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My fucking nutjob neighbor


OP, you need to commit to a plan: getting out of where you live, or going HAM at these bitches. There’s no reasonable in between. Either you fuck these people’s shit up (like responding to the landlord in kind and taking my previous suggestion to sabotage the vehicle) or you just leave.

No half measures, Walter.


Neighbours from Hell
This is such a bizarre situation. OP, you told how you talked to his landlord. Did you speak to your own as well? Because your landlord will probably not be happy to hear how his property is being diminished in value because of such an annoying neighbour. Assuming that you have a landlord, of course.

Other than that... damn. I read the thread back in october, but I still cannot quite understand. For instance, what would happen if you walked over to your neighbour and straight out asked: "Could you please turn off the engine? It's annoying me." If he answered No, ask him to state his reasoning for why he thinks to have the right to be an annoying prick constantly.

I live in a small house next to a smallapartment building. The apartment only has like 5-7 tenants. It's a weird setup, I know, but it's common around here, mini apartment buildings on residential streets. So I have no landlord.

I asked him before. I spoke to him once or twice and left a letter. And I was super polite both times. Way more than others would be. I asked I didn't demand. The first time I asked was a couple years ago when he had an even more annoying car. That one was not only as loud as this, but it had this super high pitched squealing it would make that would penetrate your bones. It gave me literal migraines. He'd let it run even longer back then. That car 1 hours was routine, not only sometimes like it is now, and 2 hours was sometimes. So I went out and asked him and he said "I need to let it run or the engine will crack." And that was it.

I did speak to him a second time much earlier this year like April or May and the car was running for well over an hour, and I went out and he said "Sorry man, I just forgot" and he turned it off and went back inside. Like.. what does that even mean? Normal people turn a car on and you know... drive it. How do you turn a car on and forget you were gonna use it? But that's what he said. After that I just tried to ignore it, while being awakened and annoyed literally every single day and then Thanksgiving I had my breaking point, because I was up late with friends and family, and I was in pain, didn't fall to sleep until 5 am and he wakes me up at 7 and had his car run until 8:20. So the next night I wrote a letter, very polite, and ASKED not demanded him to not let it run more than 5 minutes if that's ok and said I don't understand why he has it run for over an hour, if he can explain it to me I'd love to speak to him. Nothing.

And then a couple days ago, he let it run 3 seperate times for an 45 minutes each between 7 and 9. Only one of the times he used it, the other two he came back out and turned it off.

But "I'm harassing him" and what he's doing is perfectly normal. I asked on a car forum a couple years back when this all started if this was normal and said hey if I'm in the wrong please call me an idiot and tell me I know nothing about cars and this is totally necessary. To a man, every single reply said the neighbor wasn't making any sense and there's no reason... none... to let a car run that long everyday. Some dude who lived in Alaska replied and said he lets his run only a couple times a week for like 5-10 minutes and their winters are WAY more brutal.
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I really don’t like the people saying to escalate to violence.

there has to be a solution.
Also why are you home all the time?


Neighbours from Hell
I really don’t like the people saying to escalate to violence.

there has to be a solution.
Also why are you home all the time?

Because of my illness, it has gotten really bad and I recently had to go on disability. Right now I'm living off that and my savings. I have some surgeries coming up in the New Year that I hope can get me better, but it's no guarantee. In the mean time, when I'm in constant pain, at least I'd like to enjoy some peace in my own home. :messenger_unamused:


I live in a small house next to a smallapartment building. The apartment only has like 5-7 tenants. It's a weird setup, I know, but it's common around here, mini apartment buildings on residential streets. So I have no landlord.

I asked him before. I spoke to him once or twice and left a letter. And I was super polite both times. Way more than others would be. I asked I didn't demand. The first time I asked was a couple years ago when he had an even more annoying car. That one was not only as loud as this, but it had this super high pitched squealing it would make that would penetrate your bones. It gave me literal migraines. He'd let it run even longer back then. That car 1 hours was routine, not only sometimes like it is now, and 2 hours was sometimes. So I went out and asked him and he said "I need to let it run or the engine will crack." And that was it.

I did speak to him a second time much earlier this year like April or May and the car was running for well over an hour, and I went out and he said "Sorry man, I just forgot" and he turned it off and went back inside. Like.. what does that even mean? Normal people turn a car on and you know... drive it. How do you turn a car on and forget you were gonna use it? But that's what he said. After that I just tried to ignore it, while being awakened and annoyed literally every single day and then Thanksgiving I had my breaking point, because I was up late with friends and family, and I was in pain, didn't fall to sleep until 5 am and he wakes me up at 7 and had his car run until 8:20. So the next night I wrote a letter, very polite, and ASKED not demanded him to not let it run more than 5 minutes if that's ok and said I don't understand why he has it run for over an hour, if he can explain it to me I'd love to speak to him. Nothing.

