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Multiple game sequels in one generation: Yay or Nay?

Wellington said:
While I will agree with you that the level designs were overall better in R&C than in R&C2, I think you're way off base on your judgement of R&C2. The game was an extremely refined form of the original. It introduced a couple of new genres to the series, let alone gameplay elements. :(

I found a lot of the new additions let the team down. The space combat was alright, the handgliding was mercifully short, the giant Clank battles...well, I'm offended that they actually left those in there.

Then a lot of it is there attitude to level design. Two things that annoyed me where the slingshot and that item that triggered switched and stuff. There use is so restricted, you can only use them when the level design dictates that you can, so then you have to fiddle around in menus or use up a limited quick-select slot, when really they could have just cut out the middle man. To me it's like commitee says 'we need a new gagdet' and it gets put in there to make up numbers, without considering whether it benefits the game.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4, MGS 2 and MGS 3, GT3 and GT4, Z.O.E. 1 and Z.O.E. 2, Dark Cloud 1 and Dark Cloud 2, Spider-man 2: The movie ( I never played the first one that much and I think the second one does a giant leap over it, it looks stunningly cool ), Jak & Daxter 1-3, Halo 1 and Halo 2, Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2 and XI, etc... ( I cannot name them all :) ) take this answer as a Yes :).
I don't mind if a game has 2 sequels in the series per Generation. The only way I think 3 games in a series per generation is acceptable is if they are vastly imoproved or different in some way, an example of this is the Panzer Dragoon series on the Saturn. Panzer Dragoon Zwie was superior to the original, and Panzer Dragoon Saga was a different genere. The two N64 Zeldas are alos a perfect example of doing sequels correct. I get tired of companies releaing a game for the 3rd time and not really improving or adding truly inspiring game play. I do want them to release sequels, just not tons of them per generation.


Die Squirrel Die said:
I found a lot of the new additions let the team down. The space combat was alright, the handgliding was mercifully short, the giant Clank battles...well, I'm offended that they actually left those in there.

Then a lot of it is there attitude to level design. Two things that annoyed me where the slingshot and that item that triggered switched and stuff. There use is so restricted, you can only use them when the level design dictates that you can, so then you have to fiddle around in menus or use up a limited quick-select slot, when really they could have just cut out the middle man. To me it's like commitee says 'we need a new gagdet' and it gets put in there to make up numbers, without considering whether it benefits the game.

I agree with the latter part of your post. It would really open up the game to be able to use a lot of the gadgets in an open ended fashion. But I'm of the mind that the good far far outweighed the bad. I'm hoping we see more of the open ended levels like the desert and the ice world in R&C3.


I can't stand yearly updates, and refuse to buy them. They feel more like expanisons to me, and shouldn't be full price. Sequels shouldn't come out very often that way the fans don't get burned out of them and the developers can take their time to really create something special. Instead they just rush in and slap something together, which becomes more of the same. The problem is if people keep buying it, developers will keep on making cash cow milk jobs.


Wellington said:
I agree with the latter part of your post. It would really open up the game to be able to use a lot of the gadgets in an open ended fashion. But I'm of the mind that the good far far outweighed the bad. I'm hoping we see more of the open ended levels like the desert and the ice world in R&C3.

I don't. Not for a necessary level anyway, just a place where you can go to dick around with your new weapons and level up while getting cash.

Ranger X

Actually i think that too many sequels can help spoil the industry and devellop lazyness even more on the developer's side. 2 sequels per generation is the big fat limit i guess. And those better be refreshing and really offering something new.
(no i'm not forgetting old games, Megaman, etc.... i think it was wrong to do so many sequels even in that time)

Episodic gaming, i wish it will never come true. Even at 25$ for 1 out 4 episodes you would pay alot more money than if the game was release in one shot.


I don't know why people think sequels are something new to this generation either, it's been done for a long time and it's not going anywhere.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
It depends on the series now doesn't it?

For Nintendo (or any other company with characters and franchises who are just as old), they should just have 1 Mario, Zelda, FZero, Starfox, Smash Bros, WaveRace, Mario Kart etc, etc, etc per gen. This will prevent the series from getting stale.

For the newer stuff I don't mind multiple sequels in a generation -- because it's still new. But it should slow down after it's debut gen is over with so that new stuff can be focused on.


Running off of Custom Firmware
To answer the question posed in the thread topic.

Yes, just not one a fucking year.
I would dearly welcome games that are not sequels, but, as the costs rise and with a sour econonmy, most are afraid to spend money on anything else.

Ico and Sky Odyssey were such a breath of fresh air this generation, as was the original Super Monkey Ball and Viewtiful Joe.

Nevertheless, the games I espect to play this summer are Front mission 4, Tales of Symphonia, and Star Ocean 3. Grandia Extreme is just about the only sequal to a series I like that I have passed up in some time, and that is just because it is so different.

So give me Nico and Sky Odyssey 2!
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