliot and Mr. Robot will be unified that quickly. I think sooner or later, Elliot is going to realize that Mr. Robot is lying to him (for instance, claiming that he shot Tyrell, when he gave Elliot the phone that had Tyrell on the other end).

Maybe. If Mr. Robot doesn't exist, who's to say there was anyone on the phone in the first place.


I watched the start of season 1 episode 1 on Amazon since I read the start of the last episode had some callbacks.

They were pretty cool.
Murder might land you on the death row though.

New York doesn't have a death penalty anymore.

The Darlene killing "the Executioner" I'm still mixed on given the history. If the hack didn't pretty much have the opposite effect of what they imagined it having there would be a ton of sympathy for her, if not outright idolization in the court of public opinion.
This season has been absolute bonkers. More insane shit goes down in this one season than many great shows have happen over 3-4 seasons, with all the status quo changes.
New York doesn't have a death penalty anymore.

The Darlene killing "the Executioner" I'm still mixed on given the history. If the hack didn't pretty much have the opposite effect of what they imagined it having there would be a ton of sympathy for her, if not outright idolization in the court of public opinion.

You could argue that Darlene might have public opinion sympathize with her anyway. Particularly because Madame Executioner was one of the central figures in ECorp responsible for exonerating the conglomerate of any responsibility in her father's (and many other people's) death(s). As long as that story comes out, I think people will see this less as cold-blooded murder, and more as getting revenge for what happened to her as a kid. It wouldn't justify her murder, but it would be more understandable to people.

Maybe. If Mr. Robot doesn't exist, who's to say there was anyone on the phone in the first place.

Considering Elliot woke up from the religious group and ended up in a cell where a phone was available, I don't think Mr. Robot mentally manipulated him (otherwise, we'd be seeing something super surreal like when the watchmen had Elliot vomit the Adderall pills).

Interesting that Mr. Robot uses the night of the hack to admit to Elliot that he shot him, when the last phone conversation was Tyrell mentioning how he enjoyed the night that 5/9 happened.

El Topo

I think they're more concerned with the FBI than they are with fsociety.

I get that they're using fsociety for their own means, I assume that they'd get rid of them the moment they know they're safe? I just don't quite get why they'd be afraid of the FBI in the first place.
Let us assume FBI finds out Dark Army was involved, there's nothing they can do, is there? There's nothing that reveals them as an official operation of the Chinese government, is there? Other than *maybe* Elliot, who met Whiterose
Sure, but they're spending a lot of energy on them. I assume they'll capture the rest of fsociety, find out what they know/whether there are backups, then get rid of them?
That would also mean that Elliot might have kept Wellick alive sort of like an ace up his sleeve? Either way, how would FBI ever do anything against Dark Army, even if they knew they were involved?

I'm thinking they were working with fsociety as a way to gather leverage over ECorp. Whiterose did seem frustrated with Price sticking to ECoins instead of going with whatever plan he had concocted (which I assume is to use bitcoins, but Price isn't a dumbass and knows that would give China all the leverage in the world). In essence, that means all fsociety did was help Whiterose and Price in the sense that they edged closer to creating their own economic system in which they would wield all the power and control in the world and everyone/corporations would be powerless to stop it. Once fsociety's usefulness reached its expiration date, then the Dark Army would just finish them off and wash their hands of any involvement with fsociety.

However, that wouldn't explain why Elliot is granted protection in prison. Does Whiterose have bigger plans for him?


Things that say Tyrell is dead:
Mr Robot
The bullet found at the arcade

Things that say he is alive:
The phone call
All the gifts being sent to his wifen

I think if he was killed we would have gotten another flashback to 5/9 but we didn't. He probably gave Tyrell up to Whiterose
Things that say Tyrell is dead:
Mr Robot
The bullet found at the arcade

Things that say he is alive:
The phone call
All the gifts being sent to his wifen

I think if he was killed we would have gotten another flashback to 5/9 but we didn't. He probably gave Tyrell up to Whiterose
So there's the possibility that he can be back? Interesting.

He was a great character so losing him was a bummer.


Junior Member
Finished season 1 - what a blast.