And then a couple days ago, he let it run 3 seperate times for an 45 minutes each between 7 and 9. Only one of the times he used it, the other two he came back out and turned it off.

But "I'm harassing him" and what he's doing is perfectly normal. I asked on a car forum a couple years back when this all started if this was normal and said hey if I'm in the wrong please call me an idiot and tell me I know nothing about cars and this is totally necessary. To a man, every single reply said the neighbor wasn't making any sense and there's no reason... none... to let a car run that long everyday. Some dude who lived in Alaska replied and said he lets his run only a couple times a week for like 5-10 minutes and their winters are WAY more brutal.

The dude is straight up wearing out his car engine. It’s got at least bring you a little bit of twisted joy that he’s ruining his cars this way and wasting gas.

Have you ever thought about paying someone a couple hundred dollars to steal his car when he leaves it running and leave it in a parking lot a few miles outside town still running?


Because of my illness, it has gotten really bad and I recently had to go on disability. Right now I'm living off that and my savings. I have some surgeries coming up in the New Year that I hope can get me better, but it's no guarantee. In the mean time, when I'm in constant pain, at least I'd like to enjoy some peace in my own home. :messenger_unamused:
Noice canceling headphones?

also at least in some states there is a no idle law. Usually for cold weather and saving The climate type shut.
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Neo Member
If you don't want to monitor and report him for potential welfare fraud or give an anonymous tip on drugs you could just setup a web cam and give gps coordinates. Post it on a local board and eventually someone will notice his habits and plan to steal his car.


Neighbours from Hell
The dude is straight up wearing out his car engine. It’s got at least bring you a little bit of twisted joy that he’s ruining his cars this way and wasting gas.

Have you ever thought about paying someone a couple hundred dollars to steal his car when he leaves it running and leave it in a parking lot a few miles outside town still running?

A friend of mine offered. Well not him, he lives in the hood and he knows people who'd do it as a favor to him for free, but I told him no, I just don't wanna get in any legal trouble right now, and he'd know I was behind it for sure. Then there'd be a whole thing of retaliation.

Noice canceling headphones?

also at least in some states there is a no idle law. Usually for cold weather and saving The climate type shut.

Currently looking into that now, actually. Not sure how comfy it'd be to sleep with them though.


Have you thought about just straight up telling him what an idiot he is? Sometimes people just don't know how dumb they are.


Have any lawyer friends? Maybe make up some sort of fake notice or something and tell him you spoke to a lawyer and if he doesn't stop he is going to get sued for damages. Show him the fake paper but make sure it looks damn official. Sounds like the guy is a bit of a dummy so he might just fall for it.

Tell him you have tried to be nice but you can't let this continue and you spoke to a lawyer and if he continues to run his car that he will be served with notice and require to pay you "damages" in the 10's of thousands of dollars. Hope he doesn't call your bluff and see what happens.


Neighbours from Hell
Have any lawyer friends? Maybe make up some sort of fake notice or something and tell him you spoke to a lawyer and if he doesn't stop he is going to get sued for damages. Show him the fake paper but make sure it looks damn official. Sounds like the guy is a bit of a dummy so he might just fall for it.

Tell him you have tried to be nice but you can't let this continue and you spoke to a lawyer and if he continues to run his car that he will be served with notice and require to pay you "damages" in the 10's of thousands of dollars. Hope he doesn't call your bluff and see what happens.

Good idea, I have a friend who is a lawyer, but haven't spoken to him in years. I might reach out see what he says.


Good idea, I have a friend who is a lawyer, but haven't spoken to him in years. I might reach out see what he says.

You might even be able to actual take him to court. I am sure you could make up sort of damages that he is costing you, especially since you mentioned you are on disability and out of a job. It doesn't really need to stand up in court, just sound serious enough that it might scare him off.

I am sure you could file a BS small claims court BS lawsuit and try and scare him off. Just double check if there are any costs with filing a case that you would drop or anything like that. But people sue other people for stupid shit all the time and this guy sounds like a fool so you never know.


Beat him up or move.
Sounds like beat him up is not a viable option for you, but if this really been going on for 3 years it’s time to bail on this neighborhood.


Neighbours from Hell
You might even be able to actual take him to court. I am sure you could make up sort of damages that he is costing you, especially since you mentioned you are on disability and out of a job. It doesn't really need to stand up in court, just sound serious enough that it might scare him off.

