The problem is as follows being in the EU means anyone from any EU country has the right to come and work in the UK - but there are tough restrictions on immigration from the rest of the world, including Commonwealth nations such as India, Pakistan and a number of Caribbean nations. Leaving the EU gives us back control of our borders and allow us to introduce a fair immigration policy.
This is what this is about in terms of immigration, a fair policy one that doesn't encourage free movement of people who don't even contribute to our economy or our culture and instead choose to segregate themselves and simply send money back home out of our economy without working a damn hour for it.
You may not find that to be an issue but I do and yes, it's only a small minority doing it but nonetheless it's still relevant and still needs to be dealt with and being a part of the EU makes that impossible.
With a better system in place, we can have better skilled foreign workers and a better system that encourages multiculturalism without allowing a small minority of abusers to ruin it for everyone else.
My grandad was an immigrant and he came to the UK, fought in both world wars for this country and worked his arse off until he died, I have literally zero respect for people who have no intention of doing the same and the system the EU has in place alongside out overly generous benefits system encourages it.
Whilst you might want to shut down conversation about this and live in ignorance that's your choice but it's a real issue, I am not saying it is the ultimate issue and even a huge one but it's an issue that needs resolving nonetheless, you seem to be outright dismissing that this is happening which tells me you clearly haven't experienced this happening or have turned a blind eye to it?
Immigration is a positive for this country and thankfully the majority of people who move here are hard workers and bring unique skill sets which helps the country to thrive but unfortunately the system that is in place with the EU is just irresponsible.
The United States has the exact same freedom of movement for US citizens between all 50 states and extended territories despite cultural and economic differences. Its been tried before. It works.