Just saw this on the united kingdom subreddit, absolutely disgusting.
I'm from the South and I take offense to this. Racism is everywhere. It's fucking everywhere and it sucks. Stop blaming the South. You're being hypocritical as well, since your condemning a particular group because of where they're from.
Just saw this on the united kingdom subreddit, absolutely disgusting.
This is what will happen (except probably worse) if Trump wins.
My problem with your arguments is how does leaving the EU help solve your issue with people abusing the benefits system? How did you voting Leave help to support multiculturalism as you say? How does Cameron resigning and an even worse and racist Conservative like Boris Johnson possibly becoming PM help?Because we aren't talking about British born natives in this discussion are we? We are talking about the EU referendum and immigration, I have a problem with British citizens doing it as well, as far as I am concerned our benefits system is being abused and instead of a safety net it is used as a way for people to essentially be lazy and do nothing with their lives.
And you know who suffers? The people who genuinely need that money, the disabled and I am not taking about Jim who has a backache and can't work, I am talking about people who genuinely have no quality of life whatsoever that get told they are fit for work despite not being able to even have a shower without someone helping them or leave their home.
I am incensed with everyone doing it but the difference is I am not trying to excuse the behaviour by hiding behind skewed data on either side.
It's not comparable in terms of severity I agree but it is still wrong and harmful to label people as things they are not and in terms of the pain it causes it can be comparable, I despise racists, being put into the same group as racists based on a voting preference is hurtful and if this were not the internet would it be acceptable practice?
Labelling someone or slandering an individual can be not only harmful to their personal life but also to their professional life, although I imagine most won't see that because they aren't looking for reason or logic they are looking to inflict pain upon others because they want an outlet.
Disagreeing with others in a respectful manner is completely fine, if people were saying "I disagree with the choice they have made because I believe it is going to harm our economy or (insert reason here) but I don't believe that everyone who voted leave is a racist or bigot" then that would be completely acceptable and a mature way to deal with the situation.
Instead what we have had over numerous threads is drive by shit posts or "This is what happens with he leave camp, they are racists and bigots" "What a bunch of fucking racists" "They disgust me"
See for this thread and the individuals in the op that is an appropriate response butt it still doesn't mean it is right to label everyone under that banner and when they do that most certainly isn't ""disagreeing" that is just being petty and lacking in critical thought, it's abusive, the very fucking thing that we all claim to hate.
Just because it is a different kind of abuse does not justify it, hate is hate, no matter how you spread it, words are weapons and they should be used very carefully and only aimed towards the individuals who truly deserve it.
If that doesn't tell you all that us, the ordinary public have to do more to combat this, nothing will.
Just saw this on the united kingdom subreddit, absolutely disgusting.
This has been shared on my Facebook by a number of friends. It's infuriating how vile these people can be.
Just saw this on the united kingdom subreddit, absolutely disgusting.
Still waiting to hear at least one good thing (besides getting rid of cameron) that came out of this. It's opened up a huge divide in our country (and between us and other eu countries) and has likely left everyone worse off for it. And we've become the laughing stock of the world. Empty claims about taking our country back just aren't doing it for me.
You can apply that to all other nations in Europe. Ignorance and bigotry knows no borders.I see UK can really no longer claim they're smarter than Americans just because they have a fancy accent. You could have replaced "southern" and "Muslim" in here and I wouldn't know the difference from a US story.
Poor little kid had to experience first hand what ignorant people are like. You fought Hitler who loved blind racism and now you have some of your own. Keep it classy.
You'll be hearing about the good things soon, some of the winners are just a tad bit busy right now though, you'll have to wait.
I have provided multiple reasons in this thread alone which have been ignored, I am also not attempting to moderate any discussion I am simply stating my opinions.
This nationalism was there before today, it was called UKIP and racism was there before today, the behavior is clearly condemned by anybody with an ounce of sanity, empathy or decent moral standards and I have myself stated my disgust numerous times.
Are people simply ignoring what I am writing?
waking home, see these men laid out on the floor,thought they were drunk,took a photo, turns out they've been
battered senseless by "english man english man", a son and his dad, dads unconscious. blood everywhere. ffs.
you know what the paramedics said? they'd been lying there for at least an hour. an hour. community. big society. appalling. glad i stopped.
update: just heard from the the victims nephew that his grandad is ok, but his uncle has a "bleed on the brain" & is in a bad way. pray.
these "newspaper journalists" need to stop messaging me tbh, you drum up fear & hate daily then want to 'buy my story'? it's a no from me. x
I just can't understand the mental gymnastics supposed nonracists go through to justify supporting a platform that emboldens and empowers these types of people.