Watching season 2 episode 1 as we speak. This is such a borefest. I'm struggling to finish the episode.

Please tell me it gets better.
Well, we'll get at least three seasons.

Just like Hannibal....;(

So is it possible for Tyrell to be another personality of Elliot? Just something I've been thinking about.

And some confusion for me, but is white rose that dude/chick that's obsessed with time? And white rose is commanding the dark army who is using f society for some purpose(phase 1)?

I'm getting flashbacks of Hannibal, where the story moves at a snail pace. But I guess I'll try to persevere.

It's so worth it. The last two episodes have been very very good. Lotsa cool twists imo. stick with it.


I'm getting flashbacks of Hannibal, where the story moves at a snail pace. But I guess I'll try to persevere.
Hannibal's slow paced periods are justified by its narrow character oriented scope. It makes sense to stick close to the characters and get immersed in their inner lives, because the core of the story is an intimate psychological drama.

Mr. Robot's pace makes a lot less sense. It's trying to tell a much broader and more complicated story than Hannibal, and yet throughout season 2 it meanders with Elliot, underserves most of the other characters, fails to convey the global impact of the hack, and sabotages its own momentum at almost every turn. It's become this indulgent and weirdly cramped offshoot of the first season, which had a nervous energy and propulsive storyline that followed the converging paths of many interesting characters.

Season 2 has done away with most of that. There are fewer interesting characters. They are less active and mutually invested in a central story arc. They spend most of their time trudging through compartmentalized personal dramas. Elliot is mostly isolated while he does his thing. Joanna is mostly isolated while she does her thing. Ditto for Angela. Darlene and the rest of fsociety have only recently begun to do interesting things that involve other characters. Dom's sideplot took its sweet time to go anywhere. The season is only now ramping up and drawing together the separate characters. It's a real letdown after the first season's rich, meaty setup.
I watched the latest episode a bit tipsy and after reading the last few pages I'm going to have to watch it again. There seems to be loads of stuff I missed or didn't pick up on.

Pro tip - Don't Drink and Mr Robot
Hannibal's slow paced periods are justified by its narrow character oriented scope. It makes sense to stick close to the characters and get immersed in their inner lives, because the core of the story is an intimate psychological drama.

Mr. Robot's pace makes a lot less sense. It's trying to tell a much broader and more complicated story than Hannibal, and yet throughout season 2 it meanders with Elliot, underserves most of the other characters, fails to convey the global impact of the hack, and sabotages its own momentum at almost every turn. It's become this indulgent and weirdly cramped offshoot of the first season, which had a nervous energy and propulsive storyline that followed the converging paths of many interesting characters.

Season 2 has done away with most of that. There are fewer interesting characters. They are less active and mutually invested in a central story arc. They spend most of their time trudging through compartmentalized personal dramas. Elliot is mostly isolated while he does his thing. Joanna is mostly isolated while she does her thing. Ditto for Angela. Darlene and the rest of fsociety have only recently begun to do interesting things that involve other characters. Dom's sideplot took its sweet time to go anywhere. The season is only now ramping up and drawing together the separate characters. It's a real letdown after the first season's rich, meaty setup.

There's this:


And there's also rising protests in Europe, due to collapsing countries. Not to mention, there's also the waves of violence that was introduced thanks to 5/9, such as when Gideon was murdered because someone thought 5/9 was a conspiracy, and the Dark Army engaging in a shootout against the FBI to eliminate any possible evidence of 5/9. It also extends to the even the smallest of events, such as Susan Jacobs dying as she was held captive. Also, there are economic ripple effects due to 5/9, in Mr. Robot's setting alone, one sees that garbage disposal is too expensive and people are resorting to burning, companies are posting 5/9 liquidation sales, ECorp using ECoins to solve the devaluing currency problem. The whole point of showing these impacts is to juxtapose fsociety's naïveté with the reality of what they've done, Mobley and Elliot are the only characters to realize that they fucked up by committing to the hack thinking that they would "free the world" and erase all debt, when in reality, 5/9 only introduced a world of shit for the average joes. So when people say they have failed to show the global impact of the 5/9 attack, it's a head-scratcher moment.

