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Multiconsole gaming and the reasons I'm dropping it


Blackace said:
not that's bad or anything...but you tell people that one console is better.... but yet have over 100 games that you'll never play...

Exactly. If two people say this, I wonder if it'll help him realize it. ;)


human5892 said:
I actually had a DVD player before my GC.

I see, that makes sense I guess. My DVD player went bad, but it was old and crappy anyway. No Prog Scan, or even playback of MP3, etc.
Ristamar said:
great exclusives on PS2 and XBOX (Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear, KoTOR, Halo, etc.) make their way to the PC, often in a superior form.

superior form? Metal Gear? Halo? I don't think so.

At best, it's a a VERY unstable x-factor, more likely to fuck you with dipshit control schemes and poor ATI support than deliver the kind of experience the original would.

And it won't deliver Nintendo titles either.


Next gen im not going to buy multiple consoles. I don't have the time or the energy to play games constantly so I will just stick with one system and let that be that. Going with nintendo seems pretty good to me (can't go wrong with the best gaming company in the biz) but I will wait and see.

The obvious choice for me (in terms on not missing out on anything third party wise) is to go with sony seeing how they will probably have the biggest library of games and support from my favorite dev's out (capcom, snk, sqaure enix, EA big, Konami) but nintendo's revolution is interesting.

It really all comes down to next e3... that's when I will decide... as for now i will just continue to play all these systems.

Also... if you play your ps1 more wouldnt it be smarter if you got a ps3 next gen since sony's consoles are backwards compatible?


ArcadeStickMonk said:
superior form? Metal Gear? Halo? I don't think so.

At best, it's a a VERY unstable x-factor, more likely to fuck you with dipshit control schemes and poor ATI support than deliver the kind of experience the original would.

And it won't deliver Nintendo titles either.

True, it won't deliever Nintendo titles, save for emulation which is always a generation behind at the very least.

Yeah, Halo was kinda disappointing, but it's not a total loss. I can't comment on Metal Gear Solid 1 or 2, as I never played them on the PC, but KoTOR and GTA III/VC turned out arguably better. I imagine the MGS PC ports would have to be worse considering the polish of the PS2 versions, but how much is lacking...

"Often superior" may have been a bit presumptuous, and I've editted my original statement. Regardless, as long as a port isn't a total fuck job and you have a decent PC controller or converter, you're not missing a lot unless you're extremely anal. Obviously, if you have access to a superior console version, grab that, but a slightly flawed port won't keep me from enjoying a title.

User 406

Hey, I never said I'd mastered that kind of self control yet. :p I'm trying really hard to reduce the number of games I buy from the ones I'm interested in, but I don't always succeed. I have gotten better at it of late though. Of the games I have though, I've thoroughly beaten well over 3/4 of them, so it's not like I'm just collecting games and not playing them. And rest assured, I don't consider the less popular games I enjoy to be just average filler. :p I'm sure everyone has seen me pimping Dropship repeatedly before. The game is awesome, even if nobody but me and Defensor bought it. :p

But this only serves to underscore my point.

If I'm running into a backlog of quality stuff on just one system, what's the point of spending more money and adding to my entertainment center clutter just to make that backlog bigger?

I used to have a whole bunch of systems hooked up, and even now I could afford to do so. But you know what? I just got sick of it. Most of the systems ended up collecting dust while one of them got most of the play time, and I still never had time to play everything I wanted to. Dealing with cables and switchboxes and piles of different controllers was a pain in the ass. And it was UGLY. Frankly, spending less money, having a neater setup, and still having more games to play than I can keep up with is a lot nicer.

And as I said before, it's also a vote for a one system future. ;)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
well like I said... I have them all and enjoy them all... without having huge crazy amounts of games... I have more chances to get the games I want....


Sea Manky said:
If I'm running into a backlog of quality stuff on just one system, what's the point of spending more money and adding to my entertainment center clutter just to make that backlog bigger?

So am I... But I never ever, buy consoles at launch. So those that I never got around to play get played in the gap where I buy no new games and just older games (ranging from 1 to 2 years after a generation launch).



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Drinky Crow said:
I count even more than before!

But of course you need to save money college isn't getting any cheaper...


This thread =


There's nothing wrong with variety. Maybe I'm the only one getting a hint of smugness from this thread.

User 406

Belfast said:
Maybe I'm the only one getting a hint of smugness from this thread.

I'll try to keep that in mind next time I see one of those posts where someone says, "The real winners are those of us who own all the consoles!" and a short circle jerk ensues. :X


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
When you get right down to it, though...

The real winners are those of us who own all the consoles!!


There's really more than enough content on any one of the platforms to keep anyone happy, this isn't like last gen where N64 had huge droughts and Saturn owners were forced to import. I'm a bit surprised GC & XBox have had such healthy software libraries so far to be honest, especially given PS2's strong market dominace.


It would suck if you liked sports games.

I've been playing nothing but Xbox for the longest time...and I could sell my GC and PS2 to get another Xbox, or for more games, but I know there will be one or two games that I'd like to play on either.

But I do have to say that come next gen, I'm going to wait a few years before buying Nintendo's next console, unless it comes out with a killer title on par with Mario 64. I was a fool for buying the GC on the first day. I was smart enough to avoid the PS2 until after it got a decent library...but I made the mistake with the GC.
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