Dusk Golem
A 21st Century Rockefeller
So, who's gonna patch the game if it has a game breaking bug or if is unoptimized on PC?
One would hope Square Enix, but who's to say? Maybe a ghost?
So, who's gonna patch the game if it has a game breaking bug or if is unoptimized on PC?
This might've found some success if it were a $20-30 digital title. They're sending it to die at $60.
Thanx for the impressions Dusk Golem
I will wait for reviews, and then that will determine how cheap i'll buy the game. If the reviews are bad, i'll just pass altogether. I'm definitely not getting this above a 30 dollar price tag, for sure.
Releasing the week before E3? Hrmm...
That being said, I'm totally on board to play this and I will eventually. Right after I play Ghost Trick
I'll never play Ghost Trick but I'll play this
I need get this at some point just for the big twist they teased.
The pun wouldn't work if it were plural.
I've got this pre-ordered, the developers of Quantum Conundrum are involved so i'm hoping for something good.
I hope its just the video or something on my end, but the video (PS4) stutters like crazy.been watching TheRadBrad play this, it looks interesting but its probably something i would just rent for the weekend.
Makes me think of Geist + LA Noire.
Ill probably check it out down the road.
You play as a ghost? I predict a lot of clipping.
Most likely this -
This game doesn't stand a ghost of a chance when it comes to sales. Nyuck nyuck nyuck.
Too bad, with more marketing it could have built up some good hype to capitalize on nothing else aside from watch dogs being out in the summer for ps4/xb1.
I'm one of those people who will buy it in three months for like $30. Not enough moneys for a new game right now.
Most likely this -
The game reminded me a good deal of the film, The Frighteners, from the bit I've played.