I am sure you could file a BS small claims court BS lawsuit and try and scare him off. Just double check if there are any costs with filing a case that you would drop or anything like that. But people sue other people for stupid shit all the time and this guy sounds like a fool so you never know.
That’s what fucking baffles me. All this dude has to do is not be completely moronic and not let his car run like he does. If he even did it for only 5 minutes I’d be cool with it. But he does this in the summer as well when it’s hot out it isn’t only the winter it’s year round. But for some insane reason, he’s so dead set on letting his car run for so damn long that he’s keeping this thing going.

Like, I don’t know, it seems like such a small sacrifice to make. It’s not like I’m asking him to park his car around the block or build a garage to keep it in so it bottles up the noise. Just... don’t let your car run and don’t rev your engine like a mad man. But he can’t or won’t do it. And to his credit I don’t think he’s trying to be a dick, I think he thinks it’s necessary for maintaining his car.

It’s such a small thing to do to be a good neighbor, but he can’t and won’t do it. In my life I’ve done way more for neighbors than that. I had a neighbor that asked me to cut a small tree because he felt like if a storm flattened it, it would fall on his yard. And I did it to be a good neighbor. Neighbors make sacrifices for others that’s part of being in a community. I guess asking him not to let his fucking car run is too much to ask.

But because of that, you’re right. Now I need to consider fucking lawsuits, or at least threats of one, which I don’t want to do because it’s such a ridiculous thing it shouldn’t need to go there.


Such a fascinating thread. Sorry you have to go through this OP but at least know that hundreds/thousands of thread viewers are having their innate morbid curiosity satisfied.


Why doesn't op just tell his neighbour what the problem is?
Just come up with some bullshit like you work nights or something...
Just man up ffs.


My prediction is that he went out there with a baseball bat and smashed the dude's car up. OP is now in a cell, hence not updated the thread.


Neighbours from Hell
Sorry guys, I didn’t have an update and still really don’t, but this is what his car sounds like now. He did something to the engine and it sounds like there’s a Gatling gun on it whenever it runs. I deal with this every single day. Everyday. In the morning and night. Just listen to it. 😂😩 So basically I deal with that, every single day for 30-60 minute chunks several times a day.

And the landlord said I’m the one being harassing by asking him twice to get this shit taken care of. 😒

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Neo Member
Holy shit, just watched the videos, that's loud af truly.
As many already implied file a public disorder/disturbance of peace complaint, if possible together with the neighbours.
Especially if you've already tried to solve it on a personal level several times.
Inform him in advance about this 'tho, so he'll be sure to get the message and has a chance to react before he gets hit with the hammer.


Neighbours from Hell
Holy shit, just watched the videos, that's loud af truly.
As many already implied file a public disorder/disturbance of peace complaint, if possible together with the neighbours.
Especially if you've already tried to solve it on a personal level several times.
Inform him in advance about this 'tho, so he'll be sure to get the message and has a chance to react before he gets hit with the hammer.

The video doesn't even capture how loud it is, it's truly ridiculous. I've been talking to people seeing what legal steps I could take, everyone told me it's really tricky and hard to get anything to come out of it in a major city. If it was loud music I'd have a better chance, but a car engine... it's tougher. Some neighbors told me they hear it, but since it's not next door it isn't as loud to them as it is me. Honestly, I'd be putting more time with it if I didn't have so much going on personally that's already draining my energy and time. I just don't have the fucking energy right now as insanely annoying as it is. But according to the landlord I'm racist because he's black and "who gives a shit if the guy let's his car run, what do you want me to fucking do about it???" I'm just compiling video evidence of how loud it is in the mean time.

Karma Jawa

Having a feud with my neighbour, and I’m a petty fucker. Started off with him putting rubbish in my bin. I’d only just moved in so has lots of crap to get rid of.

I emptied his stuff, and because my electricity source is external he switched my power off. Then he stole my recycling bin after trying to dump a fucking toilet in my bin.

Since then I’ve just upped the ante. Chucked his bins several miles away. Switch off his electricity at every opportunity. I’m a petty and bitter bastard really, and I’m not proud.

He’s a nasty little shit, and in effect I’ve been training him to understand consequences. It looks like he’s understood the situation.

Your neighbour sounds like an utter prick. If it were me I’d speak to him first (which it sounds like you’ve done), then just play loud music when you know he’s trying to sleep.

You need to do something about it as I guarantee it will drive you mad.

Cutty Flam

My advice is to jst one day go out there and chat with him. See what makes him tick. Ask him what he's up to with his car, why he's doing all this. Ask him questions about his check up with the car's engine. He could just be a super mechanic who loves this type of stuff, dealing with cars and all

Have a friendly neighbor chat, offer him some coffee or a beer and just see how he's doing, ask about his car and what he's trying to fix or check maybe. At least then you'll know


tell the cunt that he only needs to go for a drive once mid week, for 20 minutes, to keep the battery charge, if he only drives weekends


Do you think your local news might cover something like this? Sounds really dumb but local video news (and even more so local papers) have covered stuff like this before. Imagine a reporter trying to get your neighbor to talk. lol!