As for season 2 feeling slower, I feel like that's the point. Elliot is in prison, so it's impossible to involve him in fsociety to the same extent as he was in S1. Not to mention, the only thing he was interested in after realizing how he wasn't in control in S1 finale, was to try and regain control of himself and Mr. Robot. From his perspective (a naive mentally ill person), it makes a lot of sense to "waste time" trying to drink the kool-aid of control rather than seek help or reach an agreement with Mr. Robot. Joanna is also drinking kool-aid in the sense that she's clinging onto the hope that Tyrell Wellick is alive. Angela's point is to devolve into your typical company shill/cog in the machine despite her noble intentions of changing up ECorp from within (though the show is very ambiguous about how she'll end up). Dom's sideplot taking long also makes sense when you realize that she doesn't really have much aside from a bullet in fsociety's hq and the name of the hq to go off of. She even faces a lot of resistance from other characters (police officer being a dumbass and exploding Romero's computer, people criticizing how she reached the conclusion of fsociety's hq, and now Operation Berenstain blowing up in her face). And that's without mentioning that she's operating under the assumption that Tyrell Wellick was the ringleader. She clearly has a long way to go before reaching Elliot. S1 had its sideplot moments too, but its viewed favourably because it had a clear goal where fsociety would take down ECorp, S2 by comparison is more chaotic which works for the story they're telling.

T Dollarz

Man, the only fault of season 2 that I agree with is the pacing. Especially earlier in the season it was dragging. But I still think the show is great, and is super well executed in other areas. The last episode was tense as fuck and fantastic.

Y'all must be the same ones who were bitching about the first half of season 3 Hannibal.


Man, the only fault of season 2 that I agree with is the pacing. Especially earlier in the season it was dragging. But I still think the show is great, and is super well executed in other areas. The last episode was tense as fuck and fantastic.

Y'all must be the same ones who were bitching about the first half of season 3 Hannibal.

Yeah, sometime you cant rush a story
Has to be building with timw
Take the Night of for example
Many time the plot feel rushed and out of context
Alright caught up. Now I'm going to throw a theory out right now, and then read the thread to see if anyone thought of it (or if it is the prevailing theory of the net)

For the record my wife disagrees with me on this,

Tyrell wellick IS Elliot aldersson. Or more specifically Tyrell is another aspect of Elliot's personality. Tyrell is his middle name and he "officially" took his wife's middle name when they got married. Elliot doesn't remember this because Tyrell was the aspect that worked in corporate, got a job, got married, had kids, that whole "American dream" and exactly what his mother wanted. Elliot was what his father wanted, or maybe the original personality (but that could be perspective bias)

I think this for a few reasons:

1). Tyrell is the only person other than Elliot that directly talks to The Mr Robot personality.

2) prison is a great place to hide someone IF you have a second name/SSN and no one really knows WHO you are... I don't think we have ever seen a picture of Tyrell in the newspapers OR in photos with his wife.

3). It's a great misdirection. Having us think Tyrell is "dead" and Elliot killed him. Maybe Elliot just "killed" that perspective. I read some reviews that Elliot is in jail for killing Tyrell, not likely, why would the newspapers and tv news shows still be asking "where is Tyrell wellick"?

4). It gives some new perspective on how Darlene and Angela react to Elliot's girlfriend in the first season. They act with disgust and rejection, but the immediate reaction makes more sense if they all think Elliot is cheating on his wife.


Alright caught up. Now I'm going to throw a theory out right now, and then read the thread to see if anyone thought of it (or if it is the prevailing theory of the net)

For the record my wife disagrees with me on this,

Tyrell wellick IS Elliot aldersson. Or more specifically Tyrell is another aspect of Elliot's personality. Tyrell is his middle name and he "officially" took his wife's middle name when they got married. Elliot doesn't remember this because Tyrell was the aspect that worked in corporate, got a job, got married, had kids, that whole "American dream" and exactly what his mother wanted. Elliot was what his father wanted, or maybe the original personality (but that could be perspective bias)

I think this for a few reasons:

1). Tyrell is the only person other than Elliot that directly talks to The Mr Robot personality.

