But Ninja Blade could also end up being the next mediocre below-radar Asian development-hell game like Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom. One would hope not, but I'm not getting too excited about an unknown entity just yet. Hopefully we'll know more later today.CowboyAstronaut said:Wow I totally wasn't paying attention. One of my favorites posters is now a mod
My curiosity is also running pretty wild in regards to Ninja Blade. MOSTLY because Microsoft has managed to keep the damn game a secret.... that could be a potential recipe for a megaton.
Ramirez I also thought that shot was pretty damn impressive.
pswii60 said:But Ninja Blade could also end up being the next mediocre below-radar Asian development-hell game like Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom. One would hope not, but I'm not getting too excited about an unknown entity just yet. Hopefully we'll know more later today.
sarcasm?sp0rsk said:These games have the most amazing graphics EVER.
The Innocent X said:I find lips the most intriguing, mostly because I can`t imagine what the hell it might be. Surely all voice input mechanisms have been tried. It'll either be total poo or genius.
McDragon said:sarcasm?
Ghost said:Maybe Vision Camera (to watch your lip movements) + Microphone = Enunciate Training
sp0rsk said:Flowing out my rectum like blood and shit mixed with puss and cancer.
Enunciate training? Is that how low we have sunk?
I really hope I'm amazed, but I have the feeling this could be the worst peripheral ever. Voice to text for messaging wouldn't be so bad, but not many will buy it I don't think.
Ghost said:I was only joking, but it sounds like you should probably just expect Singstar 360 and be pleasantly surprised with anything more.
sp0rsk said:Flowing out my rectum like blood and shit mixed with puss and cancer.
The Innocent X said:what has intrigued me is that it is definitely a peripheral, not a game. Surely they won`t announce just a microphone as a peripheral? 360 already accepts usb mics.
Ghost said:Really? what for?
The Innocent X said:what has intrigued me is that it is definitely a peripheral, not a game. Surely they won`t announce just a microphone as a peripheral? 360 already accepts usb mics.
Anyway, GAF is all about DE HYPE.
Rock band
Jax said:scary thing about this: headling titles:
banjo3 / viva 2 / fable 2.
interest in all 3 = pretty much non existant.
Its all about GEARS OF WAR 2 for me.
Ghost said:Welcome to the main Xbox 360 demographic. Everyone like you already has a 360 so now they need to aim at new types of people.
Rock Band includes its own microphone, I can't see why they'd do their own.The Innocent X said:Rock band
Fable 1 sold over 3 million!duckroll said:Well in this case I think they already tried it with Kameo, VP1 and Fable 1. How did that work out? :lol
pswii60 said:Rock Band includes its own microphone, I can't see why they'd do their own.
duckroll said:Well in this case I think they already tried it with Kameo, VP1 and Fable 1. How did that work out? :lol
That was kind of my point, it can't just be a mic.
Yoboman said:The breadcrumbs thing sounds stupid, and Molyneux sounds like he's building another game full of great ideas that come off as meagre in execution
Lighting is gorgeous though
You have no idea how right you are - when that came out we were like, is somebody bugging the studio?Francias Castiglione said:The fake Lego Banjo trailer seems eerily prescient now...
FirewalkR said:Btw, I always thought Viva Pinata was kind of... for kids and stuff. Is it worth a buy? I gotta read a bit about the gameplay...
FightyF said:Download the demo and try for yourself.[/FightyF the crackdealer]
They added a playable demo at a later date.FirewalkR said:I think I remember just some kind of "interactive video" demo on the marketplace... perhaps I'm mistaken. I'll give it a try.
NeXuSDK said:There's a bit of both. Besides usual racing (we tried an 8-shaped track with checkpoints) we played some sumo (get points for staying in the ring) and a moving king-of-the-hill (everybody chases the hill and tries to stay inside, while it moves along a scripted path).
Seriously. People seem desperate to downplay this for some reason. Ckecking out the GDC vids alone should give an idea how awesome it looks. Should get some newness today.oldergamer said:Fable 2 looks great. Don't let the bad photoshop editing get to you in those larger pics. It's still going to look great.
I believe that KI3 is in the works. So many people have requested as of late to turn the idea down. Rare even acknowledges it with their "pranks", jokes and fake rumors. There is a lack of good fighting games on 360 and KI is a great fighting game to fill the void. Of course this is just what I think and I'm usually full of shit.meddow said:Banjo looks great.
Loved the n64 ones.
Now all we need is KI3 plz
Ghost said:Not sure about the breadcrumbs either but he is right about mini-maps, they did kill all adventuring in RPGs, Oblivion didn't have one and I didn't miss it.
Paranoid_Robot said:I thought the main problem with Viva was that you were only limited to a certain number of pinata in your garden. I hope they up the number for it but even then I don't want to have another Viva on my gamercard (let us delete the games MS )
BenjaminBirdie said:So, I see:
I can't wait to breed fucking CAMELS in Viva Pinata. (It's the Genie Bottle House OF COURSE).
Are you talking about these?BenjaminBirdie said:I hope we get to see CAMELS!
(Oh my GOD, they'll be called CAMERELS WON'T THEY!!!!!!!!!!)
Sir Fragula said:Huh? Why not?
What?Paranoid_Robot said:For the same reason grown men feel uncomfortable waving a round a wii remote while people watch them.
WordAssassin said:Are you talking about these?
I really hate to kill your Camel boner but those are Rhinos.
Orodreth said:Over here in the desert pics: http://www.gamereactor.dk/billeder/?textid=69367&id=152687
There are scorpions to tame also
WordAssassin said:Are you talking about these?
I really hate to kill your Camel boner but those are Rhinos.
BenjaminBirdie said:Look to the right! Total self-ownageables.