Or maybe start a neighborhood watch that can include stuff like noise control. Again, a lot of work but might give you some more legal grounds to work with and it will give you legitimacy with your other neighbors.
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Sorry guys, I didn’t have an update and still really don’t, but this is what his car sounds like now. He did something to the engine and it sounds like there’s a Gatling gun on it whenever it runs. I deal with this every single day. Everyday. In the morning and night. Just listen to it. 😂😩 So basically I deal with that, every single day for 30-60 minute chunks several times a day.

And the landlord said I’m the one being harassing by asking him twice to get this shit taken care of. 😒

Link just takes me to random websites.


Neighbours from Hell
My advice is to jst one day go out there and chat with him. See what makes him tick. Ask him what he's up to with his car, why he's doing all this. Ask him questions about his check up with the car's engine. He could just be a super mechanic who loves this type of stuff, dealing with cars and all

Have a friendly neighbor chat, offer him some coffee or a beer and just see how he's doing, ask about his car and what he's trying to fix or check maybe. At least then you'll know
I did and he reported me to his landlord for harassment. And I was super nice too. The guy clearly is a dumbass. I mean this same dude used to blast music will full bass at an insane volume a few years back it was the loudest thing I ever heard in my life it knocked stuff off the walls it sounded like bombs were dropping on the roof. It took multiple neighbors complaining to him to finally cut that out and even then he had an attitude about it.

He clearly has no grasp of what’s annoying and thinks he’s being targeted because he’s black. Once he gets in that mindset there’s gonna be no compromise from him. If he reported me to his landlord for racial harassment when I’ve spoken to him like twice in a 2 year span and both times really nicely and I even asked(didn’t demand) he stop, then there’s nothing more I can do.

As for the noise cancelling headphones, I bought better earplugs and I’m gonna try those, I’m not gonna invest in earphones unless I know they work, especially since I’m a side sleeper and I think sleeping on the side with those would be super uncomfortable, I’d have to convert to a back sleeper and that’s the only position I could never sleep in.
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Golden Boy
Sorry guys, I didn’t have an update and still really don’t, but this is what his car sounds like now. He did something to the engine and it sounds like there’s a Gatling gun on it whenever it runs. I deal with this every single day. Everyday. In the morning and night. Just listen to it. 😂😩 So basically I deal with that, every single day for 30-60 minute chunks several times a day.

And the landlord said I’m the one being harassing by asking him twice to get this shit taken care of. 😒

And people wonder why sometimes someone freaks out and does something drastic.


Unconfirmed Member
So you're unhappy with the neighbor, you're renting and the land lord basically told you to pound salt when you brought it up.
So my question is why haven't you found a new place and booked a date for a Uhaul truck rental?
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OP, here's an idea:

  1. Go to an internet cafe
  2. Make a new email address not associated with you in any way
  3. Sign up for a new Craigslist account with that email
  4. Post a simple post - "Need to get rid of car ASAP, my landlord FREAKED" - "I need to get rid of this car asap, landlord complained it's to loud and threatned me with eviction. It needs a lot of work but it ran the last time i fired it up. I'll try to start it tomorow morning and leave the keys in it. First come first served good luck!" (the misspellings and poor grammar in general are necessary to make it look like a believable Craigslist ad)
  5. ???
  6. Problem solved


Neighbours from Hell
So you're unhappy with the neighbor, you're renting and the land lord basically told you to pound salt when you brought it up.
So my question is why haven't you found a new place and booked a date for a Uhaul truck rental?
I’m not renting. He is. I live in a house, he lives in an apartment. It’s his landlord. Not mine.
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Gold Member
Being nice is not getting you anywhere. You need to confront him and be a fucking asshole about it. Threaten to get the cops and a lawyer involved.


I dunno man. You've tried everything else. The landlord doesn't care. The city doesn't care. The dude doesn't care. Only thing left is to show up at his place with a bottle of whiskey and say "hey dude. We're both home all day long, losing our minds or whatever. Truce, let's start over." Then the two of you just get drunk as hell. Maybe he'll give you a spin in his car (hopefully not immediately after drinking)


°Temp. member
Sorry to hear this is still going on for you... my annoying neighbors finally moved away after 6 months. Are you sure you don't want to consider moving at this point? Life is short.


Unconfirmed Member
I’m not renting. He is. I live in a house, he lives in an apartment. It’s his landlord. Not mine.
OK I must have misread something. Do you like your house and neighborhood so much that you just wouldn't consider moving or are you being stubborn?
Cause I'd just put the house up for sale if I were in that situation.
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