2) prison is a great place to hide someone IF you have a second name/SSN and no one really knows WHO you are... I don't think we have ever seen a picture of Tyrell in the newspapers OR in photos with his wife.

3). It's a great misdirection. Having us think Tyrell is "dead" and Elliot killed him. Maybe Elliot just "killed" that perspective. I read some reviews that Elliot is in jail for killing Tyrell, not likely, why would the newspapers and tv news shows still be asking "where is Tyrell wellick"?

4). It gives some new perspective on how Darlene and Angela react to Elliot's girlfriend in the first season. They act with disgust and rejection, but the immediate reaction makes more sense if they all think Elliot is cheating on his wife.

Season 1 Episode 1: fast forward to around 52 minutes. Tyrell talks in a room full of people to people and Elliot does the same. How would this work?
its 100% clear that they can't be the same person in the very first episode alone.


Alright caught up. Now I'm going to throw a theory out right now, and then read the thread to see if anyone thought of it (or if it is the prevailing theory of the net)

For the record my wife disagrees with me on this,

Tyrell wellick IS Elliot aldersson.

Elliot works at Allsafe, Tyrell at ECorp. There are too many scenes which wouldn't work, never mind him holding two full time 9-5 jobs simultaneously. All of F-Society's projects took place out of office hours.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Amazing show, I like, will prob get cancelled with my luck.

Unlikely, while it may not be setting Live air records, it's being successful enough with online buzz (and iTune purchases?) to have USA renew it for a third season. I think USA knows it has an audience and will let Esmail finish the story since he already has a planned ending for it.
Never mind the fact that elliot went looking for him and bumped into his wife who would have no reason to continue the conversation as if elliot wasn't him.
Season 1 Episode 1: fast forward to around 52 minutes. Tyrell talks in a room full of people to people and Elliot does the same. How would this work?
its 100% clear that they can't be the same person in the very first episode alone.

Is that the room with the lawyers or the meeting with Ecorp and all safe covering the account?

The lawyers meeting is easy to explain, the whole thing was in Elliot's head.

If it's the Ecorp status meeting then wellick talka to Gideon and Elliot. Elliot makes sense, one personality with another. The conversation with Gideon is more insidious. We don't actually know what they are talking about, and it's started after the current Ecorp head asks about security and how the hack was handled. What if that was Elliot acting in the power hungry best interest, to put Angela down completely.

I don't see any reason why Elliot couldn't work at both. If that is the only reason then we can agree to disagree.


Tyrell is the number 1 suspect in the hack. He was a high-ranking executive at a public company. We've seen the public approaching his wife and other actors in the hacking incident.

There's no way nobody in prison would recognize him.
Elliot and Tyrell being the same people doesn't make sense.

If your argument is he can directly speak to Mr. Robot, then don't forget that almost everyone in fsociety, Darlene, etc. have come across Elliot with the Mr. Robot persona. The problem is assuming that when Christian Slater acts in a scene, that it means Elliot is going to act exactly the same way when it might not be the case. Case in point:

There's also the fact that everyone knows Tyrell Wellick exists, in which news media plastered his face over reports of being the ringleader in the 5/9 hack. Not to mention, Joanna looking for him.

If they were to be two sides of the same coin, then don't forget that would mean Elliot would have to be a vigilante hacker, cyber engineer, AND somehow scheming to be CTO of ECorp. These goals seem to fundamentally clash when you consider the amount of time required to work at each of them.


If they were to be two sides of the same coin, then don't forget that would mean Elliot would have to be a vigilante hacker, cyber engineer, AND somehow scheming to be CTO of ECorp. These goals seem to fundamentally clash when you consider the amount of time required to work at each of them.
And it would depend on literally everyone working at Allsafe and E-Corp to just take multiple personality disorder of an executive in stride. Like Gideon or Tyrell's secretary.
Really any other single reoccurring character being just in his head doesn't make sense. His father is his alter ego is for a very good reason. They tell you all you need to know in the first scene of the pilot. Elliot has crippling loneliness and social anxiety and his father was the only person he was ever able to talk to. When Elliot is going through withdrawal in that one episode, Mr Robot comforts him by telling him he'll never leave him alone. Mr Robot at his core is a coping mechanism run amok.
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