What was worth letting the racists think the majority of Britain feels the way they do? What was worth putting immigrants through this type of harassment and hate?
I have provided multiple reasons in this thread alone which have been ignored, I am also not attempting to moderate any discussion I am simply stating my opinions.
This nationalism was there before today, it was called UKIP and racism was there before today, the behavior is clearly condemned by anybody with an ounce of sanity, empathy or decent moral standards and I have myself stated my disgust numerous times.
Are people simply ignoring what I am writing?
It's almost like people act in their own self interest. Holding those people accountable for the actions of nutjobs is silly.I just can't understand the mental gymnastics supposed nonracists go through to justify supporting a platform that emboldens and empowers these types of people.
What was worth letting the racists think the majority of Britain feels the way they do? What was worth putting immigrants through this type of harassment and hate?
Remind you of anything?Fucking hell, UK. I had no idea so many people hated Poles over there.
It's at 3 million, but it should be ignored because to do otherwise would be undemocratic
Again... sarcasm
Fucking hell, UK. I had no idea so many people hated Poles over there.
Fucking hell, UK. I had no idea so many people hated Poles over there.
It's really very sad and upsetting. It's not just Poles though, they just happen to be perfectly placed as a target at the moment. Sadly a lot of simmering racism has emerged emboldened by the result.
Yeah, I know there's plenty others. But I've heard of racism against blacks, Pakistanis, and muslims obviously, it's just news to me that there's a strong current of anti-Polish racism/xenophobia as well.
Until now, the general impression I had was that people liked the Polish here.
Fucking on the money.Reading this guys Twitter
these "newspaper journalists" need to stop messaging me tbh, you drum up fear & hate daily then want to 'buy my story'? it's a no from me.
What more do you want me to say about racists? Genuinely? What more can be said that what I have already said?
I mean if you are insinuating I care more about defending leave voters than I do condemning racism then you are wrong my friend, I care about people being abused, I don't care how it's done, if I see people abusing others I call it out, the difference is, I don't have a platform to call the people in the op out in their shit do I?
I am here though now witnessing gaffers slandering people calling them racists for voting preference, that is something I can directly address.
But don't for one second believe I don't care or I care less about racism, that simply isn't the case, I simply haven't been as vociferous about it in this particular moment because I can't really condemn it more than I already have, I strive every single day to learn and educate myself about all forms of historical and modern injustices and I believe I have extensive knowledge in these areas but I am always willing to learn more and adapt my outlooks on everything and anything.
I don't work on agenda or bias, I keep my mind open to all points of view but won't keep my mind open to hatred, or abuse in any shape or form.
Disgusting. Way to ruin your country racists
Well said. Its pretty pathetic how many people are playing the racist card against Leave voters when they don't know anything about them and seem to be in the mindset of "they must be racist if they voted Leave"
It's not comparable in terms of severity I agree but it is still wrong and harmful to label people as things they are not and in terms of the pain it causes it can be comparable, I despise racists, being put into the same group as racists based on a voting preference is hurtful and if this were not the internet would it be acceptable practice?
As someone who live in Birmingham, Not British and a very sociable guy, I have started becoming wary of anyone British when I go ou to clubs/gigs and I am very disappointing because the reason why I chose Birmingham, was for it Multicultural diversity.
Minorities are being harassed and attacked, and you're worried about your own persecution for voting supporting anti-immigration rhetoric and lies?
I'm crying.
No, we're in the mindset of whatever you were seeking with that vote was worth voting with racists, and empowering them nationwide and worldwide. These guys were strictly speaking your allies.Well said. Its pretty pathetic how many people are playing the racist card against Leave voters when they don't know anything about them and seem to be in the mindset of "they must be racist if they voted Leave"
Well said. Its pretty pathetic how many people are playing the racist card against Leave voters when they don't know anything about them and seem to be in the mindset of "they must be racist if they voted Leave"
When you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
You were not born alligned with racist shitbags, you, and everyone like you, chose to align yourself with a campaign that made no secret of being built upon racism and xenophobia.
You deserve to be labled as such no less than Republicans on this side of the Atlantic who spew the same "bu-bu-but I'M not racist. I just vote for a party of racists" bullshit. You're a part of the problem, no matter your "intentions." You don't like it? Fucking tough. No one gives a shit. You are in no way, shape, or form comparable to an oppressed minority because of it and it takes a shocking amount of narcissism to think you can make that claim.
Was in Harbourne earlier today and I know I got some looks, first time I felt wary since 2003.
Actually shaved my beard to not attract attention.